Source code for octavia.certificates.manager.castellan_mgr

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Cert manager implementation for Castellan
from castellan.common.objects import opaque_data
from castellan import key_manager
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import pkcs12 as c_pkcs12
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging

from octavia.certificates.common import pkcs12
from octavia.certificates.manager import cert_mgr
from octavia.common import exceptions


LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class CastellanCertManager(cert_mgr.CertManager): """Certificate Manager for the Castellan library.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.manager = key_manager.API(CONF)
[docs] def store_cert(self, context, certificate, private_key, intermediates=None, private_key_passphrase=None, expiration=None, name="PKCS12 Certificate Bundle"): if private_key_passphrase: raise exceptions.CertificateStorageException( "Passphrases protected PKCS12 certificates are not supported.") p12_data = opaque_data.OpaqueData( c_pkcs12.serialize_key_and_certificates( name=None, key=private_key, cert=certificate, cas=intermediates, encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption() ), name=name ), p12_data)
[docs] def get_cert(self, context, cert_ref, resource_ref=None, check_only=False, service_name=None): certbag = self.manager.get(context, cert_ref) certbag_data = certbag.get_encoded() cert = pkcs12.PKCS12Cert(certbag_data) return cert
[docs] def delete_cert(self, context, cert_ref, resource_ref, service_name=None): # Delete is not a great name for this -- we don't delete anything # in reality, we just do cleanup here. For castellan, none is required pass
[docs] def set_acls(self, context, cert_ref): # We don't manage ACL based access for things retrieved via Castellan # because we assume we have elevated access to the secret store. pass
[docs] def unset_acls(self, context, cert_ref): # We don't manage ACL based access for things retrieved via Castellan # because we assume we have elevated access to the secret store. pass
[docs] def get_secret(self, context, secret_ref): try: certbag = self.manager.get(context, secret_ref) certbag_data = certbag.get_encoded() except Exception as e: LOG.error("Failed to access secret for %s due to: %s.", secret_ref, str(e)) raise exceptions.CertificateRetrievalException(ref=secret_ref) return certbag_data