# Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import re
import socket
import subprocess
from oslo_log import log as logging
import pyroute2
import webob
from octavia.amphorae.backends.agent import api_server
from octavia.amphorae.backends.agent.api_server import util
from octavia.amphorae.backends.utils import network_utils
from octavia.common import constants as consts
from octavia.common import exceptions
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AmphoraInfo:
def __init__(self, osutils):
self._osutils = osutils
def compile_amphora_info(self, extend_lvs_driver=None):
extend_body = {}
if extend_lvs_driver:
extend_body = self._get_extend_body_from_lvs_driver(
body = {'hostname': socket.gethostname(),
'api_version': api_server.VERSION}
if extend_body:
return webob.Response(json=body)
def compile_amphora_details(self, extend_lvs_driver=None):
haproxy_loadbalancer_list = sorted(util.get_loadbalancers())
haproxy_listener_list = sorted(util.get_listeners())
extend_body = {}
lvs_listener_list = []
if extend_lvs_driver:
lvs_listener_list = util.get_lvs_listeners()
extend_data = self._get_extend_body_from_lvs_driver(
lvs_count = self._count_lvs_listener_processes(
extend_body['lvs_listener_process_count'] = lvs_count
meminfo = self._get_meminfo()
cpu = self._cpu()
st = os.statvfs('/')
listeners = (
sorted(set(haproxy_listener_list + lvs_listener_list))
if lvs_listener_list else haproxy_listener_list)
body = {'hostname': socket.gethostname(),
'api_version': api_server.VERSION,
'networks': self._get_networks(),
'active': True,
'cpu_count': os.cpu_count(),
'cpu': {
'total': cpu['total'],
'user': cpu['user'],
'system': cpu['system'],
'soft_irq': cpu['softirq'], },
'memory': {
'total': meminfo['MemTotal'],
'free': meminfo['MemFree'],
'buffers': meminfo['Buffers'],
'cached': meminfo['Cached'],
'swap_used': meminfo['SwapCached'],
'shared': meminfo['Shmem'],
'slab': meminfo['Slab'], },
'disk': {
'used': (st.f_blocks - st.f_bfree) * st.f_frsize,
'available': st.f_bavail * st.f_frsize},
'load': self._load(),
'active_tuned_profiles': self._get_active_tuned_profiles(),
'topology': consts.TOPOLOGY_SINGLE,
'topology_status': consts.TOPOLOGY_STATUS_OK,
'listeners': listeners,
'packages': {}}
if extend_body:
return webob.Response(json=body)
def _get_version_of_installed_package(self, name):
cmd = self._osutils.cmd_get_version_of_installed_package(name)
version = subprocess.check_output(cmd.split(), encoding='utf-8')
return version
def _count_haproxy_processes(self, lb_list):
num = 0
for lb_id in lb_list:
if util.is_lb_running(lb_id):
# optional check if it's still running
num += 1
return num
def _count_lvs_listener_processes(self, lvs_driver, listener_list):
num = 0
for listener_id in listener_list:
if util.is_lvs_listener_running(listener_id):
# optional check if it's still running
num += 1
return num
def _get_extend_body_from_lvs_driver(self, extend_lvs_driver):
extend_info = extend_lvs_driver.get_subscribed_amp_compile_info()
extend_data = {}
for extend in extend_info:
package_version = self._get_version_of_installed_package(extend)
extend_data[f'{extend}_version'] = package_version
return extend_data
def _get_meminfo(self):
re_parser = re.compile(r'^(?P<key>\S*):\s*(?P<value>\d*)\s*kB')
result = {}
with open('/proc/meminfo', encoding='utf-8') as meminfo:
for line in meminfo:
match = re_parser.match(line)
if not match:
continue # skip lines that don't parse
key, value = match.groups(['key', 'value'])
result[key] = int(value)
return result
def _cpu(self):
with open('/proc/stat', encoding='utf-8') as f:
cpu = f.readline()
vals = cpu.split(' ')
return {
'user': vals[2],
'nice': vals[3],
'system': vals[4],
'idle': vals[5],
'iowait': vals[6],
'irq': vals[7],
'softirq': vals[8],
'total': sum(int(i) for i in vals[2:])
def _load(self):
with open('/proc/loadavg', encoding='utf-8') as f:
load = f.readline()
vals = load.split(' ')
return vals[:3]
def _get_networks(self):
networks = {}
with pyroute2.NetNS(consts.AMPHORA_NAMESPACE) as netns:
for interface in netns.get_links():
interface_name = None
for item in interface['attrs']:
if (item[0] == consts.IFLA_IFNAME and
not item[1].startswith('eth')):
if item[0] == consts.IFLA_IFNAME:
interface_name = item[1]
if item[0] == 'IFLA_STATS64':
networks[interface_name] = {
'network_tx': item[1]['tx_bytes'],
'network_rx': item[1]['rx_bytes']}
return networks
def get_interface(self, ip_addr):
interface = network_utils.get_interface_name(
ip_addr, net_ns=consts.AMPHORA_NAMESPACE)
except exceptions.InvalidIPAddress:
return webob.Response(json={'message': "Invalid IP address"},
except exceptions.NotFound:
return webob.Response(
json={'message': "Error interface not found for IP address"},
return webob.Response(json={'message': 'OK', 'interface': interface},
def _get_active_tuned_profiles(self) -> str:
"""Returns the active TuneD profile(s)"""
with open("/etc/tuned/active_profile", encoding="utf-8") as f:
return f.read(1024).strip()
except OSError as ex:
LOG.debug("Reading active TuneD profiles failed: %r", ex)
return ""