compute agent

Compute v2

compute agent create

Create compute agent.

The compute agent functionality is hypervisor specific and is only supported by the XenAPI hypervisor driver. It was removed from nova in the 23.0.0 (Wallaby) release.

openstack compute agent create

Type of OS


Type of architecture






MD5 hash


Type of hypervisor

compute agent delete

Delete compute agent(s).

The compute agent functionality is hypervisor specific and is only supported by the XenAPI hypervisor driver. It was removed from nova in the 23.0.0 (Wallaby) release.

openstack compute agent delete <id> [<id> ...]

ID of agent(s) to delete

compute agent list

List compute agents.

The compute agent functionality is hypervisor specific and is only supported by the XenAPI hypervisor driver. It was removed from nova in the 23.0.0 (Wallaby) release.

openstack compute agent list
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
    [--hypervisor <hypervisor>]
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated


sort the column(s) in ascending order


sort the column(s) in descending order

--hypervisor <hypervisor>

Type of hypervisor

compute agent set

Set compute agent properties.

The compute agent functionality is hypervisor-specific and is only supported by the XenAPI hypervisor driver. It was removed from nova in the 23.0.0 (Wallaby) release.

openstack compute agent set
    [--agent-version <version>]
    [--url <url>]
    [--md5hash <md5hash>]
--agent-version <version>

Version of the agent

--url <url>

URL of the agent

--md5hash <md5hash>

MD5 hash of the agent


ID of the agent