Source code for osprofiler.drivers.sqlalchemy_driver

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import logging

from oslo_serialization import jsonutils

from osprofiler.drivers import base
from osprofiler import exc

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class SQLAlchemyDriver(base.Driver): def __init__(self, connection_str, project=None, service=None, host=None, **kwargs): super(SQLAlchemyDriver, self).__init__(connection_str, project=project, service=service, host=host) try: from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy import Table, MetaData, Column from sqlalchemy import String, JSON, Integer except ImportError: LOG.exception("To use this command, install 'SQLAlchemy'") else: self._metadata = MetaData() self._data_table = Table( "data", self._metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), # timestamp - date/time of the trace point Column("timestamp", String(26), index=True), # base_id - uuid common for all notifications related to # one trace Column("base_id", String(255), index=True), # parent_id - uuid of parent element in trace Column("parent_id", String(255), index=True), # trace_id - uuid of current element in trace Column("trace_id", String(255), index=True), Column("project", String(255), index=True), Column("host", String(255), index=True), Column("service", String(255), index=True), # name - trace point name Column("name", String(255), index=True), Column("data", JSON) ) # we don't want to kill any service that does use osprofiler try: self._engine = create_engine(connection_str) self._conn = self._engine.connect() # FIXME(toabctl): Not the best idea to create the table on every # startup when using the sqlalchemy driver... self._metadata.create_all(self._engine, checkfirst=True) except Exception: LOG.exception("Failed to create engine/connection and setup " "intial database tables")
[docs] @classmethod def get_name(cls): return "sqlalchemy"
[docs] def notify(self, info, context=None): """Write a notification the the database""" data = info.copy() base_id = data.pop("base_id", None) timestamp = data.pop("timestamp", None) parent_id = data.pop("parent_id", None) trace_id = data.pop("trace_id", None) project = data.pop("project", self.project) host = data.pop("host", service = data.pop("service", self.service) name = data.pop("name", None) try: ins = self._data_table.insert().values( timestamp=timestamp, base_id=base_id, parent_id=parent_id, trace_id=trace_id, project=project, service=service, host=host, name=name, data=jsonutils.dumps(data) ) self._conn.execute(ins) except Exception: LOG.exception("Can not store osprofiler tracepoint {} " "(base_id {})".format(trace_id, base_id))
[docs] def list_traces(self, fields=None): try: from sqlalchemy.sql import select except ImportError: raise exc.CommandError( "To use this command, you should install 'SQLAlchemy'") stmt = select([self._data_table]) seen_ids = set() result = [] traces = self._conn.execute(stmt).fetchall() for trace in traces: if trace["base_id"] not in seen_ids: seen_ids.add(trace["base_id"]) result.append({key: value for key, value in trace.items() if key in fields}) return result
[docs] def get_report(self, base_id): try: from sqlalchemy.sql import select except ImportError: raise exc.CommandError( "To use this command, you should install 'SQLAlchemy'") stmt = select([self._data_table]).where( self._data_table.c.base_id == base_id) results = self._conn.execute(stmt).fetchall() for n in results: timestamp = n["timestamp"] trace_id = n["trace_id"] parent_id = n["parent_id"] name = n["name"] project = n["project"] service = n["service"] host = n["host"] data = jsonutils.loads(n["data"]) self._append_results(trace_id, parent_id, name, project, service, host, timestamp, data) return self._parse_results()