Source code for

# Copyright 2014 Rackspace
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

from concurrent import futures
import datetime
import socket
import time
import timeit

from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import excutils
import sqlalchemy
from stevedore import driver as stevedore_driver

from octavia.amphorae.backends.health_daemon import status_message
from octavia.common import constants
from octavia.common import data_models
from octavia.common import exceptions
from octavia.db import api as db_api
from octavia.db import repositories as repo
from octavia.statistics import stats_base

UDP_MAX_SIZE = 64 * 1024
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class UDPStatusGetter(object): """This class defines methods that will gather heartbeats The heartbeats are transmitted via UDP and this class will bind to a port and absorb them """ def __init__(self): self.key = cfg.CONF.health_manager.heartbeat_key self.ip = cfg.CONF.health_manager.bind_ip self.port = cfg.CONF.health_manager.bind_port self.sockaddr = None'attempting to listen on %(ip)s port %(port)s', {'ip': self.ip, 'port': self.port}) self.sock = None self.update(self.key, self.ip, self.port) # pylint: disable=consider-using-with self.health_executor = futures.ProcessPoolExecutor( max_workers=CONF.health_manager.health_update_threads) # pylint: disable=consider-using-with self.stats_executor = futures.ProcessPoolExecutor( max_workers=CONF.health_manager.stats_update_threads) self.health_updater = UpdateHealthDb()
[docs] def update(self, key, ip, port): """Update the running config for the udp socket server :param key: The hmac key used to verify the UDP packets. String :param ip: The ip address the UDP server will read from :param port: The port the UDP server will read from :return: None """ self.key = key for addrinfo in socket.getaddrinfo(ip, port, 0, socket.SOCK_DGRAM): ai_family = addrinfo[0] self.sockaddr = addrinfo[4] if self.sock is not None: self.sock.close() self.sock = socket.socket(ai_family, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.settimeout(1) self.sock.bind(self.sockaddr) if cfg.CONF.health_manager.sock_rlimit > 0: rlimit = cfg.CONF.health_manager.sock_rlimit"setting sock rlimit to %s", rlimit) self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, rlimit) break # just used the first addr getaddrinfo finds if self.sock is None: raise exceptions.NetworkConfig("unable to find suitable socket")
[docs] def dorecv(self, *args, **kw): """Waits for a UDP heart beat to be sent. :return: Returns the unwrapped payload and addr that sent the heartbeat. """ (data, srcaddr) = self.sock.recvfrom(UDP_MAX_SIZE) LOG.debug('Received packet from %s', srcaddr) try: obj = status_message.unwrap_envelope(data, self.key) except Exception as e: LOG.warning('Health Manager experienced an exception processing a ' 'heartbeat message from %s. Ignoring this packet. ' 'Exception: %s', srcaddr, str(e)) raise exceptions.InvalidHMACException() obj['recv_time'] = time.time() return obj, srcaddr[0]
[docs] def check(self): try: obj, srcaddr = self.dorecv() except socket.timeout: # Pass here as this is an expected cycling of the listen socket pass except exceptions.InvalidHMACException: # Pass here as the packet was dropped and logged already pass except Exception as e: LOG.warning('Health Manager experienced an exception processing a ' 'heartbeat packet. Ignoring this packet. ' 'Exception: %s', str(e)) else: self.health_executor.submit(self.health_updater.update_health, obj, srcaddr) self.stats_executor.submit(update_stats, obj)
[docs]def update_stats(health_message): """Parses the health message then passes it to the stats driver(s) :param health_message: The health message containing the listener stats :type health_message: dict Example V1 message:: health = { "id": "<amphora_id>", "listeners": { "<listener_id>": { "status": "OPEN", "stats": { "ereq": 0, "conns": 0, "totconns": 0, "rx": 0, "tx": 0, }, "pools": { "<pool_id>": { "status": "UP", "members": {"<member_id>": "ONLINE"} } } } } } Example V2 message:: {"id": "<amphora_id>", "seq": 67, "listeners": { "<listener_id>": { "status": "OPEN", "stats": { "tx": 0, "rx": 0, "conns": 0, "totconns": 0, "ereq": 0 } } }, "pools": { "<pool_id>:<listener_id>": { "status": "UP", "members": { "<member_id>": "no check" } } }, "ver": 2 "recv_time": time.time() } Example V3 message:: Same as V2 message, except values are deltas rather than absolutes. """ version = health_message.get("ver", 2) deltas = False if version >= 3: deltas = True amphora_id = health_message.get('id') listeners = health_message.get('listeners', {}) listener_stats = [] for listener_id, listener in listeners.items(): listener_dict = listener.get('stats') stats_model = data_models.ListenerStatistics( listener_id=listener_id, amphora_id=amphora_id, bytes_in=listener_dict.get('rx'), bytes_out=listener_dict.get('tx'), active_connections=listener_dict.get('conns'), total_connections=listener_dict.get('totconns'), request_errors=listener_dict.get('ereq'), received_time=health_message.get('recv_time') ) LOG.debug("Listener %s / Amphora %s stats: %s", listener_id, amphora_id, stats_model.get_stats()) listener_stats.append(stats_model) stats_base.update_stats_via_driver(listener_stats, deltas=deltas)
[docs]class UpdateHealthDb: def __init__(self): super().__init__() # first setup repo for amphora, listener,member(nodes),pool repo self.amphora_repo = repo.AmphoraRepository() self.amphora_health_repo = repo.AmphoraHealthRepository() self.listener_repo = repo.ListenerRepository() self.loadbalancer_repo = repo.LoadBalancerRepository() self.member_repo = repo.MemberRepository() self.pool_repo = repo.PoolRepository() @staticmethod def _update_status(session, repo, entity_type, entity_id, new_op_status, old_op_status): if old_op_status.lower() != new_op_status.lower(): LOG.debug("%s %s status has changed from %s to " "%s, updating db.", entity_type, entity_id, old_op_status, new_op_status) repo.update(session, entity_id, operating_status=new_op_status)
[docs] def update_health(self, health, srcaddr): # The executor will eat any exceptions from the update_health code # so we need to wrap it and log the unhandled exception start_time = timeit.default_timer() try: self._update_health(health, srcaddr) except Exception as e: LOG.exception('Health update for amphora %(amp)s encountered ' 'error %(err)s. Skipping health update.', {'amp': health['id'], 'err': str(e)}) # TODO(johnsom) We need to set a warning threshold here LOG.debug('Health Update finished in: %s seconds', timeit.default_timer() - start_time)
# Health heartbeat message pre-versioning with UDP listeners # need to adjust the expected listener count # This is for backward compatibility with Rocky pre-versioning # heartbeat amphora. def _update_listener_count_for_UDP(self, session, db_lb, expected_listener_count): # For udp listener, the udp health won't send out by amp agent. # Once the default_pool of udp listener have the first enabled # member, then the health will be sent out. So during this # period, need to figure out the udp listener and ignore them # by changing expected_listener_count. for list_id, list_db in db_lb.get('listeners', {}).items(): need_remove = False if list_db['protocol'] == constants.PROTOCOL_UDP: listener = self.listener_repo.get(session, id=list_id) enabled_members = ([member for member in listener.default_pool.members if member.enabled] if listener.default_pool else []) if listener.default_pool: if not listener.default_pool.members: need_remove = True elif not enabled_members: need_remove = True else: need_remove = True if need_remove: expected_listener_count = expected_listener_count - 1 return expected_listener_count def _update_health(self, health, srcaddr): """This function is to update db info based on amphora status :param health: map object that contains amphora, listener, member info :type map: string :returns: null The input v1 health data structure is shown as below:: health = { "id": self.FAKE_UUID_1, "listeners": { "listener-id-1": {"status": constants.OPEN, "pools": { "pool-id-1": {"status": constants.UP, "members": { "member-id-1": constants.ONLINE} } } } } } Example V2 message:: {"id": "<amphora_id>", "seq": 67, "listeners": { "<listener_id>": { "status": "OPEN", "stats": { "tx": 0, "rx": 0, "conns": 0, "totconns": 0, "ereq": 0 } } }, "pools": { "<pool_id>:<listener_id>": { "status": "UP", "members": { "<member_id>": "no check" } } }, "ver": 2 } """ session = db_api.get_session() # We need to see if all of the listeners are reporting in db_lb = self.amphora_repo.get_lb_for_health_update(session, health['id']) ignore_listener_count = False if db_lb: expected_listener_count = 0 if ('PENDING' in db_lb['provisioning_status'] or not db_lb['enabled']): ignore_listener_count = True else: for key, listener in db_lb.get('listeners', {}).items(): # disabled listeners don't report from the amphora if listener['enabled']: expected_listener_count += 1 # If this is a heartbeat older than versioning, handle # UDP special for backward compatibility. if 'ver' not in health: udp_listeners = [ l for k, l in db_lb.get('listeners', {}).items() if l['protocol'] == constants.PROTOCOL_UDP] if udp_listeners: expected_listener_count = ( self._update_listener_count_for_UDP( session, db_lb, expected_listener_count)) else: amp = self.amphora_repo.get(session, id=health['id']) # This is debug and not warning because this can happen under # normal deleting operations. LOG.debug('Received a health heartbeat from amphora %s with ' 'IP %s that should not exist. This amphora may be ' 'in the process of being deleted, in which case you ' 'will only see this message a few ' 'times', health['id'], srcaddr) if not amp: LOG.warning('The amphora %s with IP %s is missing from ' 'the DB, so it cannot be automatically ' 'deleted (the compute_id is unknown). An ' 'operator must manually delete it from the ' 'compute service.', health['id'], srcaddr) return # delete the amp right there try: compute = stevedore_driver.DriverManager( namespace='octavia.compute.drivers', name=CONF.controller_worker.compute_driver, invoke_on_load=True ).driver compute.delete(amp.compute_id) return except Exception as e:"Error deleting amp %s with IP %s Error: %s", health['id'], srcaddr, str(e)) expected_listener_count = 0 listeners = health['listeners'] # Do not update amphora health if the reporting listener count # does not match the expected listener count if len(listeners) == expected_listener_count or ignore_listener_count: lock_session = db_api.get_session(autocommit=False) # if we're running too far behind, warn and bail proc_delay = time.time() - health['recv_time'] hb_interval = CONF.health_manager.heartbeat_interval # TODO(johnsom) We need to set a warning threshold here, and # escalate to critical when it reaches the # heartbeat_interval if proc_delay >= hb_interval: LOG.warning('Amphora %(id)s health message was processed too ' 'slowly: %(delay)ss! The system may be overloaded ' 'or otherwise malfunctioning. This heartbeat has ' 'been ignored and no update was made to the ' 'amphora health entry. THIS IS NOT GOOD.', {'id': health['id'], 'delay': proc_delay}) return # if the input amphora is healthy, we update its db info try: self.amphora_health_repo.replace( lock_session, health['id'], last_update=(datetime.datetime.utcnow())) lock_session.commit() except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): lock_session.rollback() else: LOG.warning('Amphora %(id)s health message reports %(found)i ' 'listeners when %(expected)i expected', {'id': health['id'], 'found': len(listeners), 'expected': expected_listener_count}) # Don't try to update status for bogus or old spares pool amphora if not db_lb: return processed_pools = [] potential_offline_pools = {} # We got a heartbeat so lb is healthy until proven otherwise if db_lb[constants.ENABLED] is False: lb_status = constants.OFFLINE else: lb_status = constants.ONLINE health_msg_version = health.get('ver', 0) for listener_id in db_lb.get(constants.LISTENERS, {}): db_listener = db_lb[constants.LISTENERS][listener_id] db_op_status = db_listener[constants.OPERATING_STATUS] listener_status = None listener = None if listener_id not in listeners: if (db_listener[constants.ENABLED] and db_lb[constants.PROVISIONING_STATUS] == constants.ACTIVE): listener_status = constants.ERROR else: listener_status = constants.OFFLINE else: listener = listeners[listener_id] # OPEN = HAProxy listener status nbconn < maxconn if listener.get('status') == constants.OPEN: listener_status = constants.ONLINE # FULL = HAProxy listener status not nbconn < maxconn elif listener.get('status') == constants.FULL: listener_status = constants.DEGRADED if lb_status == constants.ONLINE: lb_status = constants.DEGRADED else: LOG.warning(('Listener %(list)s reported status of ' '%(status)s'), {'list': listener_id, 'status': listener.get('status')}) try: if (listener_status is not None and listener_status != db_op_status): self._update_status( session, self.listener_repo, constants.LISTENER, listener_id, listener_status, db_op_status) except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: LOG.error("Listener %s is not in DB", listener_id) if not listener: continue if health_msg_version < 2: raw_pools = listener['pools'] # normalize the pool IDs. Single process listener pools # have the listener id appended with an ':' seperator. # Old multi-process listener pools only have a pool ID. # This makes sure the keys are only pool IDs. pools = {(k + ' ')[:k.rfind(':')]: v for k, v in raw_pools.items()} for db_pool_id in db_lb.get('pools', {}): # If we saw this pool already on another listener, skip it. if db_pool_id in processed_pools: continue db_pool_dict = db_lb['pools'][db_pool_id] lb_status = self._process_pool_status( session, db_pool_id, db_pool_dict, pools, lb_status, processed_pools, potential_offline_pools) if health_msg_version >= 2: raw_pools = health['pools'] # normalize the pool IDs. Single process listener pools # have the listener id appended with an ':' seperator. # Old multi-process listener pools only have a pool ID. # This makes sure the keys are only pool IDs. pools = {(k + ' ')[:k.rfind(':')]: v for k, v in raw_pools.items()} for db_pool_id in db_lb.get('pools', {}): # If we saw this pool already, skip it. if db_pool_id in processed_pools: continue db_pool_dict = db_lb['pools'][db_pool_id] lb_status = self._process_pool_status( session, db_pool_id, db_pool_dict, pools, lb_status, processed_pools, potential_offline_pools) for pool_id, pool in potential_offline_pools.items(): # Skip if we eventually found a status for this pool if pool_id in processed_pools: continue try: # If the database doesn't already show the pool offline, update if pool != constants.OFFLINE: self._update_status( session, self.pool_repo, constants.POOL, pool_id, constants.OFFLINE, pool) except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: LOG.error("Pool %s is not in DB", pool_id) # Update the load balancer status last try: if lb_status != db_lb['operating_status']: self._update_status( session, self.loadbalancer_repo, constants.LOADBALANCER, db_lb['id'], lb_status, db_lb[constants.OPERATING_STATUS]) except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: LOG.error("Load balancer %s is not in DB", def _process_pool_status( self, session, pool_id, db_pool_dict, pools, lb_status, processed_pools, potential_offline_pools): pool_status = None if pool_id not in pools: # If we don't have a status update for this pool_id # add it to the list of potential offline pools and continue. # We will check the potential offline pool list after we # finish processing the status updates from all of the listeners. potential_offline_pools[pool_id] = db_pool_dict['operating_status'] return lb_status pool = pools[pool_id] processed_pools.append(pool_id) # UP = HAProxy backend has working or no servers if pool.get('status') == constants.UP: pool_status = constants.ONLINE # DOWN = HAProxy backend has no working servers elif pool.get('status') == constants.DOWN: pool_status = constants.ERROR lb_status = constants.ERROR else: LOG.warning(('Pool %(pool)s reported status of ' '%(status)s'), {'pool': pool_id, 'status': pool.get('status')}) # Deal with the members that are reporting from # the Amphora members = pool['members'] for member_id in db_pool_dict.get('members', {}): member_status = None member_db_status = ( db_pool_dict['members'][member_id]['operating_status']) if member_id not in members: if member_db_status != constants.NO_MONITOR: member_status = constants.OFFLINE else: status = members[member_id] # Member status can be "UP" or "UP #/#" # (transitional) if status.startswith(constants.UP): member_status = constants.ONLINE # Member status can be "DOWN" or "DOWN #/#" # (transitional) elif status.startswith(constants.DOWN): member_status = constants.ERROR if pool_status == constants.ONLINE: pool_status = constants.DEGRADED if lb_status == constants.ONLINE: lb_status = constants.DEGRADED elif status == constants.DRAIN: member_status = constants.DRAINING elif status == constants.MAINT: member_status = constants.OFFLINE elif status == constants.NO_CHECK: member_status = constants.NO_MONITOR elif status == constants.RESTARTING: # RESTARTING means that keepalived is restarting and a down # member has been detected, the real status of the member # is not clear, it might mean that the checker hasn't run # yet. # In this case, keep previous member_status, and wait for a # non-transitional status. pass else: LOG.warning('Member %(mem)s reported ' 'status of %(status)s', {'mem': member_id, 'status': status}) try: if (member_status is not None and member_status != member_db_status): self._update_status( session, self.member_repo, constants.MEMBER, member_id, member_status, member_db_status) except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: LOG.error("Member %s is not able to update " "in DB", member_id) try: if (pool_status is not None and pool_status != db_pool_dict['operating_status']): self._update_status( session, self.pool_repo, constants.POOL, pool_id, pool_status, db_pool_dict['operating_status']) except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: LOG.error("Pool %s is not in DB", pool_id) return lb_status