

Resource quotas appear in multiple APIs, OpenStackClient presents them as a single object with multiple properties.

Block Storage v1, v2, Compute v2, Network v2

quota list

List quotas for all projects with non-default quota values

openstack quota list
    --compute | --network | --volume

List network quotas


List compute quotas


List volume quotas

quota set

Set quotas for project

openstack quota set
    # Compute settings
    [--cores <num-cores>]
    [--fixed-ips <num-fixed-ips>]
    [--floating-ips <num-floating-ips>]
    [--injected-file-size <injected-file-bytes>]
    [--injected-files <num-injected-files>]
    [--instances <num-instances>]
    [--key-pairs <num-key-pairs>]
    [--properties <num-properties>]
    [--ram <ram-mb>]
    [--server-groups <num-server-groups>]
    [--server-group-members <num-server-group-members>]

    # Block Storage settings
    [--backups <new-backups>]
    [--backup-gigabytes <new-backup-gigabytes>]
    [--gigabytes <new-gigabytes>]
    [--per-volume-gigabytes <new-per-volume-gigabytes>]
    [--snapshots <new-snapshots>]
    [--volumes <new-volumes>]
    [--volume-type <volume-type>]

    # Network settings
    [--floating-ips <num-floatingips>]
    [--secgroup-rules <num-security-group-rules>]
    [--secgroups <num-security-groups>]
    [--networks <num-networks>]
    [--subnets <num-subnets>]
    [--ports <num-ports>]
    [--routers <num-routers>]
    [--rbac-policies <num-rbac-policies>]
    [--vips <num-vips>]
    [--subnetpools <num-subnetpools>]
    [--members <num-members>]
    [--health-monitors <num-health-monitors>]


Set quotas for class

openstack quota set
    # Compute settings
    [--cores <num-cores>]
    [--fixed-ips <num-fixed-ips>]
    [--floating-ips <num-floating-ips>]
    [--injected-file-size <injected-file-bytes>]
    [--injected-files <num-injected-files>]
    [--instances <num-instances>]
    [--key-pairs <num-key-pairs>]
    [--properties <num-properties>]
    [--ram <ram-mb>]
    [--server-groups <num-server-groups>]
    [--server-group-members <num-server-group-members>]

    # Block Storage settings
    [--backups <new-backups>]
    [--backup-gigabytes <new-backup-gigabytes>]
    [--gigabytes <new-gigabytes>]
    [--per-volume-gigabytes <new-per-volume-gigabytes>]
    [--snapshots <new-snapshots>]
    [--volumes <new-volumes>]


Set quotas for <class>

--properties <new-properties>

New value for the properties quota

--ram <new-ram>

New value for the ram quota

--secgroup-rules <new-secgroup-rules>

New value for the secgroup-rules quota

--instances <new-instances>

New value for the instances quota

--key-pairs <new-key-pairs>

New value for the key-pairs quota

--fixed-ips <new-fixed-ips>

New value for the fixed-ips quota

--secgroups <new-secgroups>

New value for the secgroups quota

--injected-file-size <new-injected-file-size>

New value for the injected-file-size quota

--server-groups <new-server-groups>

New value for the server-groups quota

--server-group-members <new-server-group-members>

New value for the server-group-members quota

--floating-ips <new-floating-ips>

New value for the floating-ips quota

--injected-files <new-injected-files>

New value for the injected-files quota

--cores <new-cores>

New value for the cores quota

--injected-path-size <new-injected-path-size>

New value for the injected-path-size quota

--backups <new-backups>

New value for the backups quota

--backup-gigabytes <new-backup-gigabytes>

New value for the backup gigabytes quota

--gigabytes <new-gigabytes>

New value for the gigabytes quota

--per-volume-gigabytes <new-per-volume-gigabytes>

New value for the gigabytes quota of per volume

--volumes <new-volumes>

New value for the volumes quota

--snapshots <new-snapshots>

New value for the snapshots quota

--volume-type <volume-type>

Set quotas for a specific <volume-type>. The supported quotas are: gigabytes, snapshots, volumes.

--networks <num-networks>

New value for the networks quota

--subnets <num-subnets>

New value for the subnets quota

--ports <num-ports>

New value for the ports quota

--routers <num-routers>

New value for the routers quota

--rbac-policies <num-rbac-policies>

New value for the rbac-policies quota

--vips <num-vips>

New value for the vips quota

--subnetpools <num-subnetpools>

New value for the subnetpools quota

--members <num-members>

New value for the members quota

--health-monitors <num-health-monitors>

New value for the health-monitors quota

quota show

Show quotas for project or class

openstack quota show

Show default quotas for <project>


Show quotas for this project (name or ID)

openstack quota show

Show quotas for <class>


Show quotas for this class (name or ID)

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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.