
Source code for octavia.controller.worker.tasks.network_tasks

# Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import logging

from oslo_config import cfg
import six
from taskflow import task
from taskflow.types import failure

from octavia.common import constants
from octavia.common import utils
from octavia.network import base
from octavia.network import data_models as n_data_models

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseNetworkTask(task.Task): """Base task to load drivers common to the tasks.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(BaseNetworkTask, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.network_driver = utils.get_network_driver()
[docs]class CalculateAmphoraDelta(BaseNetworkTask): default_provides = constants.DELTA
[docs] def execute(self, loadbalancer, amphora): LOG.debug("Calculating network delta for amphora id: %s", amphora.id) # Figure out what networks we want # seed with lb network(s) vrrp_port = self.network_driver.get_port(amphora.vrrp_port_id) desired_network_ids = {vrrp_port.network_id}.union( CONF.controller_worker.amp_boot_network_list) for pool in loadbalancer.pools: member_networks = [ self.network_driver.get_subnet(member.subnet_id).network_id for member in pool.members if member.subnet_id ] desired_network_ids.update(member_networks) nics = self.network_driver.get_plugged_networks(amphora.compute_id) # assume we don't have two nics in the same network actual_network_nics = dict((nic.network_id, nic) for nic in nics) del_ids = set(actual_network_nics) - desired_network_ids delete_nics = list( actual_network_nics[net_id] for net_id in del_ids) add_ids = desired_network_ids - set(actual_network_nics) add_nics = list(n_data_models.Interface( network_id=net_id) for net_id in add_ids) delta = n_data_models.Delta( amphora_id=amphora.id, compute_id=amphora.compute_id, add_nics=add_nics, delete_nics=delete_nics) return delta
[docs]class CalculateDelta(BaseNetworkTask): """Task to calculate the delta between the nics on the amphora and the ones we need. Returns a list for plumbing them. """ default_provides = constants.DELTAS
[docs] def execute(self, loadbalancer): """Compute which NICs need to be plugged for the amphora to become operational. :param loadbalancer: the loadbalancer to calculate deltas for all amphorae :returns: dict of octavia.network.data_models.Delta keyed off amphora id """ calculate_amp = CalculateAmphoraDelta() deltas = {} for amphora in six.moves.filter( lambda amp: amp.status == constants.AMPHORA_ALLOCATED, loadbalancer.amphorae): delta = calculate_amp.execute(loadbalancer, amphora) deltas[amphora.id] = delta return deltas
[docs]class GetPlumbedNetworks(BaseNetworkTask): """Task to figure out the NICS on an amphora. This will likely move into the amphora driver :returns: Array of networks """ default_provides = constants.NICS
[docs] def execute(self, amphora): """Get plumbed networks for the amphora.""" LOG.debug("Getting plumbed networks for amphora id: %s", amphora.id) return self.network_driver.get_plugged_networks(amphora.compute_id)
[docs]class PlugNetworks(BaseNetworkTask): """Task to plug the networks. This uses the delta to add all missing networks/nics """
[docs] def execute(self, amphora, delta): """Update the amphora networks for the delta.""" LOG.debug("Plug or unplug networks for amphora id: %s", amphora.id) if not delta: LOG.debug("No network deltas for amphora id: %s", amphora.id) return None # add nics for nic in delta.add_nics: self.network_driver.plug_network(amphora.compute_id, nic.network_id)
[docs] def revert(self, amphora, delta, *args, **kwargs): """Handle a failed network plug by removing all nics added.""" LOG.warning("Unable to plug networks for amp id %s", amphora.id) if not delta: return for nic in delta.add_nics: try: self.network_driver.unplug_network(amphora.compute_id, nic.network_id) except base.NetworkNotFound: pass
[docs]class UnPlugNetworks(BaseNetworkTask): """Task to unplug the networks Loop over all nics and unplug them based on delta """
[docs] def execute(self, amphora, delta): """Unplug the networks.""" LOG.debug("Unplug network for amphora") if not delta: LOG.debug("No network deltas for amphora id: %s", amphora.id) return None for nic in delta.delete_nics: try: self.network_driver.unplug_network(amphora.compute_id, nic.network_id) except base.NetworkNotFound: LOG.debug("Network %d not found", nic.network_id) pass except Exception: LOG.exception("Unable to unplug network") pass # Todo(german) follow up if that makes sense
[docs]class GetMemberPorts(BaseNetworkTask):
[docs] def execute(self, loadbalancer, amphora): vip_port = self.network_driver.get_port(loadbalancer.vip.port_id) member_ports = [] interfaces = self.network_driver.get_plugged_networks( amphora.compute_id) for interface in interfaces: port = self.network_driver.get_port(interface.port_id) if vip_port.network_id == port.network_id: continue port.network = self.network_driver.get_network(port.network_id) for fixed_ip in port.fixed_ips: if amphora.lb_network_ip == fixed_ip.ip_address: break fixed_ip.subnet = self.network_driver.get_subnet( fixed_ip.subnet_id) # Only add the port to the list if the IP wasn't the mgmt IP else: member_ports.append(port) return member_ports
[docs]class HandleNetworkDeltas(BaseNetworkTask): """Task to plug and unplug networks Loop through the deltas and plug or unplug networks based on delta """
[docs] def execute(self, deltas): """Handle network plugging based off deltas.""" added_ports = {} for amp_id, delta in six.iteritems(deltas): added_ports[amp_id] = [] for nic in delta.add_nics: interface = self.network_driver.plug_network(delta.compute_id, nic.network_id) port = self.network_driver.get_port(interface.port_id) port.network = self.network_driver.get_network(port.network_id) for fixed_ip in port.fixed_ips: fixed_ip.subnet = self.network_driver.get_subnet( fixed_ip.subnet_id) added_ports[amp_id].append(port) for nic in delta.delete_nics: try: self.network_driver.unplug_network(delta.compute_id, nic.network_id) except base.NetworkNotFound: LOG.debug("Network %d not found ", nic.network_id) except Exception: LOG.exception("Unable to unplug network") return added_ports
[docs] def revert(self, result, deltas, *args, **kwargs): """Handle a network plug or unplug failures.""" if isinstance(result, failure.Failure): return for amp_id, delta in six.iteritems(deltas): LOG.warning("Unable to plug networks for amp id %s", delta.amphora_id) if not delta: return for nic in delta.add_nics: try: self.network_driver.unplug_network(delta.compute_id, nic.network_id) except base.NetworkNotFound: pass
[docs]class PlugVIP(BaseNetworkTask): """Task to plumb a VIP."""
[docs] def execute(self, loadbalancer): """Plumb a vip to an amphora.""" LOG.debug("Plumbing VIP for loadbalancer id: %s", loadbalancer.id) amps_data = self.network_driver.plug_vip(loadbalancer, loadbalancer.vip) return amps_data
[docs] def revert(self, result, loadbalancer, *args, **kwargs): """Handle a failure to plumb a vip.""" if isinstance(result, failure.Failure): return LOG.warning("Unable to plug VIP for loadbalancer id %s", loadbalancer.id) try: # Make sure we have the current port IDs for cleanup for amp_data in result: for amphora in six.moves.filter( lambda amp: amp.id == amp_data.id, loadbalancer.amphorae): amphora.vrrp_port_id = amp_data.vrrp_port_id amphora.ha_port_id = amp_data.ha_port_id self.network_driver.unplug_vip(loadbalancer, loadbalancer.vip) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Failed to unplug VIP. Resources may still " "be in use from vip: %(vip)s due to error: %(except)s", {'vip': loadbalancer.vip.ip_address, 'except': e})
[docs]class UnplugVIP(BaseNetworkTask): """Task to unplug the vip."""
[docs] def execute(self, loadbalancer): """Unplug the vip.""" LOG.debug("Unplug vip on amphora") try: self.network_driver.unplug_vip(loadbalancer, loadbalancer.vip) except Exception: LOG.exception("Unable to unplug vip from load balancer %s", loadbalancer.id)
[docs]class AllocateVIP(BaseNetworkTask): """Task to allocate a VIP."""
[docs] def execute(self, loadbalancer): """Allocate a vip to the loadbalancer.""" LOG.debug("Allocate_vip port_id %s, subnet_id %s," "ip_address %s", loadbalancer.vip.port_id, loadbalancer.vip.subnet_id, loadbalancer.vip.ip_address) return self.network_driver.allocate_vip(loadbalancer)
[docs] def revert(self, result, loadbalancer, *args, **kwargs): """Handle a failure to allocate vip.""" if isinstance(result, failure.Failure): LOG.exception("Unable to allocate VIP") return vip = result LOG.warning("Deallocating vip %s", vip.ip_address) try: self.network_driver.deallocate_vip(vip) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Failed to deallocate VIP. Resources may still " "be in use from vip: %(vip)s due to error: %(except)s", {'vip': vip.ip_address, 'except': e})
[docs]class DeallocateVIP(BaseNetworkTask): """Task to deallocate a VIP."""
[docs] def execute(self, loadbalancer): """Deallocate a VIP.""" LOG.debug("Deallocating a VIP %s", loadbalancer.vip.ip_address) # NOTE(blogan): this is kind of ugly but sufficient for now. Drivers # will need access to the load balancer that the vip is/was attached # to. However the data model serialization for the vip does not give a # backref to the loadbalancer if accessed through the loadbalancer. vip = loadbalancer.vip vip.load_balancer = loadbalancer self.network_driver.deallocate_vip(vip) return
[docs]class UpdateVIP(BaseNetworkTask): """Task to update a VIP."""
[docs] def execute(self, loadbalancer): LOG.debug("Updating VIP of load_balancer %s.", loadbalancer.id) self.network_driver.update_vip(loadbalancer)
[docs]class GetAmphoraeNetworkConfigs(BaseNetworkTask): """Task to retrieve amphorae network details."""
[docs] def execute(self, loadbalancer): LOG.debug("Retrieving vip network details.") return self.network_driver.get_network_configs(loadbalancer)
[docs]class FailoverPreparationForAmphora(BaseNetworkTask): """Task to prepare an amphora for failover."""
[docs] def execute(self, amphora): LOG.debug("Prepare amphora %s for failover.", amphora.id) self.network_driver.failover_preparation(amphora)
[docs]class RetrievePortIDsOnAmphoraExceptLBNetwork(BaseNetworkTask): """Task retrieving all the port ids on an amphora, except lb network."""
[docs] def execute(self, amphora): LOG.debug("Retrieve all but the lb network port id on amphora %s.", amphora.id) interfaces = self.network_driver.get_plugged_networks( compute_id=amphora.compute_id) ports = [] for interface_ in interfaces: if interface_.port_id not in ports: port = self.network_driver.get_port(port_id=interface_.port_id) ips = port.fixed_ips lb_network = False for ip in ips: if ip.ip_address == amphora.lb_network_ip: lb_network = True if not lb_network: ports.append(port) return ports
[docs]class PlugPorts(BaseNetworkTask): """Task to plug neutron ports into a compute instance."""
[docs] def execute(self, amphora, ports): for port in ports: LOG.debug('Plugging port ID: %(port_id)s into compute instance: ' '%(compute_id)s.', {'port_id': port.id, 'compute_id': amphora.compute_id}) self.network_driver.plug_port(amphora, port)
[docs]class PlugVIPPort(BaseNetworkTask): """Task to plug a VIP into a compute instance."""
[docs] def execute(self, amphora, amphorae_network_config): vrrp_port = amphorae_network_config.get(amphora.id).vrrp_port LOG.debug('Plugging VIP VRRP port ID: %(port_id)s into compute ' 'instance: %(compute_id)s.', {'port_id': vrrp_port.id, 'compute_id': amphora.compute_id}) self.network_driver.plug_port(amphora, vrrp_port)
[docs] def revert(self, result, amphora, amphorae_network_config, *args, **kwargs): vrrp_port = None try: vrrp_port = amphorae_network_config.get(amphora.id).vrrp_port self.network_driver.unplug_port(amphora, vrrp_port) except Exception: LOG.warning('Failed to unplug vrrp port: %(port)s from amphora: ' '%(amp)s', {'port': vrrp_port.id, 'amp': amphora.id})
[docs]class WaitForPortDetach(BaseNetworkTask): """Task to wait for the neutron ports to detach from an amphora."""
[docs] def execute(self, amphora): LOG.debug('Waiting for ports to detach from amphora: %(amp_id)s.', {'amp_id': amphora.id}) self.network_driver.wait_for_port_detach(amphora)
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