Baremetal Introspection API

The Baremetal Introspection Proxy

The baremetal introspection high-level interface is available through the baremetal_introspection member of a Connection object. The baremetal_introspection member will only be added if the service is detected.

Introspection Process Operations

class openstack.baremetal_introspection.v1._proxy.Proxy(session, statsd_client=None, statsd_prefix=None, prometheus_counter=None, prometheus_histogram=None, influxdb_config=None, influxdb_client=None, *args, **kwargs)

Retrieve a generator of introspection records.


query (dict) –

Optional query parameters to be sent to restrict the records to be returned. Available parameters include:

  • fields: A list containing one or more fields to be returned in the response. This may lead to some performance gain because other fields of the resource are not refreshed.

  • limit: Requests at most the specified number of items be returned from the query.

  • marker: Specifies the ID of the last-seen introspection. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen introspection from the response as the marker value in a subsequent limited request.

  • sort_dir: Sorts the response by the requested sort direction. A valid value is asc (ascending) or desc (descending). Default is asc. You can specify multiple pairs of sort key and sort direction query parameters. If you omit the sort direction in a pair, the API uses the natural sorting direction of the server attribute that is provided as the sort_key.

  • sort_key: Sorts the response by the this attribute value. Default is id. You can specify multiple pairs of sort key and sort direction query parameters. If you omit the sort direction in a pair, the API uses the natural sorting direction of the server attribute that is provided as the sort_key.


A generator of Introspection objects


Get a specific introspection.


introspection – The value can be the name or ID of an introspection (matching bare metal node name or ID) or an Introspection instance.


Introspection instance.


ResourceNotFound when no introspection matching the name or ID could be found.


Get introspection data.


introspection – The value can be the name or ID of an introspection (matching bare metal node name or ID) or an Introspection instance.


introspection data from the most recent successful run.

Return type



Create a new introspection from attributes.


node – The value can be either the name or ID of a node or a Node instance.


Introspection instance.

wait_for_introspection(introspection, timeout=None, ignore_error=False)

Wait for the introspection to finish.

  • introspection – The value can be the name or ID of an introspection (matching bare metal node name or ID) or an Introspection instance.

  • timeout – How much (in seconds) to wait for the introspection. The value of None (the default) means no client-side timeout.

  • ignore_error – If True, this call will raise an exception if the introspection reaches the error state. Otherwise the error state is considered successful and the call returns.


Introspection instance.


ResourceFailure if introspection fails and ignore_error is False.


ResourceTimeout on timeout.

abort_introspection(introspection, ignore_missing=True)

Abort an introspection.

Note that the introspection is not aborted immediately, you may use wait_for_introspection with ignore_error=True.

  • introspection – The value can be the name or ID of an introspection (matching bare metal node name or ID) or an Introspection instance.

  • ignore_missing (bool) – When set to False, an exception ResourceNotFound will be raised when the introspection could not be found. When set to True, no exception will be raised when attempting to abort a non-existent introspection.

