
Resource quotas appear in multiple APIs, OpenStackClient presents them as a single object with multiple properties.

Block Storage v1, v2, Compute v2, Network v2

quota delete

Delete configured quota for a project and revert to defaults.

openstack quota delete
    [--all | --compute | --volume | --network]

Delete project quotas for all services (default)


Delete compute quotas for the project (including network quotas when using nova-network)


Delete volume quotas for the project


Delete network quotas for the project


Delete quotas for this project (name or ID)

quota list

List quotas for all projects with non-default quota values.

Empty output means all projects are using default quotas, which can be inspected with ‘openstack quota show –default’.

openstack quota list
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
    (--compute | --volume | --network)
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated


sort the column(s) in ascending order


sort the column(s) in descending order


List compute quota


List volume quota


List network quota

quota set

Set quotas for project or class

openstack quota set
    [--class | --default]
    [--cores <cores>]
    [--injected-file-size <injected-file-size>]
    [--injected-path-size <injected-path-size>]
    [--injected-files <injected-files>]
    [--instances <instances>]
    [--key-pairs <key-pairs>]
    [--properties <properties>]
    [--ram <ram>]
    [--server-group-members <server-group-members>]
    [--server-groups <server-groups>]
    [--backups <backups>]
    [--backup-gigabytes <backup-gigabytes>]
    [--gigabytes <gigabytes>]
    [--per-volume-gigabytes <per-volume-gigabytes>]
    [--snapshots <snapshots>]
    [--volumes <volumes>]
    [--floating-ips <floating-ips>]
    [--secgroup-rules <secgroup-rules>]
    [--secgroups <secgroups>]
    [--networks <networks>]
    [--subnets <subnets>]
    [--ports <ports>]
    [--routers <routers>]
    [--rbac-policies <rbac-policies>]
    [--subnetpools <subnetpools>]
    [--volume-type <volume-type>]
    [--force | --no-force]

Deprecated Set quotas for <class>. Deprecated as quota classes were never fully implemented and only the default class is supported. (compute and volume only)


Set default quotas for <project>

--cores <cores>

New value for the cores quota

--injected-file-size <injected-file-size>

New value for the injected-file-size quota

--injected-path-size <injected-path-size>

New value for the injected-path-size quota

--injected-files <injected-files>

New value for the injected-files quota

--instances <instances>

New value for the instances quota

--key-pairs <key-pairs>

New value for the key-pairs quota

--properties <properties>

New value for the properties quota

--ram <ram>

New value for the ram quota

--server-group-members <server-group-members>

New value for the server-group-members quota

--server-groups <server-groups>

New value for the server-groups quota

--backups <backups>

New value for the backups quota

--backup-gigabytes <backup-gigabytes>

New value for the backup-gigabytes quota

--gigabytes <gigabytes>

New value for the gigabytes quota

--per-volume-gigabytes <per-volume-gigabytes>

New value for the per-volume-gigabytes quota

--snapshots <snapshots>

New value for the snapshots quota

--volumes <volumes>

New value for the volumes quota

--floating-ips <floating-ips>

New value for the floating-ips quota

--secgroup-rules <secgroup-rules>

New value for the secgroup-rules quota

--secgroups <secgroups>

New value for the secgroups quota

--networks <networks>

New value for the networks quota

Network version 2 only

--subnets <subnets>

New value for the subnets quota

Network version 2 only

--ports <ports>

New value for the ports quota

Network version 2 only

--routers <routers>

New value for the routers quota

Network version 2 only

--rbac-policies <rbac-policies>

New value for the rbac-policies quota

Network version 2 only

--subnetpools <subnetpools>

New value for the subnetpools quota

Network version 2 only

--volume-type <volume-type>

Set quotas for a specific <volume-type>


Force quota update (only supported by compute and network)


Do not force quota update (only supported by compute and network) (default)


Set quotas for this project or class (name or ID) (defaults to current project)

quota show

Show quotas for project or class.

Specify --os-compute-api-version 2.50 or higher to see server-groups and server-group-members output for a given quota class.

openstack quota show
    [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
    [--sort-ascending | --sort-descending]
    [--default | --usage]
    [--all | --compute | --volume | --network]
--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated


sort the column(s) in ascending order


sort the column(s) in descending order


Show default quotas for <project>


Show details about quotas usage


Show quotas for all services


Show compute quota


Show volume quota


Show network quota


Show quotas for this project (name or ID) (defaults to current project)