Install Murano Dashboard

Install Murano Dashboard

Murano API & Engine services provide the core of Murano. However, your need a control plane to use it. This section describes how to install and run Murano Dashboard.

  1. Clone the murano dashboard repository.

    $ cd ~/murano
    $ git clone git://
  2. Clone the horizon repository

    $ git clone git://
  3. Create a virtual environment and install muranodashboard as an editable module:

    $ cd horizon
    $ tox -e venv -- pip install -e ../murano-dashboard
  4. Prepare local settings.

    $ cp openstack_dashboard/local/ \

    For more information, check out the official horizon documentation.

  5. Enable and configure Murano dashboard in the OpenStack Dashboard:

    • For Newton (and later) OpenStack installations, copy the plugin file, local settings files, and policy files.

      $ cp ../murano-dashboard/muranodashboard/local/enabled/*.py \
      $ cp ../murano-dashboard/muranodashboard/local/local_settings.d/*.py \
      $ cp ../murano-dashboard/muranodashboard/conf/* openstack_dashboard/conf/
    • For the OpenStack installations prior to the Newton release, run:

      $ cp ../murano-dashboard/muranodashboard/local/ \

    Customize local settings of your horizon installation, by editing the openstack_dashboard/local/ file:

    # Provide OpenStack Lab credentials

    Change the default session back end-from using browser cookies to using a database instead to avoid issues with forms during the creation of applications:

      'default': {
      'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
      'NAME': 'murano-dashboard.sqlite',
    SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.db'
  6. (Optional) If you do not plan to get the murano service from the keystone application catalog, specify where the murano-api service is running:

    MURANO_API_URL = 'http://%MURANO_IP%:8082'
  7. (Optional) If you have set up the database as a session back-end (this is done by default with the murano local_settings file starting with Newton), perform database migration:

    $ tox -e venv -- python migrate --noinput
  8. Run the Django server at or provide different IP and PORT parameters:

    $ tox -e venv -- python runserver <IP:PORT>


The development server restarts automatically following every code change.

Result: The murano dashboard is available at http://IP:PORT.

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