Queens Series Release Notes


Nouvelles fonctionnalités

  • launched_at/created_at/deleted_at of Nova instances are now tracked.


Nouvelles fonctionnalités

  • Add disk.device.read.latency and disk.device.write.latency meters to capture total time used by read or write operations.


Nouvelles fonctionnalités

  • Add support to capture volume capacity usage details from cinder. This data is extracted from notifications sent by Cinder starting in Ocata.

  • Workload partitioning of notification agent is now split into queues based on pipeline type (sample, event, etc…) rather than per individual pipeline. This will save some memory usage specifically for pipeline definitions with many source/sink combinations.

  • The notification-agent can now be configured to either build meters or events. By default, the notification agent will continue to load both pipelines and build both data models. To selectively enable a pipeline, configure the pipelines option under the [notification] section.

    Addition pipelines can be created following the format used by existing pipelines.

  • Add hardware.disk.read.* and hardware.disk.write.* metrics to capture diskio details.

Notes de mises à jours

  • The deprecated Ceilometer API has been removed.

  • The collector service is removed. From Ocata, it’s possible to edit the pipeline.yaml and event_pipeline.yaml files and modify the publisher to provide the same functionality as collector dispatcher. You may change publisher to “gnocchi”, “http”, “panko”, or any combination of available publishers listed in documentation.

  • Use radosgw.* to enable/disable radosgw meters explicitly rather than rgw.*

  • If workload partitioning of the notification agent is enabled, the notification agent should not run alongside pre-Queens agents. Doing so may result in missed samples when leveraging transformations. To upgrade without loss of data, set notification_control_exchanges option to empty so only existing ceilometer-pipe-* queues are processed. Once cleared, reset notification_control_exchanges option and launch the new notification agent(s). If workload_partitioning is not enabled, no special steps are required.

  • The deprecated support of configure polling in the pipeline.yaml file has been removed. Ceilometer now only uses the polling.yaml file for polling configuration.

  • The deprecated compute.workload_partitioning option has been removed in favor of compute.instance_discovery_method.

  • Remove direct publisher and use the explicit publisher instead.

  • The deprecated control exchange options have been removed.

  • The deprecated file dispatcher has been removed.

  • The Gnocchi dispatcher has been removed and replaced by a native Gnocchi publisher. The configuration options from the [dispatcher_gnocchi] has been removed and should be passed via the URL in pipeline.yaml. The service authentication override can be done by adding specific credentials to a [gnocchi] section instead.

  • The deprecated http dispatcher has been removed.

  • The deprecated kafka publisher has been removed, use NotifierPublisher instead.

  • The deprecated nova_http_log_debug option has been removed.

  • The deprecated pollster-list option has been removed.

Notes dépréciées

  • disk.* aggregated metrics for instance are deprecated, in favor of the per disk metrics (disk.device.*). Now, it’s up to the backend to provide such aggregation feature. Gnocchi already provides this.

  • Previously, to enable/disable radosgw.* meters, you must define entry_point name rather than meter name. This is corrected so you do not need to be aware of entry_point naming. Use radosgw.* to enable/disable radosgw meters explicitly rather than rgw.*. rgw.* support is deprecated and will be removed in Rocky.

  • The shuffle_time_before_polling_task option has been removed. This option never worked in the way it was originally intended too.

Corrections de bugs

  • Fix ability to enable/disable radosgw.* meters explicitly