Current Series Release Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Bug #2073945: Fixed issue with VM creation in DCN cases with RBD backend where an edge node doesn’t have the store defined which is part of the image locations and the operation fails.

Security Issues

  • Images in the qcow2 format with an external data file are now rejected from glance because such images could be used in an exploit to expose host information. See Bug #2059809 for details.

Bug Fixes

  • Bug #2059809: Fixed issue where a qcow2 format image with an external data file could expose host information. Such an image format with an external data file will be rejected from glance. To achieve the same, format_inspector has been extended by adding safety checks for qcow2 and vmdk files in glance. Unsafe qcow and vmdk files will be rejected by pre-examining them with a format inspector to ensure safe configurations prior to any qemu-img operations.

  • Bug 2059829: Install and configure (Ubuntu) in glance

  • Bug #2054575: Fixed the issue when cinder uploads a volume to glance in the optimized path and glance rejects the request with invalid location. Now we convert the old location format sent by cinder into the new location format supported by multi store, hence allowing volumes to be uploaded in an optimized way.

Upgrade Notes

  • The allow_additional_image_properties configuration option, which was deprecated in Ussuri, has been removed in this release.

Deprecation Notes

  • The digest_algorithm configuration option has been deprecated in this release and is subject to removal at the beginning of the F development cycle, following the OpenStack standard deprecation policy.

    This option has had no effect since the removal of native SSL support.

Bug Fixes

  • Bug 2065087: glance-cache-prefetcher is not working as threadpool is not set

  • The glance-api service no longer attempts to load api-paste.ini file as its service config file. All config options should be written in service config files such as glance-api.conf.