


Add, remove, and get items from memcached.


# Add an item into memcached.
- memcached:
    name: "key_name"
    content: "Super awesome value"
    state: "present"
    server: "localhost:11211"

# Read the contents of a memcached key, returned as "memcached_phrase.value".
- memcached:
    name: "key_name"
    state: "retrieve"
    server: "localhost:11211"
    register: memcached_key

# Add the contents of a file into memcached.
- memcached:
    name: "key_name"
    file_path: "/home/user_name/file.txt"
    state: "present"
    server: "localhost:11211"

# Write the contents of a memcached key to a file and is returned as
# "memcached_phrase.value".
- memcached:
    name: "key_name"
    file_path: "/home/user_name/file.txt"
    state: "retrieve"
    server: "localhost:11211"
    register: memcached_key

# Delete an item from memcached.
- memcached:
    name: "key_name"
    state: "absent"
    server: "localhost:11211"
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