Rsyncd configuration

Rsyncd configuration

Find an example rsyncd configuration at etc/rsyncd.conf-sample in the source code repository.

The available configuration options are:

Description of configuration options in rsyncd.conf
Configuration option = Default value Description
gid = swift Group ID for rsyncd.
log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log Log file for rsyncd.
pid file = /var/run/ PID file for rsyncd.
uid = swift User ID for rsyncd.
max connections = Maximum number of connections for rsyncd. This option should be set for each account, container, or object.
path = /srv/node Working directory for rsyncd to use. This option should be set for each account, container, or object.
read only = false Set read only. This option should be set for each account, container, or object.
lock file = Lock file for rsyncd. This option should be set for each account, container, or object.

If rsync_module includes the device, you can tune rsyncd to permit 4 connections per device instead of simply allowing 8 connections for all devices:

rsync_module = {replication_ip}::object_{device}

If devices in your object ring are named sda, sdb, and sdc:

max connections = 4
path = /srv/node
read only = false
lock file = /var/lock/object_sda.lock

max connections = 4
path = /srv/node
read only = false
lock file = /var/lock/object_sdb.lock

max connections = 4
path = /srv/node
read only = false
lock file = /var/lock/object_sdc.lock

To emulate the deprecated vm_test_mode = yes option, set:

rsync_module = {replication_ip}::object{replication_port}

Therefore, on your SAIO, you have to set the following rsyncd configuration:

max connections = 25
path = /srv/1/node/
read only = false
lock file = /var/lock/object6010.lock

max connections = 25
path = /srv/2/node/
read only = false
lock file = /var/lock/object6020.lock

max connections = 25
path = /srv/3/node/
read only = false
lock file = /var/lock/object6030.lock

max connections = 25
path = /srv/4/node/
read only = false
lock file = /var/lock/object6040.lock
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