OpenStack-Ansible HAProxy server

This Ansible role installs the HAProxy Load Balancer service.

To clone or view the source code for this repository, visit the role repository for haproxy_server.

Default variables

# Validate Certificates when downloading hatop. May be set to "no" when proxy server
# is intercepting the certificates.
haproxy_hatop_download_validate_certs: yes

# Set the package install state for distribution packages
# Options are 'present' and 'latest'
haproxy_package_state: "latest"

## Haproxy Configuration
haproxy_rise: 3
haproxy_fall: 3
haproxy_interval: 12000

## Haproxy Stats
haproxy_stats_enabled: False
haproxy_stats_port: 1936
haproxy_username: admin
haproxy_stats_password: secrete
haproxy_stats_refresh_interval: 60
# Prometheus stats are supported from HAProxy v2
# Stats must be enabled above before this can be used
haproxy_stats_prometheus_enabled: False
# Pin stats gathering to one or more processes when using 'nbproc' tuning
# For permitted options see
# haproxy_stats_process: all

# Default haproxy backup nodes to empty list so this doesn't have to be
# defined for each service.
haproxy_backup_nodes: []

haproxy_service_configs: []
# Example:
# haproxy_service_configs:
#   - service:
#       haproxy_service_name: haproxy_all
#       haproxy_backend_nodes: "{{ groups['haproxy_all'][0] }}"
#       # haproxy_backup_nodes: "{{ groups['haproxy_all'][1:] }}"
#       haproxy_port: 80
#       haproxy_balance_type: http
#       haproxy_backend_options:
#         - "forwardfor"
#         - "httpchk"
#         - "httplog"
#       haproxy_backend_server_options:
#         - "inter 3000"                # a contrived example, there are many server config options possible
#       haproxy_acls:
#         allow_list:
#           rule: "src"
#           backend_name: "mybackend"
#       haproxy_frontend_acls:
#         letsencrypt-acl:
#           rule: "path_beg /.well-known/acme-challenge/"
#           backend_name: letsencrypt
#   - service:
#       #
#       haproxy_service_name: prometheus-metrics
#       haproxy_port: 8404
#       haproxy_bind:
#         - ''
#       haproxy_allowlist_networks: "{{ haproxy_allowlist_networks }}"
#       haproxy_frontend_only: True
#       haproxy_balance_type: "http"
#       haproxy_frontend_raw:
#         - 'http-request use-service prometheus-exporter if { path /metrics }'
#       haproxy_service_enabled: True

galera_monitoring_user: monitoring
haproxy_bind_on_non_local: False

## haproxy SSL
haproxy_ssl: true
haproxy_ssl_all_vips: false
haproxy_ssl_dh_param: 2048
haproxy_ssl_cert_path: /etc/haproxy/ssl
haproxy_ssl_cipher_suite: "{{ ssl_cipher_suite | default('ECDH+AESGCM:DH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256:DH+AES256:ECDH+AES128:DH+AES:RSA+AESGCM:RSA+AES:!aNULL:!MD5:!DSS') }}"
haproxy_ssl_bind_options: "force-tlsv12"

# haproxy self signed certificate

# Storage location for SSL certificate authority
haproxy_pki_dir: "{{ openstack_pki_dir | default('/etc/pki/haproxy-ca') }}"

# Delegated host for operating the certificate authority
haproxy_pki_setup_host: "{{ openstack_pki_setup_host | default('localhost') }}"

# Create a certificate authority if one does not already exist
haproxy_pki_create_ca: "{{ openstack_pki_authorities is not defined | bool }}"
haproxy_pki_regen_ca: ''
  - name: "HAProxyRoot"
    country: "GB"
    state_or_province_name: "England"
    organization_name: "Example Corporation"
    organizational_unit_name: "IT Security"
    cn: "HAProxy Root CA"
    provider: selfsigned
    basic_constraints: "CA:TRUE"
      - digitalSignature
      - cRLSign
      - keyCertSign
    not_after: "+3650d"
  - name: "HAProxyIntermediate"
    country: "GB"
    state_or_province_name: "England"
    organization_name: "Example Corporation"
    organizational_unit_name: "IT Security"
    cn: "HAProxy Intermediate CA"
    provider: ownca
    basic_constraints: "CA:TRUE,pathlen:0"
      - digitalSignature
      - cRLSign
      - keyCertSign
    not_after: "+3650d"
    signed_by: "HAProxyRoot"

# Installation details for certificate authorities
  - name: "HAProxyRoot"
    condition: "{{ haproxy_pki_create_ca }}"

# HAProxy server certificate
haproxy_pki_keys_path: "{{ haproxy_pki_dir ~ '/certs/private/' }}"
haproxy_pki_certs_path: "{{ haproxy_pki_dir ~ '/certs/certs/' }}"
haproxy_pki_intermediate_cert_name: "{{ openstack_pki_service_intermediate_cert_name | default('HAProxyIntermediate') }}"
haproxy_pki_intermediate_cert_path: "{{ haproxy_pki_dir ~ '/roots/' ~ haproxy_pki_intermediate_cert_name ~ '/certs/' ~ haproxy_pki_intermediate_cert_name ~ '.crt' }}"
haproxy_pki_regen_cert: ''
haproxy_pki_certificates: "{{ _haproxy_pki_certificates }}"

# Installation details for SSL certificates
haproxy_pki_install_certificates: "{{ _haproxy_pki_install_certificates }}"

# activate letsencrypt option
haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_enable: false
# choose the certbot install method, 'distro' for a package manager repo, or downloaded with the certbot-auto script 'certbot-auto'
haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_install_method: "certbot-auto"
haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_certbot_auto_binary: "{{ haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_install_path }}/{{ haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_download_url | basename }}"
haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_certbot_binary: "{{ (haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_install_method == 'certbot-auto') | ternary(haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_certbot_auto_binary, 'certbot') }}"
haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_certbot_backend_port: 8888
haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_pre_hook_timeout: 5
haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_certbot_bind_address: "{{ ansible_host }}"
haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_certbot_challenge: "http-01"
haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_email: ""
haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_download_url: ""
haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_venv: "/opt/"
haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_config_path: "/etc/letsencrypt/live"
haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_install_path: "/opt/letsencrypt"
haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_setup_extra_params: ""
haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_cron_minute: "0"
haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_cron_hour: "0"
haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_cron_weekday: "0"
    rule: "path_beg /.well-known/acme-challenge/"
    backend_name: letsencrypt
# Use alternative CA that supports ACME, can be a public or private CA
# haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_certbot_server: ""

# hatop extra package URL and checksum
haproxy_hatop_download_url: ""
haproxy_hatop_download_checksum: "sha256:bcdab1664358ec83027957df11bbeb322df1a96d414a3ccc4e211532b82c4ad2"

# Install hatop
haproxy_hatop_install: true

# The location where the extra packages are downloaded to
haproxy_hatop_download_path: "/opt/cache/files"

## haproxy default
# Set the number of retries to perform on a server after a connection failure
haproxy_retries: "3"
# Set the maximum inactivity time on the client side
haproxy_client_timeout: "50s"
# Set the maximum time to wait for a connection attempt to a server to succeed
haproxy_connect_timeout: "10s"
# Set the maximum allowed time to wait for a complete HTTP request
haproxy_http_request_timeout: "5s"
# Set the maximum inactivity time on the server side
haproxy_server_timeout: "50s"
# Set the HTTP keepalive mode to use
# Disable persistent connections by default because they can cause issues when the server side closes the connection
# at the same time a request is sent.
haproxy_keepalive_mode: 'forceclose'

## haproxy tuning params
haproxy_maxconn: 4096

# Parameters below should only be specified if necessary, defaults are programmed in the template
#  nbproc: 1
#  tune.bufsize: 384000
#  tune.chksize: 16384
#  tune.comp_maxlevel: 1
#  tune.http_maxhdr: 101
#  tune.maxaccept: 64
#  tune.ssl_cachesize: 20000
#  tune.ssl_lifetime: 300
haproxy_tuning_params: {}

# Add extra VIPs to all services
extra_lb_vip_addresses: []

# Add extra TLS VIPs to all services
extra_lb_tls_vip_addresses: []

# Option to override which address haproxy binds to for external vip.
haproxy_bind_external_lb_vip_address: "{{ external_lb_vip_address }}"

# Option to override which address haproxy binds to for internal vip.
haproxy_bind_internal_lb_vip_address: "{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}"

# Make the log socket available to the chrooted filesystem
haproxy_log_socket: "/dev/log"
haproxy_log_mount_point: "/var/lib/haproxy/dev/log"

# Ansible group name which should be used for distrtibuting self signed SSL Certificates
haproxy_ansible_group_name: haproxy_all

Required variables




Example playbook

- name: Install haproxy
  hosts: haproxy
  user: root
    - { role: "haproxy_server", tags: [ "haproxy-server" ] }
      - service:
          haproxy_service_name: group_name
          haproxy_backend_nodes: "{{ groups['group_name'][0] }}"
          haproxy_backup_nodes: "{{ groups['group_name'][1:] }}"
          haproxy_port: 80
          haproxy_balance_type: http
            - "forwardfor"
            - "httpchk"
            - "httplog"
            - 'http-check expect string OK'