Murano Policies

Murano only uses 2 roles for policy enforcement. Murano allows access by default and uses the admin role for any action that involves accessing data across multiple projects in the cloud.


User is non-admin to all APIs.


User is admin to all APIs.

Sample File Generation

To generate a sample policy.yaml file from the Murano defaults, run the oslo policy generation script:

oslopolicy-sample-generator \
--config-file etc/oslo-policy-generator/murano-policy-generator.conf \
--output-file policy.yaml.sample

or using tox:

tox -egenpolicy


In previous OpenStack releases the default policy format was JSON, but now the recommended format is YAML.

Merged File Generation

This will output a policy file which includes all registered policy defaults and all policies configured with a policy file. This file shows the effective policy in use by the project:

oslopolicy-sample-generator \
--config-file etc/oslo-policy-generator/murano-policy-generator.conf

List Redundant Configurations

This will output a list of matches for policy rules that are defined in a configuration file where the rule does not differ from a registered default rule. These are rules that can be removed from the policy file with no change in effective policy:

oslopolicy-list-redundant \
--config-file etc/oslo-policy-generator/murano-policy-generator.conf

Policy configuration

Like each service in OpenStack, Murano has its own role-based access policies that determine who can access objects and under what circumstances. The default implementation for these policies is defined in the service’s source code – under murano.common.policies. The default policy definitions can be overridden using the policy.yaml file.

On each API call the corresponding policy check is performed. policy.yaml file can be changed without interrupting the API service.

For detailed information on policy.yaml syntax, please refer to the OpenStack official documentation

With this file you can set who may upload packages and perform other operations.

So, changing "upload_package": "rule:default" to "rule:admin_api" will forbid regular users from uploading packages.

For reference:

  • "get_package" is checked whenever a user accesses a package from the catalog. default: anyone

  • "upload_package" is checked whenever a user uploads a package to the catalog. default: anyone

  • "modify_package" is checked whenever a user modifies a package in the catalog. default: anyone

  • "publicize_package" is checked whenever a user is trying to make a murano package public (both when creating a new package or modifying an existing one). default: admin users

  • "manage_public_package" is checked whenever a user attempts to modify parameters of a public package. default: admin users

  • "delete_package" is checked whenever a user attempts to delete a package from the catalog. default: anyone

  • "download_package" is checked whenever a user attempts to download a package from the catalog. default: anyone

  • "list_environments_all_tenants" is checked whenever a request to list environments of all tenants is made. default: admin users

  • "execute_action" is checked whenever a user attempts to execute an action on deployment environments. default: anyone


The package upload wizard in Murano dashboard consists of several steps: The “upload_package” policy is enforced during the first step while “modify_package” is enforced during the second step. Package parameters are modified during package upload. So, please modify both policy definitions together. Otherwise it will not be possible to browse package details on the second step of the wizard.

Default Murano Policies

#"context_is_admin": "role:admin"

#"admin_api": "is_admin:True"

#"default": ""

# Excute an available action on a deployed environment, retrieve the
# task status of an executed action, or retrieve the result of an
# executed static action.
# POST  v1/environments/{environment_id}/actions/{action_id}
# GET  v1/environments/{environment_id}/actions/{task_id}
# POST  v1/actions
#"execute_action": "rule:default"

# Show category details or list all categories in the application
# catalog.
# GET  /v1/catalog/categories/{category_id}
# GET  /v1/catalog/categories
#"get_category": "rule:default"

# Delete a category.
# DELETE  /v1/catalog/categories/{category_id}
#"delete_category": "rule:admin_api"

# Create a category.
# POST  /v1/catalog/categories
#"add_category": "rule:admin_api"

# List deployments for an environment.
# GET  /v1/environments/{env_id}/deployments
#"list_deployments": "rule:default"

# List deployments for all environments in a project.
# GET  /v1/deployments
#"list_deployments_all_environments": "rule:default"

# Show deployment status details for a deployment.
# GET  /v1/environments/{env_id}/deployments/{deployment_id}
#"statuses_deployments": "rule:default"

# List environments in a project.
# GET  /v1/environments
#"list_environments": "rule:default"

# List environments across all projects.
# GET  /v1/environments?all_tenants=true
#"list_environments_all_tenants": "rule:admin_api"

# Show details for an environment or shows the environment model.
# GET  /v1/environments/{environment_id}
# GET  /v1/environments/{environment_id}/model
#"show_environment": "rule:default"

# Update or rename an environment.
# PUT  /v1/environments/{environment_id}
# PATCH  /v1/environments/{environment_id}/model
#"update_environment": "rule:default"

# Create an environment or create an environment and session from an
# environment template.
# POST  /v1/environments/{environment_id}
# POST  /v1/templates/{env_template_id}/create-environment
#"create_environment": "rule:default"

# Delete an environment.
# DELETE  /v1/environments/{environment_id}
#"delete_environment": "rule:default"

# List environment templates in a project.
# GET  /v1/templates
#"list_env_templates": "rule:default"

# Create an environment template.
# POST  /v1/templates
#"create_env_template": "rule:default"

# Show environment template details.
# GET  /v1/templates/{env_template_id}
#"show_env_template": "rule:default"

# Update an environment template.
# PUT  /v1/templates/{env_template_id}
#"update_env_template": "rule:default"

# Delete an environment template.
# DELETE  /v1/templates/{env_template_id}
#"delete_env_template": "rule:default"

# Clone an environment template.
# POST  /v1/templates/{env_template_id}/clone
#"clone_env_template": "rule:default"

# Returns either detailed package information or information specific
# to the package's UI or logo. In addition, checks for the existence
# of a given package.
# GET  /v1/catalog/packages/{package_id}
# GET  /v1/catalog/packages
# GET  /v1/catalog/packages/{package_id}/ui
# GET  /v1/catalog/packages/{package_id}/logo
#"get_package": "rule:default"

# Upload a package to the application catalog.
# POST  /v1/catalog/packages
#"upload_package": "rule:default"

# Update package information for a given package.
# PATCH  /v1/catalog/packages/{package_id}
#"modify_package": "rule:default"

# Publicize a package across all projects. Grants users in any project
# the ability to use the package. Enforced only when `is_public`
# parameter is set to True in the request body of the `update` or
# `upload` package request.
# PATCH  /v1/catalog/packages/{package_id}
# POST  /v1/catalog/packages
#"publicize_package": "rule:admin_api"

# Either update, delete or check for the existence of a public
# package. Only enforced when the package is public.
# PATCH  /v1/catalog/packages/{package_id}
# DELETE  /v1/catalog/packages/{package_id}
# GET  /v1/catalog/packages
#"manage_public_package": "rule:default"

# Delete a given package.
# DELETE  /v1/catalog/packages/{package_id}
#"delete_package": "rule:default"

# Download a package from the application catalog.
# GET  /v1/catalog/packages/{package_id}/download
#"download_package": "rule:default"