Deploying with Heat Templates

It is possible to use the --templates and --environment-file options to override specific templates or even deploy using a separate set of templates entirely.

Deploying an Overcloud using the default templates

The --templates option without an argument enables deploying using the packaged Heat templates:

openstack overcloud deploy --templates


The default location for the templates is /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates.

Overriding specific templates with local versions

You may use heat environment files (via the --environment-file or -e option), combined with the --templates option to override specific templates, e.g to test a bugfix outside of the location of the packaged templates.

The mapping between heat resource types and the underlying templates can be found in /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/overcloud-resource-registry-puppet.j2.yaml

Here is an example of copying a specific resource template and overriding so the deployment uses the local version:

mkdir local_templates
cp /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/puppet/controller-puppet.yaml local_templates
cat > override_templates.yaml << EOF
    OS::TripleO::Controller: local_templates/controller-puppet.yaml
openstack overcloud deploy --templates --environment-file override_templates.yaml


The --environment-file/-e option may be specified multiple times, if duplicate keys are specified in the environment files, the last one takes precedence.


You must also pass the environment files (again using the -e or --environment-file option) whenever you make subsequent changes to the overcloud, such as Scaling overcloud roles, Deleting Overcloud Nodes or Updating Content on Overcloud Nodes.

Using a custom location for all templates

You may specify a path to the --templates option, such that the packaged tree may be copied to another location, which is useful e.g for developer usage where you wish to check the templates into a revision control system.


Use caution when using this approach as you will need to rebase any local changes on updates to the openstack-tripleo-heat-templates package, and care will be needed to avoid modifying anything in the tree which the CLI tools rely on (such as top-level parameters). In many cases using the ExtraConfig interfaces or specific template overrides as outlined above may be preferable.

Here is an example of copying the entire tripleo-heat-templates tree to a local directory and launching a deployment using the new location:

cp -r /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates /home/stack/
openstack overcloud deploy --templates /home/stack/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates