Überprüfen Sie den Betrieb

Überprüfen Sie den Betrieb

Verify operation of the Database service.


Perform these commands on the node where you installed trove.

  1. Sourcen Sie die Anmeldeinformationen des Mandanten admin:

    $ source admin-openrc.sh
  2. Run the trove list command. You should see output similar to this:

    $ trove list
    | id | name | datastore | datastore_version | status | flavor_id | size |
  3. Add a datastore to trove:

    • Create a trove image.

      Create an image for the type of database you want to use, for example, MySQL, MongoDB, Cassandra.

      This image must have the trove guest agent installed.

    • Upload the image to glance. Example:

      $ glance image-create --name "mysqlTest" --disk-format qcow2 \
        --container-format bare \
        --file mysql-5.6.qcow2
      | Property         | Value                                |
      | checksum         | 51a8e6e5ff10b08f2c2ec2953f0a8086     |
      | container_format | bare                                 |
      | created_at       | 2016-04-08T15:15:41Z                 |
      | disk_format      | qcow2                                |
      | id               | 5caa76dd-f44b-4d01-a3b4-a111e27896be |
      | min_disk         | 0                                    |
      | min_ram          | 0                                    |
      | name             | mysqlTest                            |
      | owner            | 0c0bd5e850c24893b48c4cc01e2a7986     |
      | protected        | False                                |
      | size             | 533790720                            |
      | status           | active                               |
      | tags             | []                                   |
      | updated_at       | 2016-04-08T15:15:51Z                 |
      | virtual_size     | None                                 |
      | visibility       | private                              |
    • Create a datastore. You need to create a separate datastore for each type of database you want to use, for example, MySQL, MongoDB, Cassandra. This example shows you how to create a datastore for a MySQL database:

      # su -s /bin/sh -c "trove-manage \
        --config-file /etc/trove/trove.conf \
        datastore_update mysql ''" trove
      Datastore 'mysql' updated.
  4. Update the datastore to use the new image.

    This example shows you how to update a MySQL 5.6 datastore:

    # su -s /bin/sh -c "trove-manage --config-file /etc/trove/trove.conf \
      datastore_version_update \
      mysql mysql-5.6 mysql glance_image_ID '' 1" trove
    Datastore version 'mysql-5.6' updated.
  5. Create a database instance.

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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.