DNS integration

DNS integration

This page serves as a guide for how to use the DNS integration functionality of the Networking service. The functionality described covers DNS from two points of view:

  • The internal DNS functionality offered by the Networking service and its interaction with the Compute service.
  • Integration of the Compute service and the Networking service with an external DNSaaS (DNS-as-a-Service).

Users can control the behavior of the Networking service in regards to DNS using two attributes associated with ports, networks, and floating IPs. The following table shows the attributes available for each one of these resources:

Resource dns_name dns_domain
Ports Yes No
Networks No Yes
Floating IPs Yes Yes

The Networking service internal DNS resolution

The Networking service enables users to control the name assigned to ports by the internal DNS. To enable this functionality, do the following:

  1. Edit the /etc/neutron/neutron.conf file and assign a value different to openstacklocal (its default value) to the dns_domain parameter in the [default] section. As an example:

    dns_domain = example.org.
  2. Add dns to extension_drivers in the [ml2] section of /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini. The following is an example:

    extension_drivers = port_security,dns

After re-starting the neutron-server, users will be able to assign a dns_name attribute to their ports.


The enablement of this functionality is prerequisite for the enablement of the Networking service integration with an external DNS service, which is described in detail in Configuring OpenStack Networking for integration with an external DNS service.

The following illustrates the creation of a port with my-port in its dns_name attribute.


The name assigned to the port by the Networking service internal DNS is now visible in the response in the dns_assignment attribute.

$ neutron port-create my-net --dns_name my-port
Created a new port:
| Field                 | Value                                                                             |
| admin_state_up        | True                                                                              |
| allowed_address_pairs |                                                                                   |
| binding:vnic_type     | normal                                                                            |
| device_id             |                                                                                   |
| device_owner          |                                                                                   |
| dns_assignment        | {"hostname": "my-port", "ip_address": "", "fqdn": "my-port.example.org."} |
| dns_name              | my-port                                                                           |
| fixed_ips             | {"subnet_id":"6141b474-56cd-430f-b731-71660bb79b79", "ip_address": ""}    |
| id                    | fb3c10f4-017e-420c-9be1-8f8c557ae21f                                              |
| mac_address           | fa:16:3e:aa:9b:e1                                                                 |
| name                  |                                                                                   |
| network_id            | bf2802a0-99a0-4e8c-91e4-107d03f158ea                                              |
| port_security_enabled | True                                                                              |
| security_groups       | 1f0ddd73-7e3c-48bd-a64c-7ded4fe0e635                                              |
| status                | DOWN                                                                              |
| tenant_id             | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725                                                  |

When this functionality is enabled, it is leveraged by the Compute service when creating instances. When allocating ports for an instance during boot, the Compute service populates the dns_name attributes of these ports with the hostname attribute of the instance, which is a DNS sanitized version of its display name. As a consequence, at the end of the boot process, the allocated ports will be known in the dnsmasq associated to their networks by their instance hostname.

The following is an example of an instance creation, showing how its hostname populates the dns_name attribute of the allocated port:

$ nova boot --image cirros --flavor 42 \
  --nic net-id=37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3 my_vm
| Property                             | Value                                                          |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig                    | MANUAL                                                         |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone          |                                                                |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state               | 0                                                              |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state                | scheduling                                                     |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state                  | building                                                       |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at               | -                                                              |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at             | -                                                              |
| accessIPv4                           |                                                                |
| accessIPv6                           |                                                                |
| adminPass                            | dB45Zvo8Jpfe                                                   |
| config_drive                         |                                                                |
| created                              | 2016-02-05T21:35:04Z                                           |
| flavor                               | m1.nano (42)                                                   |
| hostId                               |                                                                |
| id                                   | 66c13cb4-3002-4ab3-8400-7efc2659c363                           |
| image                                | cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec(b9d981eb-d21c-4ce2-9dbc-dd38f3d9015f)  |
| key_name                             | -                                                              |
| locked                               | False                                                          |
| metadata                             | {}                                                             |
| name                                 | my_vm                                                          |
| os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | []                                                             |
| progress                             | 0                                                              |
| security_groups                      | default                                                        |
| status                               | BUILD                                                          |
| tenant_id                            | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725                               |
| updated                              | 2016-02-05T21:35:04Z                                           |
| user_id                              | 8bb6e578cba24e7db9d3810633124525                               |

$ neutron port-list --device_id 66c13cb4-3002-4ab3-8400-7efc2659c363
| id                                   | name | mac_address       | fixed_ips                                                                             |
| b3ecc464-1263-44a7-8c38-2d8a52751773 |      | fa:16:3e:a8:ce:b8 | {"subnet_id": "277eca5d-9869-474b-960e-6da5951d09f7", "ip_address": ""}     |
|                                      |      |                   | {"subnet_id": "eab47748-3f0a-4775-a09f-b0c24bb64bc4", "ip_address":"2001:db8:10::8"}  |

$ neutron port-show b3ecc464-1263-44a7-8c38-2d8a52751773
| Field                 | Value                                                                                 |
| admin_state_up        | True                                                                                  |
| allowed_address_pairs |                                                                                       |
| binding:vnic_type     | normal                                                                                |
| device_id             | 66c13cb4-3002-4ab3-8400-7efc2659c363                                                  |
| device_owner          | compute:None                                                                          |
| dns_assignment        | {"hostname": "my-vm", "ip_address": "", "fqdn": "my-vm.example.org."}       |
|                       | {"hostname": "my-vm", "ip_address": "2001:db8:10::8", "fqdn": "my-vm.example.org."}   |
| dns_name              | my-vm                                                                                 |
| extra_dhcp_opts       |                                                                                       |
| fixed_ips             | {"subnet_id": "277eca5d-9869-474b-960e-6da5951d09f7", "ip_address": ""}     |
|                       | {"subnet_id": "eab47748-3f0a-4775-a09f-b0c24bb64bc4", "ip_address": "2001:db8:10::8"} |
| id                    | b3ecc464-1263-44a7-8c38-2d8a52751773                                                  |
| mac_address           | fa:16:3e:a8:ce:b8                                                                     |
| name                  |                                                                                       |
| network_id            | 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3                                                  |
| port_security_enabled | True                                                                                  |
| security_groups       | 1f0ddd73-7e3c-48bd-a64c-7ded4fe0e635                                                  |
| status                | ACTIVE                                                                                |
| tenant_id             | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725                                                      |

In the above example notice that:

  • The name given to the instance by the user, my_vm, is sanitized by the Compute service and becomes my-vm as the port’s dns_name.
  • The port’s dns_assignment attribute shows that its FQDN is my-vm.example.org. in the Networking service internal DNS, which is the result of concatenating the port’s dns_name with the value configured in the dns_domain parameter in neutron.conf, as explained previously.
  • The dns_assignment attribute also shows that the port’s hostname in the Networking service internal DNS is my-vm.
  • Instead of having the Compute service create the port for the instance, the user might have created it and assigned a value to its dns_name attribute. In this case, the value assigned to the dns_name attribute must be equal to the value that Compute service will assign to the instance’s hostname, in this example my-vm. Otherwise, the instance boot will fail.

Integration with an external DNS service

Users can also integrate the Networking and Compute services with an external DNS. To accomplish this, the users have to:

  1. Enable the functionality described in The Networking service internal DNS resolution.
  2. Configure an external DNS driver. The Networking service provides a driver reference implementation based on the OpenStack DNS service. It is expected that third party vendors will provide other implementations in the future. For detailed configuration instructions, see Configuring OpenStack Networking for integration with an external DNS service.

Once the neutron-server has been configured and restarted, users will have functionality that covers three use cases, described in the following sections. In each of the use cases described below:

  • The examples assume the OpenStack DNS service as the external DNS.
  • A, AAAA and PTR records will be created in the DNS service.
  • Before executing any of the use cases, the user must create in the DNS service under his project a DNS zone where the A and AAAA records will be created. For the description of the use cases below, it is assumed the zone example.org. was created previously.
  • The PTR records will be created in zones owned by a project with admin privileges. See Configuring OpenStack Networking for integration with an external DNS service for more details.

Use case 1: Ports are published directly in the external DNS service

In this case, the user is creating ports or booting instances on a network that is accessible externally. The steps to publish the port in the external DNS service are the following:

  1. Assign a valid domain name to the network’s dns_domain attribute. This name must end with a period (.).
  2. Boot an instance specifying the externally accessible network. Alternatively, create a port on the externally accessible network specifying a valid value to its dns_name attribute. If the port is going to be used for an instance boot, the value assigned to dns_name must be equal to the hostname that the Compute service will assign to the instance. Otherwise, the boot will fail.

Once these steps are executed, the port’s DNS data will be published in the external DNS service. This is an example:

$ neutron net-list
| id                                   | name     | subnets                                                  |
| 41fa3995-9e4a-4cd9-bb51-3e5424f2ff2a | public   | a67cfdf7-9d5d-406f-8a19-3f38e4fc3e74                     |
|                                      |          | cbd8c6dc-ca81-457e-9c5d-f8ece7ef67f8                     |
| 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3 | external | 277eca5d-9869-474b-960e-6da5951d09f7       |
|                                      |          | eab47748-3f0a-4775-a09f-b0c24bb64bc4 2001:db8:10::/64    |
| bf2802a0-99a0-4e8c-91e4-107d03f158ea | my-net   | 6141b474-56cd-430f-b731-71660bb79b79         |
| 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 | private  | 43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a fda4:653e:71b0::/64 |
|                                      |          | 5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff         |

$ neutron net-update 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3 --dns_domain example.org.
Updated network: 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3

$ neutron net-show 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3
| Field                     | Value                                |
| admin_state_up            | True                                 |
| availability_zone_hints   |                                      |
| availability_zones        | nova                                 |
| dns_domain                | example.org.                         |
| id                        | 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3 |
| mtu                       | 1450                                 |
| name                      | external                             |
| port_security_enabled     | True                                 |
| provider:network_type     | vlan                                 |
| provider:physical_network |                                      |
| provider:segmentation_id  | 2016                                 |
| router:external           | False                                |
| shared                    | True                                 |
| status                    | ACTIVE                               |
| subnets                   | eab47748-3f0a-4775-a09f-b0c24bb64bc4 |
|                           | 277eca5d-9869-474b-960e-6da5951d09f7 |
| tenant_id                 | 04fc2f83966245dba907efb783f8eab9     |

$ designate record-list example.org.
| id                                   | type | name         | data                                                                  |
| 10a36008-6ecf-47c3-b321-05652a929b04 | SOA  | example.org. | ns1.devstack.org. malavall.us.ibm.com. 1454729414 3600 600 86400 3600 |
| 56ca0b88-e343-4c98-8faa-19746e169baf | NS   | example.org. | ns1.devstack.org.                                                     |

$ neutron port-create 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3 --dns_name my-vm
Created a new port:
| Field                 | Value                                                                                 |
| admin_state_up        | True                                                                                  |
| allowed_address_pairs |                                                                                       |
| binding:vnic_type     | normal                                                                                |
| device_id             |                                                                                       |
| device_owner          |                                                                                       |
| dns_assignment        | {"hostname": "my-vm", "ip_address": "", "fqdn": "my-vm.example.org."}       |
|                       | {"hostname": "my-vm", "ip_address": "2001:db8:10::9", "fqdn": "my-vm.example.org."}   |
| dns_name              | my-vm                                                                                 |
| fixed_ips             | {"subnet_id": "277eca5d-9869-474b-960e-6da5951d09f7", "ip_address": ""}     |
|                       | {"subnet_id": "eab47748-3f0a-4775-a09f-b0c24bb64bc4", "ip_address": "2001:db8:10::9"} |
| id                    | 04be331b-dc5e-410a-9103-9c8983aeb186                                                  |
| mac_address           | fa:16:3e:0f:4b:e4                                                                     |
| name                  |                                                                                       |
| network_id            | 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3                                                  |
| port_security_enabled | True                                                                                  |
| security_groups       | 1f0ddd73-7e3c-48bd-a64c-7ded4fe0e635                                                  |
| status                | DOWN                                                                                  |
| tenant_id             | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725                                                      |

$ designate record-list example.org.
| id                                   | type | name               | data                                                                  |
| 10a36008-6ecf-47c3-b321-05652a929b04 | SOA  | example.org.       | ns1.devstack.org. malavall.us.ibm.com. 1455563035 3600 600 86400 3600 |
| 56ca0b88-e343-4c98-8faa-19746e169baf | NS   | example.org.       | ns1.devstack.org.                                                     |
| 3593591b-181f-4beb-9ab7-67fad7413b37 | A    | my-vm.example.org. |                                                            |
| 5649c68f-7a88-48f5-9f87-ccb1f6ae67ca | AAAA | my-vm.example.org. | 2001:db8:10::9                                                        |

$ nova boot --image cirros --flavor 42 \
  --nic port-id=04be331b-dc5e-410a-9103-9c8983aeb186 my_vm
| Property                             | Value                                                          |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig                    | MANUAL                                                         |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone          |                                                                |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state               | 0                                                              |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state                | scheduling                                                     |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state                  | building                                                       |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at               | -                                                              |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at             | -                                                              |
| accessIPv4                           |                                                                |
| accessIPv6                           |                                                                |
| adminPass                            | TDc9EpBT3B9W                                                   |
| config_drive                         |                                                                |
| created                              | 2016-02-15T19:10:43Z                                           |
| flavor                               | m1.nano (42)                                                   |
| hostId                               |                                                                |
| id                                   | 62c19691-d1c7-4d7b-a88e-9cc4d95d4f41                           |
| image                                | cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec (b9d981eb-d21c-4ce2-9dbc-dd38f3d9015f) |
| key_name                             | -                                                              |
| locked                               | False                                                          |
| metadata                             | {}                                                             |
| name                                 | my_vm                                                          |
| os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | []                                                             |
| progress                             | 0                                                              |
| security_groups                      | default                                                        |
| status                               | BUILD                                                          |
| tenant_id                            | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725                               |
| updated                              | 2016-02-15T19:10:43Z                                           |
| user_id                              | 8bb6e578cba24e7db9d3810633124525                               |

$ nova list
| ID                                   | Name  | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks                            |
| 62c19691-d1c7-4d7b-a88e-9cc4d95d4f41 | my_vm | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | external=, 2001:db8:10::9 |

In this example the port is created manually by the user and then used to boot an instance. Notice that:

  • The port’s data was visible in the DNS service as soon as it was created.
  • See Performance considerations for an explanation of the potential performance impact associated with this use case.

Following are the PTR records created for this example. Note that for IPv4, the value of ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size is 24. In the case of IPv6, the value of ipv6_ptr_zone_prefix_size is 116. For more details, see Configuring OpenStack Networking for integration with an external DNS service:

$ designate record-list 5.24.172.in-addr.arpa.
| id                                   | type | name                     | data                                                                |
| ab7ada72-7e64-4bed-913e-04718a80fafc | NS   | 5.24.172.in-addr.arpa.   | ns1.devstack.org.                                                   |
| 28346a94-790c-4ae1-9f7b-069d98d9efbd | SOA  | 5.24.172.in-addr.arpa.   | ns1.devstack.org. admin.example.org. 1455563035 3600 600 86400 3600 |
| cfcaf537-844a-4c1b-9b5f-464ff07dca33 | PTR  | | my-vm.example.org.                                                  |

$ designate record-list
| id                                   | type | name                                                                      | data                                                                |
| d8923354-13eb-4bd9-914a-0a2ae5f95989 | SOA  |       | ns1.devstack.org. admin.example.org. 1455563036 3600 600 86400 3600 |
| 72e60acd-098d-41ea-9771-5b6546c9c06f | NS   |       | ns1.devstack.org.                                                   |
| 877e0215-2ddf-4d01-a7da-47f1092dfd56 | PTR  | | my-vm.example.org.                                                  |

See Configuring OpenStack Networking for integration with an external DNS service for detailed instructions on how to create the externally accessible network.

Use case 2: Floating IPs are published with associated port DNS attributes

In this use case, the address of a floating IP is published in the external DNS service in conjunction with the dns_name of its associated port and the dns_domain of the port’s network. The steps to execute in this use case are the following:

  1. Assign a valid domain name to the network’s dns_domain attribute. This name must end with a period (.).
  2. Boot an instance or alternatively, create a port specifying a valid value to its dns_name attribute. If the port is going to be used for an instance boot, the value assigned to dns_name must be equal to the hostname that the Compute service will assign to the instance. Otherwise, the boot will fail.
  3. Create a floating IP and associate it to the port.

Following is an example of these steps:

$ neutron net-update 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 --dns_domain example.org.
Updated network: 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3

$ neutron net-show 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3
| Field                   | Value                                |
| admin_state_up          | True                                 |
| availability_zone_hints |                                      |
| availability_zones      | nova                                 |
| dns_domain              | example.org.                         |
| id                      | 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 |
| mtu                     | 1450                                 |
| name                    | private                              |
| port_security_enabled   | True                                 |
| router:external         | False                                |
| shared                  | False                                |
| status                  | ACTIVE                               |
| subnets                 | 43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a |
|                         | 5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff |
| tenant_id               | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725     |

$ nova boot --image cirros --flavor 42 \
  --nic net-id=38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 my_vm
| Property                             | Value                                                          |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig                    | MANUAL                                                         |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone          |                                                                |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state               | 0                                                              |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state                | scheduling                                                     |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state                  | building                                                       |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at               | -                                                              |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at             | -                                                              |
| accessIPv4                           |                                                                |
| accessIPv6                           |                                                                |
| adminPass                            | oTLQLR3Kezmt                                                   |
| config_drive                         |                                                                |
| created                              | 2016-02-15T19:27:34Z                                           |
| flavor                               | m1.nano (42)                                                   |
| hostId                               |                                                                |
| id                                   | 43f328bb-b2d1-4cf1-a36f-3b2593397cb1                           |
| image                                | cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec (b9d981eb-d21c-4ce2-9dbc-dd38f3d9015f) |
| key_name                             | -                                                              |
| locked                               | False                                                          |
| metadata                             | {}                                                             |
| name                                 | my_vm                                                          |
| os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | []                                                             |
| progress                             | 0                                                              |
| security_groups                      | default                                                        |
| status                               | BUILD                                                          |
| tenant_id                            | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725                               |
| updated                              | 2016-02-15T19:27:34Z                                           |
| user_id                              | 8bb6e578cba24e7db9d3810633124525                               |

$ nova list
| ID                                   | Name  | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks                                                |
| 43f328bb-b2d1-4cf1-a36f-3b2593397cb1 | my_vm | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | private=fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe16:b5f2, |

$ neutron port-list --device_id 43f328bb-b2d1-4cf1-a36f-3b2593397cb1
| id                                   | name | mac_address       | fixed_ips                                                                                                   |
| da0b1f75-c895-460f-9fc1-4d6ec84cf85f |      | fa:16:3e:16:b5:f2 | {"subnet_id": "5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff", "ip_address": ""}                            |
|                                      |      |                   | {"subnet_id": "43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a", "ip_address": "fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe16:b5f2"} |

$ neutron port-show da0b1f75-c895-460f-9fc1-4d6ec84cf85f
| Field                 | Value                                                                                                       |
| admin_state_up        | True                                                                                                        |
| allowed_address_pairs |                                                                                                             |
| binding:vnic_type     | normal                                                                                                      |
| device_id             | 43f328bb-b2d1-4cf1-a36f-3b2593397cb1                                                                        |
| device_owner          | compute:None                                                                                                |
| dns_assignment        | {"hostname": "my-vm", "ip_address": "", "fqdn": "my-vm.example.org."}                              |
|                       | {"hostname": "my-vm", "ip_address": "fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe16:b5f2", "fqdn": "my-vm.example.org."}   |
| dns_name              | my-vm                                                                                                       |
| extra_dhcp_opts       |                                                                                                             |
| fixed_ips             | {"subnet_id": "5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff", "ip_address": ""}                            |
|                       | {"subnet_id": "43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a", "ip_address": "fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe16:b5f2"} |
| id                    | da0b1f75-c895-460f-9fc1-4d6ec84cf85f                                                                        |
| mac_address           | fa:16:3e:16:b5:f2                                                                                           |
| name                  |                                                                                                             |
| network_id            | 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3                                                                        |
| port_security_enabled | True                                                                                                        |
| security_groups       | 1f0ddd73-7e3c-48bd-a64c-7ded4fe0e635                                                                        |
| status                | ACTIVE                                                                                                      |
| tenant_id             | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725                                                                            |

$ designate record-list example.org.
| id                                   | type | name         | data                                                                  |
| 10a36008-6ecf-47c3-b321-05652a929b04 | SOA  | example.org. | ns1.devstack.org. malavall.us.ibm.com. 1455563783 3600 600 86400 3600 |
| 56ca0b88-e343-4c98-8faa-19746e169baf | NS   | example.org. | ns1.devstack.org.                                                     |

$ neutron floatingip-create 41fa3995-9e4a-4cd9-bb51-3e5424f2ff2a \
  --port_id da0b1f75-c895-460f-9fc1-4d6ec84cf85f
Created a new floatingip:
| Field               | Value                                |
| dns_domain          |                                      |
| dns_name            |                                      |
| fixed_ip_address    |                            |
| floating_ip_address |                           |
| floating_network_id | 41fa3995-9e4a-4cd9-bb51-3e5424f2ff2a |
| id                  | e78f6eb1-a35f-4a90-941d-87c888d5fcc7 |
| port_id             | da0b1f75-c895-460f-9fc1-4d6ec84cf85f |
| router_id           | 970ebe83-c4a3-4642-810e-43ab7b0c2b5f |
| status              | DOWN                                 |
| tenant_id           | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725     |

$ designate record-list example.org.
| id                                   | type | name               | data                                                                  |
| 10a36008-6ecf-47c3-b321-05652a929b04 | SOA  | example.org.       | ns1.devstack.org. malavall.us.ibm.com. 1455564861 3600 600 86400 3600 |
| 56ca0b88-e343-4c98-8faa-19746e169baf | NS   | example.org.       | ns1.devstack.org.                                                     |
| 5ff53fd0-3746-48da-b9c9-77ed3004ec67 | A    | my-vm.example.org. |                                                            |

In this example, notice that the data is published in the DNS service when the floating IP is associated to the port.

Following are the PTR records created for this example. Note that for IPv4, the value of ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size is 24. For more details, see Configuring OpenStack Networking for integration with an external DNS service:

$ designate record-list 4.24.172.in-addr.arpa.
| id                                   | type | name                     | data                                                                |
| 2dd0b894-25fa-4563-9d32-9f13bd67f329 | NS   | 4.24.172.in-addr.arpa.   | ns1.devstack.org.                                                   |
| 47b920f1-5eff-4dfa-9616-7cb5b7cb7ca6 | SOA  | 4.24.172.in-addr.arpa.   | ns1.devstack.org. admin.example.org. 1455564862 3600 600 86400 3600 |
| fb1edf42-abba-410c-8397-831f45fd0cd7 | PTR  | | my-vm.example.org.                                                  |

Use case 3: Floating IPs are published in the external DNS service

In this use case, the user assigns dns_name and dns_domain attributes to a floating IP when it is created. The floating IP data becomes visible in the external DNS service as soon as it is created. The floating IP can be associated with a port on creation or later on. The following example shows a user booting an instance and then creating a floating IP associated to the port allocated for the instance:

$ neutron net-show 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3
| Field                   | Value                                |
| admin_state_up          | True                                 |
| availability_zone_hints |                                      |
| availability_zones      | nova                                 |
| dns_domain              | example.org.                         |
| id                      | 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 |
| mtu                     | 1450                                 |
| name                    | private                              |
| port_security_enabled   | True                                 |
| router:external         | False                                |
| shared                  | False                                |
| status                  | ACTIVE                               |
| subnets                 | 43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a |
|                         | 5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff |
| tenant_id               | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725     |

$ nova boot --image cirros --flavor 42 \
  --nic net-id=38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 my_vm
| Property                             | Value                                                          |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig                    | MANUAL                                                         |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone          |                                                                |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state               | 0                                                              |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state                | scheduling                                                     |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state                  | building                                                       |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at               | -                                                              |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at             | -                                                              |
| accessIPv4                           |                                                                |
| accessIPv6                           |                                                                |
| adminPass                            | HLXGznYqXM4J                                                   |
| config_drive                         |                                                                |
| created                              | 2016-02-15T19:42:44Z                                           |
| flavor                               | m1.nano (42)                                                   |
| hostId                               |                                                                |
| id                                   | 71fb4ac8-eed8-4644-8113-0641962bb125                           |
| image                                | cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec (b9d981eb-d21c-4ce2-9dbc-dd38f3d9015f) |
| key_name                             | -                                                              |
| locked                               | False                                                          |
| metadata                             | {}                                                             |
| name                                 | my_vm                                                          |
| os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | []                                                             |
| progress                             | 0                                                              |
| security_groups                      | default                                                        |
| status                               | BUILD                                                          |
| tenant_id                            | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725                               |
| updated                              | 2016-02-15T19:42:44Z                                           |
| user_id                              | 8bb6e578cba24e7db9d3810633124525                               |

$ nova list
| ID                                   | Name  | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks                                                |
| 71fb4ac8-eed8-4644-8113-0641962bb125 | my_vm | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | private=fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe24:8614, |

$ neutron port-list --device_id 71fb4ac8-eed8-4644-8113-0641962bb125
| id                                   | name | mac_address       | fixed_ips                                                                                                   |
| 1e7033fb-8e9d-458b-89ed-8312cafcfdcb |      | fa:16:3e:24:86:14 | {"subnet_id": "5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff", "ip_address": ""}                            |
|                                      |      |                   | {"subnet_id": "43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a", "ip_address": "fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe24:8614"} |

$ neutron port-show 1e7033fb-8e9d-458b-89ed-8312cafcfdcb
| Field                 | Value                                                                                                       |
| admin_state_up        | True                                                                                                        |
| allowed_address_pairs |                                                                                                             |
| binding:vnic_type     | normal                                                                                                      |
| device_id             | 71fb4ac8-eed8-4644-8113-0641962bb125                                                                        |
| device_owner          | compute:None                                                                                                |
| dns_assignment        | {"hostname": "my-vm", "ip_address": "", "fqdn": "my-vm.example.org."}                              |
|                       | {"hostname": "my-vm", "ip_address": "fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe24:8614", "fqdn": "my-vm.example.org."}   |
| dns_name              | my-vm                                                                                                       |
| extra_dhcp_opts       |                                                                                                             |
| fixed_ips             | {"subnet_id": "5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff", "ip_address": ""}                            |
|                       | {"subnet_id": "43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a", "ip_address": "fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe24:8614"} |
| id                    | 1e7033fb-8e9d-458b-89ed-8312cafcfdcb                                                                        |
| mac_address           | fa:16:3e:24:86:14                                                                                           |
| name                  |                                                                                                             |
| network_id            | 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3                                                                        |
| port_security_enabled | True                                                                                                        |
| security_groups       | 1f0ddd73-7e3c-48bd-a64c-7ded4fe0e635                                                                        |
| status                | ACTIVE                                                                                                      |
| tenant_id             | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725                                                                            |

$ designate record-list example.org.
| id                                   | type | name         | data                                                                  |
| 10a36008-6ecf-47c3-b321-05652a929b04 | SOA  | example.org. | ns1.devstack.org. malavall.us.ibm.com. 1455565110 3600 600 86400 3600 |
| 56ca0b88-e343-4c98-8faa-19746e169baf | NS   | example.org. | ns1.devstack.org.                                                     |

$ neutron floatingip-create 41fa3995-9e4a-4cd9-bb51-3e5424f2ff2a \
  --dns_domain example.org. --dns_name my-floatingip
Created a new floatingip:
| Field               | Value                                |
| dns_domain          | example.org.                         |
| dns_name            | my-floatingip                        |
| fixed_ip_address    |                                      |
| floating_ip_address |                           |
| floating_network_id | 41fa3995-9e4a-4cd9-bb51-3e5424f2ff2a |
| id                  | 9f23a9c6-eceb-42eb-9f45-beb58c473728 |
| port_id             |                                      |
| router_id           |                                      |
| status              | DOWN                                 |
| tenant_id           | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725     |

$ designate record-list example.org.
| id                                   | type | name                       | data                                                                  |
| 10a36008-6ecf-47c3-b321-05652a929b04 | SOA  | example.org.               | ns1.devstack.org. malavall.us.ibm.com. 1455566486 3600 600 86400 3600 |
| 56ca0b88-e343-4c98-8faa-19746e169baf | NS   | example.org.               | ns1.devstack.org.                                                     |
| 8884c56f-3ef5-446e-ae4d-8053cc8bc2b4 | A    | my-floatingip.example.org. |                                                            |

Note that in this use case:

  • The dns_name and dns_domain attributes of a floating IP must be specified together on creation. They cannot be assigned to the floating IP separately.
  • The dns_name and dns_domain of a floating IP have precedence, for purposes of being published in the external DNS service, over the dns_name of its associated port and the dns_domain of the port’s network, whether they are specified or not. Only the dns_name and the dns_domain of the floating IP are published in the external DNS service.

Following are the PTR records created for this example. Note that for IPv4, the value of ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size is 24. For more details, see Configuring OpenStack Networking for integration with an external DNS service:

$ designate record-list 4.24.172.in-addr.arpa.
| id                                   | type | name                     | data                                                                |
| 2dd0b894-25fa-4563-9d32-9f13bd67f329 | NS   | 4.24.172.in-addr.arpa.   | ns1.devstack.org.                                                   |
| 47b920f1-5eff-4dfa-9616-7cb5b7cb7ca6 | SOA  | 4.24.172.in-addr.arpa.   | ns1.devstack.org. admin.example.org. 1455566487 3600 600 86400 3600 |
| 589a0171-e77a-4ab6-ba6e-23114f2b9366 | PTR  | | my-floatingip.example.org.                                          |

Performance considerations

Only for Use case 1: Ports are published directly in the external DNS service, if the port binding extension is enabled in the Networking service, the Compute service will execute one additional port update operation when allocating the port for the instance during the boot process. This may have a noticeable adverse effect in the performance of the boot process that must be evaluated before adoption of this use case.

Configuring OpenStack Networking for integration with an external DNS service

The first step to configure the integration with an external DNS service is to enable the functionality described in The Networking service internal DNS resolution. Once this is done, the user has to take the following steps and restart neutron-server.

  1. Edit the [default] section of /etc/neutron/neutron.conf and specify the external DNS service driver to be used in parameter external_dns_driver. The valid options are defined in namespace neutron.services.external_dns_drivers. The following example shows how to set up the driver for the OpenStack DNS service:

    external_dns_driver = designate
  2. If the OpenStack DNS service is the target external DNS, the [designate] section of /etc/neutron/neutron.conf must define the following parameters:

    • url: the OpenStack DNS service public endpoint URL.
    • allow_reverse_dns_lookup: a boolean value specifying whether to enable or not the creation of reverse lookup (PTR) records.
    • admin_auth_url: the Identity service admin authorization endpoint url. This endpoint will be used by the Networking service to authenticate as an admin user to create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones.
    • admin_username: the admin user to be used by the Networking service to create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones.
    • admin_password: the password of the admin user to be used by Networking service to create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones.
    • admin_tenant_name: the project of the admin user to be used by the Networking service to create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones.
    • ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size: the size in bits of the prefix for the IPv4 reverse lookup (PTR) zones.
    • ipv6_ptr_zone_prefix_size: the size in bits of the prefix for the IPv6 reverse lookup (PTR) zones.
    • insecure: Disable SSL certificate validation. By default, certificates are validated.
    • ca_cert: Path to a valid Certificate Authority (CA) certificate.

    The following is an example:

    url =
    admin_auth_url =
    admin_username = neutron
    admin_password = x5G90074
    admin_tenant_name = service
    allow_reverse_dns_lookup = True
    ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size = 24
    ipv6_ptr_zone_prefix_size = 116
    ca_cert = /etc/ssl/certs/my_ca_cert

Configuration of the externally accessible network for use case 1

In Use case 1: Ports are published directly in the external DNS service, the externally accessible network must meet the following requirements:

  • The network cannot have attribute router:external set to True.
  • The network type can be FLAT, VLAN, GRE, VXLAN or GENEVE.
  • For network types VLAN, GRE, VXLAN or GENEVE, the segmentation ID must be outside the ranges assigned to tenant networks.
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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.