Home OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide

Cached Ansible facts issues

At the beginning of a playbook run, information about each host, such as its Linux distribution, kernel version, and network interfaces, is gathered. To improve performance, particularly in larger deployments, these facts can be cached.

OpenStack-Ansible enables fact caching by default. The facts are cached in JSON files within /etc/openstack_deploy/ansible_facts.

Fact caching can be disabled by commenting out the fact_caching parameter in playbooks/ansible.cfg. Refer to Ansible’s documentation on fact caching for more details.

Forcing regeneration of cached facts

If a host’s kernel is upgraded or additional network interfaces or bridges are created on the host, its cached facts may be incorrect. This can lead to unexpected errors while running playbooks, and require that the cached facts be regenerated.

Run the following command to remove all currently cached facts for all hosts:

# rm /etc/openstack_deploy/ansible_facts/*

New facts will be gathered and cached during the next playbook run.

To clear facts for a single host, find its file within /etc/openstack_deploy/ansible_facts/ and remove it. Each host has a JSON file that is named after its hostname. The facts for that host will be regenerated on the next playbook run.

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