New, updated, and deprecated options in Newton for Identity service

New, updated, and deprecated options in Newton for Identity service

New options
Option = default value (Type) Help string
[security_compliance] disable_user_account_days_inactive = (IntOpt) The maximum number of days a user can go without authenticating before being considered “inactive” and automatically disabled (locked).
[security_compliance] lockout_failure_attempts = (IntOpt) The maximum number of times that a user can fail to authenticate before the user account is locked.
[security_compliance] lockout_duration = 1800 (IntOpt) The number of seconds a user account will be locked when the maximum number of failed authentication attempts is exceeded.
[security_compliance] password_expires_days = <None> (IntOpt) The number of days for which a password will be considered valid before requiring it to be changed.
[security_compliance] password_expires_ignore_user_ids = (StrOpt) User IDs to be ignored when checking if a password is expired.
[security_compliance] unique_last_password_count = 1 (IntOpt) Controls the number of previous user password iterations to keep in history, in order to enforce that newly created passwords are unique.
[security_compliance] minimum_password_age = 0 (IntOpt)The number of days that a password must be used before the user can change it.
[security_compliance] password_regex = <None> (StrOpt) Validate password strength requirements.
[security_compliance] password_regex_description = <None> (StrOpt) Humans language to describe password regular expression.
[token] cache_on_issue = false (BoolOpt) Enable storing issued token data to token validation cache so that first token validation doesn’t actually cause full validation cycle.
Deprecated options
Deprecated option New Option
[DEFAULT] use_syslog None
[endpoint_policy] enabled None
[token] hash_algorithm None
[os_inherit] None
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