OpenStack-Ansible LXC hosts

OpenStack-Ansible LXC hosts

Ansible role that configures a host for running LXC containers.

To clone or view the source code for this repository, visit the role repository for lxc_hosts.

Default variables

# Validate certificates when downloading LXC templates
lxc_hosts_validate_certs: yes

# Set the package install state for distribution and pip packages
# Options are 'present' and 'latest'
lxc_hosts_package_state: "latest"
lxc_hosts_pip_package_state: "latest"

# Mappings from Ansible reported architecture to distro release architecture
  x86_64: amd64
  ppc64le: ppc64el
  s390x: s390x

# Set the volume size for the machine image caches. We only use the
# most specific mountpoint from the hierarchy.
# NOTE: Size is set in Gigabytes.
lxc_host_machine_volume_size: |-
    {%- set mounts = [] -%}
    {%- set mount_points = ['/var/lib/machines', '/var/lib/', '/var', '/'] -%}
    {%- for mount in mount_points -%}
    {%-   for dev in ansible_mounts -%}
    {%-     if mount == dev.mount -%}
    {%-       set _ = mounts.append(dev.size_total // (1024 ** 3)) -%}
    {%-     endif -%}
    {%-   endfor -%}
    {%- endfor -%}
    {{ mounts[0] }}

# Disable the machinctl quota system.
lxc_host_machine_quota_disabled: true

# DefaultTasksMax systemd value. It's not recommended to change this value as it
# could prevent new processes from starting on busy containers.
lxc_default_tasks_max: 8192

# lxc container rootfs directory and cache path
lxc_container_directory: "/var/lib/lxc"
lxc_container_cache_path: "/var/cache/lxc/download"

# The container backing store can be set to 'overlayfs' to use overlayfs
# This should only be done for production use with a linux kernel > 3.14
# which is when overlayfs was merged into the mainline kernel
# lxc_container_backing_store: overlayfs

# The container backing method can be set to 'copy-on-write' to use LVM
# snapshot-backed containers when the container backing store is set to
# 'lvm'.
# lxc_container_backing_method: copy-on-write

# When using a base container to snapshot from for the overlayfs or LVM
# copy-on-write backing stored, the base container can be set.
lxc_container_base_name: "{{ lxc_cache_map.distro }}-{{ lxc_cache_map.release }}-{{ lxc_cache_map.arch }}"

# Set the default zfs root name
lxc_container_zfs_root_name: "pool/lxc"

# lxc container net network
lxc_net_bridge: lxcbr0
lxc_net_bridge_port: none
lxc_net_gateway: null  ## if null, no gateway will be on the LXC bridge. lxc_net_nat must be "false" to use a gateway.
#lxc_net_mtu: 1500 ##setting this variable will add mtu configuration for the lxc config and network bridge

# lxc container nat enabled
lxc_net_nat: true  ## If "true", nat rules will be created with the lxc network.

# Enable iptables for lxc network
lxc_net_manage_iptables: true  ## If "true" iptables rules will be added when the bridge is up and deleted when bridge is down

# lxc container dhcp settings
lxc_net_dhcp_max: 253
lxc_net_dhcp_config: ''
lxc_net_dnsmasq_user: lxc-dnsmasq
lxc_net_domain: ''

# lxc network ipv6 settings
lxc_net6_address: null ## ie. fd05:ffb8:32b4:1212::1
lxc_net6_netmask: null ## ie. 64
lxc_net6_nat: false

# lxc_container_net_link variable should be set to the lxc-net bridge.
lxc_container_net_link: "{{ lxc_net_bridge }}"  ## name of the host bridge to attach to
lxc_container_net_type: veth  ## lxc network interface type (veth, phys, vlan, macvlan, empty)
lxc_container_net_name: eth0  ## name of the interface inside the container.

# System control kernel tuning
  - { key: 'fs.inotify.max_user_instances', value: 1024 }

  - lxc-python2

    - { regexp: "^PermitRootLogin",         line: "PermitRootLogin yes" }
    - { regexp: "^TCPKeepAlive",            line: "TCPKeepAlive yes" }
    - { regexp: "^UseDNS",                  line: "UseDNS no" }
    - { regexp: "^X11Forwarding",           line: "X11Forwarding no" }
    - { regexp: "^PasswordAuthentication",  line: "PasswordAuthentication no" }

# The compression ratio used when creating the container cache rootfs archive
lxc_image_compression_ratio: 0

# A list of files may be copied into the container image cache from the
# deployment host during its preparation.
# Example:
#   lxc_container_cache_files:
#     - src: "/etc/openstack_deploy/files/etc/issue"
#       dest: "/etc/issue"
lxc_container_cache_files: []

# A list of files may be copied into the container image cache from the
# LXC host during its preparation.
# Example:
#   lxc_container_cache_files_from_host:
#     - "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/myrepo.list"
lxc_container_cache_files_from_host: []

# DNS servers to use during cache preparation
  - "{{ lxc_net_address }}"

# Custom shell commands to run before/after the LXC cache prep process has taken
# place.
lxc_cache_prep_pre_commands: '## pre command skipped ##'
lxc_cache_prep_post_commands: '## post command skipped ##'

# The maximum amount of time (in seconds) to wait until failing the cache
# preparation process. This is necessary to mitigate the issue that can
# arise where the cache prep hangs and never fails.
# The value is specified in seconds, with the default being 20 minutes.
lxc_cache_prep_timeout: 1200

# Set the servers to download LXC images from
# NOTE(mhayden): The main site will redirect
# requests to (us|uk) upon the first request. We
# add the mirrors here to get around some HTTP 400 errors and allow aria2 to
# download from both mirrors at the same time.

# The DNS name of the LXD server to source the base container cache from
# NOTE(cloudnull): This var should be removed in R.
lxc_image_cache_server: "{{ lxc_image_cache_server_mirrors[0].strip('http(?s)://') }}"

# Local path to cached image
lxc_image_cache_path: "/var/lib/machines/{{ lxc_container_base_name }}"

# Mode to pull image. This is used to pull the image from a remote source.
#  Valid options are [import-tar, import-raw]
lxc_image_cache_pull_mode: import-tar

# Set this option to true to pull a new cached image.
lxc_image_cache_refresh: false

# The keyservers to use when validating GPG keys for the downloaded cache
lxc_image_cache_primary_keyserver: hkp://
lxc_image_cache_secondary_keyserver: hkp://

## Default download template options
##  This can be customized to use a local build server and options.
##  By default these options will be fulfilled by the distro specific
##  variable files found in vars/
# lxc_cache_download_template_options: >
#   --dist NAME_OF_DISTRO
#   --release DISTRO_RELEASE
#   --force-cache
lxc_cache_default_variant: default
lxc_cache_download_template_extra_options: ""
lxc_cache_download_template_options: >-
  --dist {{ lxc_cache_map.distro }}
  --release {{ lxc_cache_map.release }}
  --arch {{ lxc_cache_map.arch }}
  --server {{ lxc_image_cache_server }}
  --variant {{ lxc_cache_default_variant }}
  {{ lxc_cache_download_template_extra_options }}

# LXC must be installed from a COPR repository on CentOS 7 since the version
# provided in EPEL is much too old (1.x).

## Set default mirror for openSUSE repositories
# NOTE(hwoarang): Ensure that the full path to the 'opensuse' directory is used.
# Additionally, set 'lxc_hosts_opensuse_mirror_obs_url' to a mirror which also mirrors
# the OBS repositories. If you want to use the same mirror in both cases, then leave the
# 'lxc_hosts_opensuse_mirror_obs_url' to its default value.
lxc_hosts_opensuse_mirror_url: ''
lxc_hosts_opensuse_mirror_obs_url: "{{ lxc_hosts_opensuse_mirror_url }}"

Required variables


Example playbook

- name: Basic LXC host setup
  hosts: "hosts"
  user: root
    - { role: "lxc_hosts" }
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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.