
Source code for octavia.amphorae.drivers.haproxy.rest_api_driver

# Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Copyright (c) 2015 Rackspace
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import functools
import hashlib
import time
import warnings

from oslo_log import log as logging
import requests
import simplejson
import six
from stevedore import driver as stevedore_driver

from octavia.amphorae.driver_exceptions import exceptions as driver_except
from octavia.amphorae.drivers import driver_base
from octavia.amphorae.drivers.haproxy import exceptions as exc
from octavia.amphorae.drivers.keepalived import vrrp_rest_driver
from octavia.common.config import cfg
from octavia.common import constants as consts
from octavia.common.jinja.haproxy import jinja_cfg
from octavia.common.tls_utils import cert_parser
from octavia.common import utils

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    "Octavia HaProxy Rest Client/{version} "

[docs]class HaproxyAmphoraLoadBalancerDriver( driver_base.AmphoraLoadBalancerDriver, vrrp_rest_driver.KeepalivedAmphoraDriverMixin): def __init__(self): super(HaproxyAmphoraLoadBalancerDriver, self).__init__() self.client = AmphoraAPIClient() self.cert_manager = stevedore_driver.DriverManager( namespace='octavia.cert_manager', name=CONF.certificates.cert_manager, invoke_on_load=True, ).driver self.jinja = jinja_cfg.JinjaTemplater( base_amp_path=CONF.haproxy_amphora.base_path, base_crt_dir=CONF.haproxy_amphora.base_cert_dir, haproxy_template=CONF.haproxy_amphora.haproxy_template)
[docs] def update_amphora_listeners(self, listeners, amphora_index, amphorae, timeout_dict=None): """Update the amphora with a new configuration. :param listeners: List of listeners to update. :type listener: list :param amphora_index: The index of the amphora to update :type amphora_index: integer :param amphorae: List of amphorae :type amphorae: list :param timeout_dict: Dictionary of timeout values for calls to the amphora. May contain: req_conn_timeout, req_read_timeout, conn_max_retries, conn_retry_interval :returns: None Updates the configuration of the listeners on a single amphora. """ # if the amphora does not yet have listeners, no need to update them. if not listeners: LOG.debug('No listeners found to update.') return amp = amphorae[amphora_index] if amp is None or amp.status == consts.DELETED: return # TODO(johnsom) remove when we don't have a process per listener for listener in listeners: LOG.debug("%s updating listener %s on amphora %s", self.__class__.__name__, listener.id, amp.id) certs = self._process_tls_certificates(listener) # Generate HaProxy configuration from listener object config = self.jinja.build_config( host_amphora=amp, listener=listener, tls_cert=certs['tls_cert'], user_group=CONF.haproxy_amphora.user_group) self.client.upload_config(amp, listener.id, config, timeout_dict=timeout_dict) self.client.reload_listener(amp, listener.id, timeout_dict=timeout_dict)
[docs] def update(self, listener, vip): LOG.debug("Amphora %s haproxy, updating listener %s, vip %s", self.__class__.__name__, listener.protocol_port, vip.ip_address) # Process listener certificate info certs = self._process_tls_certificates(listener) for amp in listener.load_balancer.amphorae: if amp.status != consts.DELETED: # Generate HaProxy configuration from listener object config = self.jinja.build_config( host_amphora=amp, listener=listener, tls_cert=certs['tls_cert'], user_group=CONF.haproxy_amphora.user_group) self.client.upload_config(amp, listener.id, config) self.client.reload_listener(amp, listener.id)
[docs] def upload_cert_amp(self, amp, pem): LOG.debug("Amphora %s updating cert in REST driver " "with amphora id %s,", self.__class__.__name__, amp.id) self.client.update_cert_for_rotation(amp, pem)
def _apply(self, func, listener=None, amphora=None, *args): if amphora is None: for amp in listener.load_balancer.amphorae: if amp.status != consts.DELETED: func(amp, listener.id, *args) else: if amphora.status != consts.DELETED: func(amphora, listener.id, *args)
[docs] def stop(self, listener, vip): self._apply(self.client.stop_listener, listener)
[docs] def start(self, listener, vip, amphora=None): self._apply(self.client.start_listener, listener, amphora)
[docs] def delete(self, listener, vip): self._apply(self.client.delete_listener, listener)
[docs] def get_info(self, amphora): return self.client.get_info(amphora)
[docs] def get_diagnostics(self, amphora): pass
[docs] def finalize_amphora(self, amphora): pass
[docs] def post_vip_plug(self, amphora, load_balancer, amphorae_network_config): if amphora.status != consts.DELETED: subnet = amphorae_network_config.get(amphora.id).vip_subnet # NOTE(blogan): using the vrrp port here because that # is what the allowed address pairs network driver sets # this particular port to. This does expose a bit of # tight coupling between the network driver and amphora # driver. We will need to revisit this to try and remove # this tight coupling. # NOTE (johnsom): I am loading the vrrp_ip into the # net_info structure here so that I don't break # compatibility with old amphora agent versions. port = amphorae_network_config.get(amphora.id).vrrp_port LOG.debug("Post-VIP-Plugging with vrrp_ip %s vrrp_port %s", amphora.vrrp_ip, port.id) host_routes = [{'nexthop': hr.nexthop, 'destination': hr.destination} for hr in subnet.host_routes] net_info = {'subnet_cidr': subnet.cidr, 'gateway': subnet.gateway_ip, 'mac_address': port.mac_address, 'vrrp_ip': amphora.vrrp_ip, 'mtu': port.network.mtu, 'host_routes': host_routes} try: self.client.plug_vip(amphora, load_balancer.vip.ip_address, net_info) except exc.Conflict: LOG.warning('VIP with MAC %(mac)s already exists on amphora, ' 'skipping post_vip_plug', {'mac': port.mac_address})
[docs] def post_network_plug(self, amphora, port): fixed_ips = [] for fixed_ip in port.fixed_ips: host_routes = [{'nexthop': hr.nexthop, 'destination': hr.destination} for hr in fixed_ip.subnet.host_routes] ip = {'ip_address': fixed_ip.ip_address, 'subnet_cidr': fixed_ip.subnet.cidr, 'host_routes': host_routes} fixed_ips.append(ip) port_info = {'mac_address': port.mac_address, 'fixed_ips': fixed_ips, 'mtu': port.network.mtu} try: self.client.plug_network(amphora, port_info) except exc.Conflict: LOG.warning('Network with MAC %(mac)s already exists on amphora, ' 'skipping post_network_plug', {'mac': port.mac_address})
def _process_tls_certificates(self, listener): """Processes TLS data from the listener. Converts and uploads PEM data to the Amphora API return TLS_CERT and SNI_CERTS """ tls_cert = None sni_certs = [] certs = [] data = cert_parser.load_certificates_data( self.cert_manager, listener) if data['tls_cert'] is not None: tls_cert = data['tls_cert'] certs.append(tls_cert) if data['sni_certs']: sni_certs = data['sni_certs'] certs.extend(sni_certs) for cert in certs: pem = cert_parser.build_pem(cert) md5 = hashlib.md5(pem).hexdigest() # nosec name = '{id}.pem'.format(id=cert.id) self._apply(self._upload_cert, listener, None, pem, md5, name) return {'tls_cert': tls_cert, 'sni_certs': sni_certs} def _upload_cert(self, amp, listener_id, pem, md5, name): try: if self.client.get_cert_md5sum(amp, listener_id, name) == md5: return except exc.NotFound: pass self.client.upload_cert_pem( amp, listener_id, name, pem)
# Check a custom hostname
[docs]class CustomHostNameCheckingAdapter(requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter):
[docs] def cert_verify(self, conn, url, verify, cert): conn.assert_hostname = self.uuid return super(CustomHostNameCheckingAdapter, self).cert_verify(conn, url, verify, cert)
[docs]class AmphoraAPIClient(object): def __init__(self): super(AmphoraAPIClient, self).__init__() self.secure = False self.get = functools.partial(self.request, 'get') self.post = functools.partial(self.request, 'post') self.put = functools.partial(self.request, 'put') self.delete = functools.partial(self.request, 'delete') self.head = functools.partial(self.request, 'head') self.start_listener = functools.partial(self._action, consts.AMP_ACTION_START) self.stop_listener = functools.partial(self._action, consts.AMP_ACTION_STOP) self.reload_listener = functools.partial(self._action, consts.AMP_ACTION_RELOAD) self.start_vrrp = functools.partial(self._vrrp_action, consts.AMP_ACTION_START) self.stop_vrrp = functools.partial(self._vrrp_action, consts.AMP_ACTION_STOP) self.reload_vrrp = functools.partial(self._vrrp_action, consts.AMP_ACTION_RELOAD) self.session = requests.Session() self.session.cert = CONF.haproxy_amphora.client_cert self.ssl_adapter = CustomHostNameCheckingAdapter() self.session.mount('https://', self.ssl_adapter) def _base_url(self, ip): if utils.is_ipv6_lla(ip): ip = '[{ip}%{interface}]'.format( ip=ip, interface=CONF.haproxy_amphora.lb_network_interface) elif utils.is_ipv6(ip): ip = '[{ip}]'.format(ip=ip) return "https://{ip}:{port}/{version}/".format( ip=ip, port=CONF.haproxy_amphora.bind_port, version=API_VERSION)
[docs] def request(self, method, amp, path='/', timeout_dict=None, **kwargs): cfg_ha_amp = CONF.haproxy_amphora if timeout_dict is None: timeout_dict = {} req_conn_timeout = timeout_dict.get( consts.REQ_CONN_TIMEOUT, cfg_ha_amp.rest_request_conn_timeout) req_read_timeout = timeout_dict.get( consts.REQ_READ_TIMEOUT, cfg_ha_amp.rest_request_read_timeout) conn_max_retries = timeout_dict.get( consts.CONN_MAX_RETRIES, cfg_ha_amp.connection_max_retries) conn_retry_interval = timeout_dict.get( consts.CONN_RETRY_INTERVAL, cfg_ha_amp.connection_retry_interval) LOG.debug("request url %s", path) _request = getattr(self.session, method.lower()) _url = self._base_url(amp.lb_network_ip) + path LOG.debug("request url %s", _url) reqargs = { 'verify': CONF.haproxy_amphora.server_ca, 'url': _url, 'timeout': (req_conn_timeout, req_read_timeout), } reqargs.update(kwargs) headers = reqargs.setdefault('headers', {}) headers['User-Agent'] = OCTAVIA_API_CLIENT self.ssl_adapter.uuid = amp.id exception = None # Keep retrying for a in six.moves.xrange(conn_max_retries): try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="A true SSLContext object is not available" ) r = _request(**reqargs) LOG.debug('Connected to amphora. Response: %(resp)s', {'resp': r}) content_type = r.headers.get('content-type', '') # Check the 404 to see if it is just that the network in the # amphora is not yet up, in which case retry. # Otherwise return the response quickly. if r.status_code == 404: LOG.debug('Got a 404 (content-type: %(content_type)s) -- ' 'connection data: %(content)s', {'content_type': content_type, 'content': r.content}) if content_type.find("application/json") == -1: LOG.debug("Amphora agent not ready.") raise requests.ConnectionError try: json_data = r.json().get('details', '') if 'No suitable network interface found' in json_data: LOG.debug("Amphora network interface not found.") raise requests.ConnectionError except simplejson.JSONDecodeError: # if r.json() fails pass # TODO(rm_work) Should we do something? return r except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.Timeout) as e: exception = e LOG.warning("Could not connect to instance. Retrying.") time.sleep(conn_retry_interval) LOG.error("Connection retries (currently set to %(max_retries)s) " "exhausted. The amphora is unavailable. Reason: " "%(exception)s", {'max_retries': conn_max_retries, 'exception': exception}) raise driver_except.TimeOutException()
[docs] def upload_config(self, amp, listener_id, config, timeout_dict=None): r = self.put( amp, 'listeners/{amphora_id}/{listener_id}/haproxy'.format( amphora_id=amp.id, listener_id=listener_id), timeout_dict, data=config) return exc.check_exception(r)
[docs] def get_listener_status(self, amp, listener_id): r = self.get( amp, 'listeners/{listener_id}'.format(listener_id=listener_id)) if exc.check_exception(r): return r.json()
def _action(self, action, amp, listener_id, timeout_dict=None): r = self.put(amp, 'listeners/{listener_id}/{action}'.format( listener_id=listener_id, action=action), timeout_dict=timeout_dict) return exc.check_exception(r)
[docs] def upload_cert_pem(self, amp, listener_id, pem_filename, pem_file): r = self.put( amp, 'listeners/{listener_id}/certificates/{filename}'.format( listener_id=listener_id, filename=pem_filename), data=pem_file) return exc.check_exception(r)
[docs] def update_cert_for_rotation(self, amp, pem_file): r = self.put(amp, 'certificate', data=pem_file) return exc.check_exception(r)
[docs] def get_cert_md5sum(self, amp, listener_id, pem_filename): r = self.get(amp, 'listeners/{listener_id}/certificates/{filename}'.format( listener_id=listener_id, filename=pem_filename)) if exc.check_exception(r): return r.json().get("md5sum")
[docs] def delete_listener(self, amp, listener_id): r = self.delete( amp, 'listeners/{listener_id}'.format(listener_id=listener_id)) return exc.check_exception(r, (404,))
[docs] def get_info(self, amp): r = self.get(amp, "info") if exc.check_exception(r): return r.json()
[docs] def get_details(self, amp): r = self.get(amp, "details") if exc.check_exception(r): return r.json()
[docs] def get_all_listeners(self, amp): r = self.get(amp, "listeners") if exc.check_exception(r): return r.json()
[docs] def delete_cert_pem(self, amp, listener_id, pem_filename): r = self.delete( amp, 'listeners/{listener_id}/certificates/{filename}'.format( listener_id=listener_id, filename=pem_filename)) return exc.check_exception(r, (404,))
[docs] def plug_network(self, amp, port): r = self.post(amp, 'plug/network', json=port) return exc.check_exception(r)
[docs] def plug_vip(self, amp, vip, net_info): r = self.post(amp, 'plug/vip/{vip}'.format(vip=vip), json=net_info) return exc.check_exception(r)
[docs] def upload_vrrp_config(self, amp, config): r = self.put(amp, 'vrrp/upload', data=config) return exc.check_exception(r)
def _vrrp_action(self, action, amp): r = self.put(amp, 'vrrp/{action}'.format(action=action)) return exc.check_exception(r)
[docs] def get_interface(self, amp, ip_addr, timeout_dict=None): r = self.get(amp, 'interface/{ip_addr}'.format(ip_addr=ip_addr), timeout_dict=timeout_dict) if exc.check_exception(r): return r.json()
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