• reno: Update master for unmaintained/zed

  • Remove old excludes

  • Update master for stable/2024.1

  • reno: Update master for unmaintained/xena

  • reno: Update master for unmaintained/wallaby

  • reno: Update master for unmaintained/victoria


  • Display coverage report

  • reno: Update master for unmaintained/yoga

  • Update python classifier in setup.cfg


  • pre-commit: Integrate bandit

  • pre-commit: Bump versions

  • bandit: Disable B411

  • Require pytz only in Python < 3.9

  • jsonutils: Raise ValueError in case the input can’t be converted

  • Update master for stable/2023.2


  • Remove extra spaces in tox.ini

  • Bump bandit

  • Fix compatibility with Python 3.8

  • Revert “Moves supported python runtimes from version 3.8 to 3.10”

  • Moves supported python runtimes from version 3.8 to 3.10

  • Implement zoneinfo support to drop dependency to pytz

  • Use the new openstack-python3-jobs template

  • Update master for stable/2023.1


  • Fix issues related to tox4


  • Add Python3 antelope unit tests

  • Update master for stable/zed


  • Drop python3.6/3.7 support in testing runtime

  • Remove unnecessary unicode prefixes

  • Add Python3 zed unit tests

  • Update master for stable/yoga


  • Add Python3 yoga unit tests

  • Update master for stable/xena


  • setup.cfg: Replace dashes with underscores

  • setup.cfg: Replace dashes with underscores

  • Move flake8 as a pre-commit local target

  • Add Python3 xena unit tests

  • Update master for stable/wallaby

  • Remove lower-constraints remnants

  • Drop use of deprecated collections classes


  • Fix json to_primitive when using IO OBjects


  • Dropping lower constraints testing

  • Use py3 as the default runtime for tox

  • Fix hacking min version to 3.0.1

  • Add Python3 wallaby unit tests

  • Update master for stable/victoria

  • ignore reno generated artifacts

  • Adding pre-commit


  • Bump bandit version

  • Update openstackdocstheme


  • Remove the yamlutils module

  • Fix pygments style


  • Stop to use the __future__ module

  • Switch to newer openstackdocstheme and reno versions

  • Remove the unused coding style modules

  • Remove translation sections from setup.cfg

  • Align contributing doc with oslo’s policy

  • Bump default tox env from py37 to py38

  • Add py38 package metadata

  • Add release notes links to doc index

  • Add Python3 victoria unit tests

  • Update master for stable/ussuri


  • Update hacking for Python3

  • Use unittest.mock instead of third party mock

  • Remove Python 3-specific conditional in dump_as_bytes

  • Drop use of six


  • Remove long-dead workaround

  • Add releasenote to deprecate the yamlutils module

  • Deprecated the yamlutils module

  • Update the minversion parameter

  • remove outdated header

  • reword releasenote for py27 support dropping


  • [ussuri][goal] Drop python 2.7 support and testing

  • tox: Trivial cleanup

  • Switch to Ussuri jobs

  • tox: Keeping going with docs

  • Update master for stable/train


  • Add Python 3 Train unit tests

  • Cap sphinx for py2 to match global requirements

  • Sync Sphinx requirement

  • Resolve some issue with tox.ini, setup.cfg

  • Dropping the py35 testing


  • Replace URLs with URLs

  • Explicitly set default_flow_style to False


  • OpenDev Migration Patch

  • Update master for stable/stein

  • Introduce a base yaml parser for all openstack components


  • add python 3.7 unit test job

  • Update hacking version

  • Fix README

  • Use template for lower-constraints

  • Update mailinglist from dev to discuss

  • Clean up .gitignore references to personal tools

  • Update the home-page to latest


  • add lib-forward-testing-python3 test job

  • add python 3.6 unit test job

  • import zuul job settings from project-config

  • import zuul job settings from project-config

  • py37: deal with Exception repr changes

  • Update reno for stable/rocky

  • Switch to stestr

  • Add release notes link to README


  • fix tox python3 overrides

  • Stop using encoding=’utf-8’ with msgpack


  • Unblock requirements changes

  • Remove stale pip-missing-reqs tox test

  • Trivial: Update pypi url to new url

  • set default python to python3

  • add lower-constraints job

  • Updated from global requirements


  • Follow the new PTI for document build

  • Update links in README

  • Update reno for stable/queens

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • msgpack-python has been renamed to msgpack


  • Updated from global requirements

  • Add bandit to pep8 job


  • Remove -U from pip install

  • Avoid for constraints support

  • Remove setting of version/release from releasenotes

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements


  • When serializing an exception return its ‘repr’


  • jsonutils.to_primitive(): add fallback parameter


  • Updated from global requirements

  • warn developers when can’t convert value into primitive

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Update reno for stable/pike

  • Updated from global requirements


  • Revert “Explicitly raise ValueError in to_primitive”

  • Update URLs in documents according to document migration

  • rearrange existing documentation to fit the new standard layout

  • switch from oslosphinx to openstackdocstheme



  • Updated from global requirements

  • Don’t iterate through addresses in netaddr.IPNetwork

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Explicitly raise ValueError in to_primitive

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements


  • Use Sphinx 1.5 warning-is-error


  • Updated from global requirements

  • [Fix gate]Update test requirement

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Update reno for stable/ocata

  • Remove references to Python 3.4


  • Prefer raising the python2.x type error for b64 decode errors

  • Add Constraints support

  • Don’t raise TypeError for invalid b64

  • Replace six.iteritems() with .items()

  • Replaces uuid.uuid4 with uuidutils.generate_uuid()

  • Show team and repo badges on README


  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Add reno for release notes management

  • Updated from global requirements


  • Add a title to the API Documentation page

  • Updated from global requirements

  • modify the home-page info with the developer documentation


  • Drop H803 in flake8 ignore list

  • Fix serialization of binary strings in Python3


  • Updated from global requirements

  • Fix parameters of assertEqual are misplaced

  • Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv


  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Use {} instead of dict()


  • Updated from global requirements



  • Replace TypeError by ValueError in msgpackutils

  • Support serializing ipaddress objs with jsonutils

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements


  • Trivial: ignore openstack/common in flake8 exclude list


  • [Trivial] Remove executable privilege of doc/source/


  • Drop babel as requirement since its not used

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Unified and simplified API for all serializers

  • Make msgpack registries copyable (and add __contains__)

  • msgpack: fix datetime serialization


  • Updated from global requirements


  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Remove fallback to simplejson in jsonutils


  • Remove iso8601 dependency

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Trival: Remove ‘’


  • msgpackutils: drop Python 2.6 support


  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Remove python 2.6 classifier

  • Fix bug track URL

  • Remove python 2.6 and cleanup tox.ini

  • Updated from global requirements


  • Updated from global requirements

  • Use versionadded and versionchanged in doc

  • Fix coverage configuration and execution


  • Add utilities for base64

  • Also check for the existence of `items` in to_primitive()

  • Move ‘history’ -> release notes section

  • Add jsonutils.dump_as_bytes() function for py3

  • Change ignore-errors to ignore_errors

  • Updated from global requirements


  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements


  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Drop stale test - test_jsonutils


  • Stop using deprecated oslo_utils.timeutils.strtime

  • Add tox target to find missing requirements

  • Remove oslo namespace package

  • Do not use oslo namespace for oslo.i18n lib

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Switch badges from ‘’ to ‘’


  • Revert “jsonutils: replace strtime() usage with isoformat()”

  • jsonutils: encode dict keys

  • jsonutils: simplify simple value handling

  • jsonutils: replace strtime() usage with isoformat()

  • Advertise support for Python3.4 / Remove support for Python 3.3

  • Do not sync

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Remove

  • Fixes wrong folder for listing tests


  • Expose base msgpack exceptions so users don’t need to import

  • Uncap library requirements for liberty

  • More docstring cleanups/tweaks

  • Add docstring(s) to handler registry(s)

  • Add pypi download + version badges

  • Cleanup README.rst and setup.cfg

  • Make the msgpackutils handlers more extendable

  • Updated from global requirements


  • Updated from global requirements


  • add dependency warning to requirements.txt

  • Correctly load and dump items with

  • Avoid using strtime for serializing datetimes

  • jsonutils: add set() tests and simplify recursive code

  • jsonutils: support UUID encoding

  • Use default in dumps()

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Update Oslo imports to remove namespace package

  • Add a messagepack utils helper module

  • Bump to hacking 0.10

  • Updated from global requirements

  • fix bug tracker link in README.rst


  • Move files out of the namespace package

  • Activate pep8 check that _ is imported

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Workflow documentation is now in infra-manual


  • Add pbr to installation requirements

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Fix pep8, docs, requirements issues in jsonutils and tests

  • Remove extraneous vim editor configuration comments

  • Support building wheels (PEP-427)

  • Fix coverage testing

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Support ‘built-in’ datetime module


  • Updated from global requirements

  • Add history/changelog to docs


  • Check for namedtuple_as_object support before using it

  • Work toward Python 3.4 support and testing


  • Updated from global requirements

  • Clean up docs before first release

  • Updated from global requirements

  • Added JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder

  • Add some basic docstring(s)

  • Fix docs build to run properly

  • Use oslo libraries - i18n and utils

  • Specify namedtuple_as_object=False when using simplejson

  • Get unit tests passing

  • exported from oslo-incubator by

  • Added missing jsonutils.dump() function

  • pep8: fixed multiple violations

  • Add kwargs to jsonutils.load(s) functions

  • Enforce unicode json output for jsonutils.load[s]()

  • jsonutils.load() accepts file pointer, not string

  • On Python <= 2.6, use simplejson if available

  • Use oslotest instead of common test module

  • Python3: enable

  • Use six.moves.xmlrpc_client instead of xmlrpclib

  • Translation Message improvements

  • Python3 support for xmlrpclib

  • Use six.iteritems to make dict work on Python2/3

  • Remove vim header

  • Ensure that Message objects will be sent via RPC in unicode format

  • jsonutils: make types py3 compatible

  • jsonutils: do not require xmlrpclib

  • Make dependency on netaddr optional

  • Bump hacking to 0.7.0

  • Replace using tests.utils with openstack.common.test

  • Enable H302 hacking check

  • Add netaddr.IPAddress support to to_primitive()

  • python3: python3 binary/text data compatbility

  • Convert unicode for python3 portability

  • Optimise to_primitive common cases

  • Update to use flake8

  • Fix Copyright Headers - Rename LLC to Foundation

  • Don’t LOG.error on max_depth (by default)

  • to_primitive imposes what seems to be an arbitary data structure depth of 3, but there is at least on case in Nova (Security group Rules) which requires a depth beyond this

  • Allow to_primitive to ignore datetimes

  • Replace direct use of testtools BaseTestCase

  • Use testtools as test base class

  • Fixes import order errors

  • Make project pyflakes clean

  • Add missing convert_instances arg

  • Track to_primitive() depth after iteritems()

  • Update iteritems test case to actually test iteritems

  • Use strtime() in to_primitive() for datetime objs

  • Add ‘filedecoder’ method to the jsonutils wrapper module

  • Make jsonutils.dumps more general

  • Handle xmlrpclib.DateTime types when serializing to JSON

  • Revert “Add a load function wrapper to jsonutils”

  • Add a load function wrapper to jsonutils

  • Create openstack.common.jsonutils