Changing formatting

Changing formatting

Changing displayed columns

If you want displayed columns in a list operation, -c option can be used. -c can be specified multiple times and the column order will be same as the order of -c options.

Changing format

If you want to change the format data is displayed in, you can use -f option for that. Format can be specified just once and it affects they way the data is printed to the STDOUT. The available formats, data can be presented in, can be checked with:

monasca <command> --help

Look for section output formatters and the flag --format or -f. In most of the cases you will be able to pick one out of csv, json, table, value, yaml.

Affecting the width

If, for some reason, you are not happy with the width the output has taken, you can use `--max-width {number}` flag and set the value to match your preference. Without that output will not be constrained by the terminal width. Alternatively you may want to pass --fit-width to fit the output to display width. Remember that these flags affect the output only if table formatter is used.

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