

The no-op plugin, vif_plug_noop, is an os-vif VIF plugin for use with network backends that do not require plugging of network interfaces. It is one of three plugins provided as part of os-vif itself, the others being Open vSwitch and Linux Bridge.

Supported VIF Types

The no-op plugin provides support for the following VIF types:


Configuration where a guest exposes a UNIX socket for its control plane. This configuration is used with a userspace dataplane such as VPP or Snabb switch.

Refer to VIFVHostUser for more information.

For information on the VIF type objects, refer to VIF Types. Note that only the above VIF types are supported by this plugin.

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.