access token

access token

An access token is used by the Identity service’s OS-OAUTH1 extension. It is used by the consumer to request new Identity API tokens on behalf of the authorizing user. Applicable to Identity v3.

access token create

Create an access token

openstack access token create
    --consumer-key <consumer-key>
    --consumer-secret <consumer-secret>
    --request-key <request-key>
    --request-secret <request-secret>
    --verifier <verifier>
--consumer-key <consumer-key>

Consumer key (required)

--consumer-secret <consumer-secret>

Consumer secret (required)

--request-key <request-key>

Request token to exchange for access token (required)

--request-secret <request-secret>

Secret associated with <request-key> (required)

--verifier <verifier>

Verifier associated with <request-key> (required)

This command is provided by the python-openstackclient plugin.

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