Source code for octavia.common.decorators
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"""Decorators to provide backwards compatibility for V1 API."""
def rename_kwargs(**renamed_kwargs):
"""Renames a class's variables and maintains backwards compatibility.
:param renamed_kwargs: mapping of old kwargs to new kwargs. For example,
to say a class has renamed variable foo to bar the
decorator would be used like:
def wrap(cls):
def __getattr__(instance, name):
if name in renamed_kwargs:
return getattr(instance, renamed_kwargs[name])
return getattr(instance, name)
def __setattr__(instance, name, value):
if name in renamed_kwargs:
instance.__dict__[renamed_kwargs[name]] = value
instance.__dict__[name] = value
def wrapped_cls(*args, **kwargs):
# Handle cases of inner classes being called with self
# For example: self.TestClass(1, a=1)
if (args and hasattr(args[0], '__class__') and
hasattr(args[0].__class__, cls.__name__)):
args = args[1:] if args else tuple()
for old_kwarg, new_kwarg in renamed_kwargs.items():
if old_kwarg in kwargs:
kwargs[new_kwarg] = kwargs[old_kwarg]
del kwargs[old_kwarg]
cls.__getattr__ = __getattr__
cls.__setattr__ = __setattr__
return cls(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped_cls
return wrap