Source code for octavia.common.exceptions
# Copyright 2011 VMware, Inc, 2014 A10 Networks
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Octavia base exception handling.
from oslo_utils import excutils
from webob import exc
from octavia.i18n import _
class OctaviaException(Exception):
"""Base Octavia Exception.
To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define
a 'message' property. That message will get printf'd
with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor.
message = _("An unknown exception occurred.")
orig_msg = None
orig_code = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if args:
self.message = args[0]
self.orig_msg = kwargs.get('orig_msg')
self.orig_code = kwargs.get('orig_code')
super().__init__(self.message % kwargs)
self.msg = self.message % kwargs
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt:
if not self.use_fatal_exceptions():
ctxt.reraise = False
# at least get the core message out if something happened
def __unicode__(self):
return self.msg
def use_fatal_exceptions():
return False
# NOTE(blogan) Using webob exceptions here because WSME exceptions a very
# limited at this point and they do not work well in _lookup methods in the
# controllers
class APIException(exc.HTTPClientError):
msg = "Something unknown went wrong"
code = 500
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.msg = self.msg % kwargs
class NotFound(APIException):
msg = _('%(resource)s %(id)s not found.')
code = 404
class PolicyForbidden(APIException):
msg = _("Policy does not allow this request to be performed.")
code = 403
class InvalidOption(APIException):
msg = _("%(value)s is not a valid option for %(option)s")
code = 400
class InvalidFilterArgument(APIException):
msg = "One or more arguments are either duplicate or invalid"
code = 400
class DisabledOption(APIException):
msg = _("The selected %(option)s is not allowed in this deployment: "
code = 400
class L7RuleValidation(APIException):
msg = _("Error parsing L7Rule: %(error)s")
code = 400
class SingleCreateDetailsMissing(APIException):
msg = _("Missing details for %(type)s object: %(name)s")
code = 400
class InvalidHMACException(OctaviaException):
message = _("HMAC hashes didn't match")
class MissingArguments(OctaviaException):
message = _("Missing arguments.")
class NetworkConfig(OctaviaException):
message = _("Unable to allocate network resource from config")
class NeedsPassphrase(OctaviaException):
message = _("Passphrase needed to decrypt key but client "
"did not provide one.")
class UnreadableCert(OctaviaException):
message = _("Could not read X509 from PEM")
class UnreadablePKCS12(APIException):
msg = _("The PKCS12 bundle is unreadable. Please check the PKCS12 bundle "
"validity. In addition, make sure it does not require a pass "
"phrase. Error: %(error)s")
code = 400
class MissingCertSubject(APIException):
msg = _('No CN or DNSName(s) found in certificate. The certificate is '
code = 400
class MisMatchedKey(OctaviaException):
message = _("Key and x509 certificate do not match")
class CertificateRetrievalException(APIException):
msg = _('Could not retrieve certificate: %(ref)s')
code = 400
class CertificateStorageException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Could not store certificate: %(msg)s')
class CertificateGenerationException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Could not sign the certificate request: %(msg)s')
class DuplicateListenerEntry(APIException):
msg = _("Another Listener on this Load Balancer "
"is already using protocol %(protocol)s "
"and protocol_port %(port)d")
code = 409
class DuplicateMemberEntry(APIException):
msg = _("Another member on this pool is already using ip %(ip_address)s "
"on protocol_port %(port)d")
code = 409
class DuplicateHealthMonitor(APIException):
msg = _("This pool already has a health monitor")
code = 409
class DuplicatePoolEntry(APIException):
msg = _("This listener already has a default pool")
code = 409
class PoolInUseByL7Policy(APIException):
msg = _("Pool %(id)s is in use by L7 policy %(l7policy_id)s")
code = 409
class ImmutableObject(APIException):
msg = _("%(resource)s %(id)s is immutable and cannot be updated.")
code = 409
class LBPendingStateError(APIException):
msg = _("Invalid state %(state)s of loadbalancer resource %(id)s")
code = 409
class TooManyL7RulesOnL7Policy(APIException):
msg = _("Too many rules on L7 policy %(id)s")
code = 409
class ComputeBuildException(OctaviaException):
message = _("Failed to build compute instance due to: %(fault)s")
class ComputeBuildQueueTimeoutException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Failed to get an amphora build slot.')
class ComputeDeleteException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Failed to delete compute instance. The compute service '
'reports: %(compute_msg)s')
class ComputeGetException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Failed to retrieve compute instance.')
class ComputeStatusException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Failed to retrieve compute instance status.')
class ComputeGetInterfaceException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Failed to retrieve compute virtual interfaces.')
class IDAlreadyExists(APIException):
msg = _('Already an entity with that specified id.')
code = 409
class RecordAlreadyExists(APIException):
msg = _('A %(field)s of %(name)s already exists.')
code = 409
class NoReadyAmphoraeException(OctaviaException):
message = _('There are not any READY amphora available.')
class ImageGetException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Failed to retrieve image with %(tag)s tag.')
# This is an internal use exception for the taskflow work flow
# and will not be exposed to the customer. This means it is a
# normal part of operation while waiting for compute to go active
# on the instance
class ComputeWaitTimeoutException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Waiting for compute id %(id)s to go active timeout.')
class ComputePortInUseException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Compute driver reports port %(port)s is already in use.')
class ComputeNoResourcesException(OctaviaException):
message = _('The compute service does not have the resources available to '
'fulfill the request')
class ComputeUnknownException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Unknown exception from the compute driver: %(exc)s.')
class InvalidTopology(OctaviaException):
message = _('Invalid topology specified: %(topology)s')
# L7 policy and rule exceptions
class InvalidL7PolicyAction(APIException):
msg = _('Invalid L7 Policy action specified: %(action)s')
code = 400
class InvalidL7PolicyArgs(APIException):
msg = _('Invalid L7 Policy arguments: %(msg)s')
code = 400
class InvalidURL(OctaviaException):
message = _('Not a valid URL: %(url)s')
class InvalidURLPath(APIException):
msg = _('Not a valid URLPath: %(url_path)s')
code = 400
class InvalidString(OctaviaException):
message = _('Invalid characters in %(what)s')
class InvalidRegex(OctaviaException):
message = _('Unable to parse regular expression: %(e)s')
class InvalidL7Rule(OctaviaException):
message = _('Invalid L7 Rule: %(msg)s')
class ServerGroupObjectCreateException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Failed to create server group object.')
class ServerGroupObjectDeleteException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Failed to delete server group object.')
class InvalidAmphoraOperatingSystem(OctaviaException):
message = _('Invalid amphora operating system: %(os_name)s')
class QuotaException(APIException):
msg = _('Quota has been met for resources: %(resource)s')
code = 403
class ProjectBusyException(APIException):
msg = _('Project busy. Unable to lock the project. Please try again.')
code = 503
class MissingProjectID(OctaviaException):
message = _('Missing project ID in request where one is required.')
class MissingAPIProjectID(APIException):
message = _('Missing project ID in request where one is required.')
code = 400
class InvalidSubresource(APIException):
msg = _('%(resource)s %(id)s not found.')
code = 400
class ValidationException(APIException):
msg = _('Validation failure: %(detail)s')
code = 400
class VIPValidationException(APIException):
msg = _('Validation failure: VIP must contain one of: %(objects)s.')
code = 400
class InvalidSortKey(APIException):
msg = _("Supplied sort key '%(key)s' is not valid.")
code = 400
class InvalidSortDirection(APIException):
msg = _("Supplied sort direction '%(key)s' is not valid.")
code = 400
class InvalidMarker(APIException):
msg = _("Supplied pagination marker '%(key)s' is not valid.")
code = 400
class InvalidLimit(APIException):
msg = _("Supplied pagination limit '%(key)s' is not valid.")
code = 400
class MissingVIPSecurityGroup(OctaviaException):
message = _('VIP security group is missing for load balancer: %(lb_id)s')
class ProviderNotEnabled(APIException):
msg = _("Provider '%(prov)s' is not enabled.")
code = 400
class ProviderNotFound(APIException):
msg = _("Provider '%(prov)s' was not found.")
code = 501
class ProviderDriverError(APIException):
msg = _("Provider '%(prov)s' reports error: %(user_msg)s")
code = 500
class ProviderNotImplementedError(APIException):
msg = _("Provider '%(prov)s' does not support a requested action: "
code = 501
class ProviderUnsupportedOptionError(APIException):
msg = _("Provider '%(prov)s' does not support a requested option: "
code = 501
class ObjectInUse(APIException):
msg = _("%(object)s %(id)s is in use and cannot be modified.")
code = 409
class ProviderFlavorMismatchError(APIException):
msg = _("Flavor '%(flav)s' is not compatible with provider '%(prov)s'")
code = 400
class VolumeDeleteException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Failed to delete volume instance.')
class VolumeGetException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Failed to retrieve volume instance.')
class NetworkServiceError(OctaviaException):
message = _('The networking service had a failure: %(net_error)s')
class InvalidIPAddress(APIException):
msg = _('The IP Address %(ip_addr)s is invalid.')
code = 400
class AmphoraNetworkConfigException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Cannot configure network resource in the amphora: '
class ListenerNoChildren(APIException):
msg = _('Protocol %(protocol)s listeners cannot have child objects.')
code = 400