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"""MongoDB storage backend"""

from oslo_log import log
import pymongo

from panko import storage
from import utils as pymongo_utils
from import pymongo_base

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Connection(pymongo_base.Connection): """Put the event data into a MongoDB database.""" CONNECTION_POOL = pymongo_utils.ConnectionPool() def __init__(self, url, conf): # NOTE(jd) Use our own connection pooling on top of the Pymongo one. # We need that otherwise we overflow the MongoDB instance with new # connection since we instantiate a Pymongo client each time someone # requires a new storage connection. self.conn = self.CONNECTION_POOL.connect( url, conf.database.max_retries, conf.database.retry_interval) # Require MongoDB 2.4 to use $setOnInsert if self.conn.server_info()['versionArray'] < [2, 4]: raise storage.StorageBadVersion("Need at least MongoDB 2.4") connection_options = pymongo.uri_parser.parse_uri(url) self.db = getattr(self.conn, connection_options['database']) if connection_options.get('username'): self.db.authenticate(connection_options['username'], connection_options['password']) # NOTE(jd) Upgrading is just about creating index, so let's do this # on connection to be sure at least the TTL is correctly updated if # needed. self.upgrade()
[docs] @staticmethod def update_ttl(ttl, ttl_index_name, index_field, coll): """Update or create time_to_live indexes. :param ttl: time to live in seconds. :param ttl_index_name: name of the index we want to update or create. :param index_field: field with the index that we need to update. :param coll: collection which indexes need to be updated. """ indexes = coll.index_information() if ttl <= 0: if ttl_index_name in indexes: coll.drop_index(ttl_index_name) return if ttl_index_name in indexes: return coll.database.command( 'collMod',, index={'keyPattern': {index_field: pymongo.ASCENDING}, 'expireAfterSeconds': ttl}) coll.create_index([(index_field, pymongo.ASCENDING)], expireAfterSeconds=ttl, name=ttl_index_name)
[docs] def upgrade(self): # create collection if not present if 'event' not in self.db.conn.collection_names(): self.db.conn.create_collection('event') # Establish indexes # NOTE(idegtiarov): This indexes cover get_events, get_event_types, and # get_trait_types requests based on event_type and timestamp fields. self.db.event.create_index( [('event_type', pymongo.ASCENDING), ('timestamp', pymongo.ASCENDING)], name='event_type_idx' )
[docs] def clear(self): self.conn.drop_database( # Connection will be reopened automatically if needed self.conn.close()
[docs] def clear_expired_data(self, ttl): """Clear expired data from the backend storage system. Clearing occurs according to the time-to-live. :param ttl: Number of seconds to keep records for. """ self.update_ttl(ttl, 'event_ttl', 'timestamp', self.db.event)"Clearing expired event data is based on native " "MongoDB time to live feature and going in background.")
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