============================== Integrate murano with DevStack ============================== You can install murano with DevStack. The `murano/devstack`_ directory in the murano repository contains the files necessary to integrate murano with `DevStack`_. To install the development version of an OpenStack environment with murano, proceed with the following steps: #. Download DevStack: .. code-block:: console git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack-dev/devstack cd devstack #. Edit ``local.conf`` to enable murano DevStack plug-in: .. code-block:: console > cat local.conf [[local|localrc]] enable_plugin murano https://git.openstack.org/openstack/murano #. If you want to enable Murano Cloud Foundry Broker API service, add the following line to ``local.conf``: .. code-block:: ini enable_service murano-cfapi #. If you want to use Glare Artifact Repository as a strorage for packages, add the following line to ``local.conf``: .. code-block:: ini enable_service g-glare For more information on how to use Glare Artifact Repository, see :ref:`glare_usage`. #. (Optional) To import murano packages when DevStack is up, define an ordered list of FQDN packages in ``local.conf``. Verify that you list all package dependencies. These packages will be imported from the ``murano-apps`` git repository by default. For example: .. code-block:: ini MURANO_APPS=com.example.apache.Tomcat,com.example.Guacamole To configure the git repository that will be used as the source for the imported packages, configure the ``MURANO_APPS_REPO`` and ``MURANO_APPS_BRANCH`` variables. #. Run DevStack: .. code-block:: console ./stack.sh **Result:** Murano has installed with DevStack. .. Links .. _DevStack: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/devstack/ .. _murano/devstack: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/murano/tree/devstack