.. meta:: :robots: noindex, nofollow .. _content: ====================================== Welcome to Murano Documentation (BETA) ====================================== **Murano** is an open source OpenStack project that combines an application catalog with versatile tooling to simplify and accelerate packaging and deployment. It can be used with almost any application and service in OpenStack. This documentation guides application developers through the process of composing an application package to get it ready for uploading to Murano. Besides the deployment rules and requirements, it contains information on how to manage images, categories, and repositories using the murano client that will surely be helpful for cloud administrators. It also explains to end users how they can use the catalog directly from the dashboard. These include guidance on how to manage applications and environments. And of course, it provides information on how to contribute to the project. Introduction to Murano ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 intro/key_features intro/target_users intro/architecture intro/use_cases Using Murano ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This guide provides murano end users with information on how they can use the Application Catalog directly from the Dashboard and through the command-line interface (CLI). The screenshots provided in this guide are of the Liberty release. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 enduser-guide/quickstart enduser-guide/manage_environments enduser-guide/manage_applications enduser-guide/log_in_to_murano_instance enduser-guide/use_cli enduser-guide/deploying_using_cli Deploying Murano ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 admin-guide/deploy_murano admin-guide/prepare_lab admin-guide/installation admin-guide/manage_packages admin-guide/manage_images admin-guide/manage_categories admin-guide/murano_repository admin-guide/murano_agent admin-guide/policy_enf admin-guide/configure_cloud_foundry_service_broker admin-guide/using_glare.rst admin-guide/admin_troubleshooting Developing Applications ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 appdev-guide/step_by_step appdev-guide/exec_plan appdev-guide/hot_packages appdev-guide/murano_pl appdev-guide/murano_packages appdev-guide/app_migrating appdev-guide/app_unit_tests appdev-guide/examples appdev-guide/use_cases appdev-guide/faq Contributing ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 contributor-guide/how_to_contribute contributor-guide/dev_guidelines contributor-guide/plugins contributor-guide/deploy_local_dev_env contributor-guide/testing contributor-guide/doc_guidelines Appendix ~~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 appendix/glossary appendix/murano_concepts appendix/tutorials appendix/rest_api_spec appendix/cli_ref