Controller node

Controller node

Perform these steps on the controller node.

Install and configure components

  1. Install the packages:

    # yum install chrony
  1. Edit the /etc/chrony.conf file and add, change, or remove the following keys as necessary for your environment:

    server NTP_SERVER iburst

    Replace NTP_SERVER with the hostname or IP address of a suitable more accurate (lower stratum) NTP server. The configuration supports multiple server keys.


    By default, the controller node synchronizes the time via a pool of public servers. However, you can optionally configure alternative servers such as those provided by your organization.

  2. To enable other nodes to connect to the chrony daemon on the controller, add the following key to the /etc/chrony.conf file:


    If necessary, replace with a description of your subnet.

  3. Start the NTP service and configure it to start when the system boots:

    # systemctl enable chronyd.service
    # systemctl start chronyd.service
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