Current Series Release Notes


Upgrade Notes

  • Because of the code reorganization, some metrics have been removed: all metrics prefixed with AgentDeployMixin are now prefixed with CustomAgentDeploy or AgentDeploy instead.

Security Issues

  • An issue in Ironic has been resolved where image checksums would not be checked prior to the conversion of an image to a raw format image from another image format.

    With default settings, this normally would not take place, however the image_download_source option, which is available to be set at a node level for a single deployment, by default for that baremetal node in all cases, or via the [agent]image_download_source configuration option when set to local. By default, this setting is http.

    This was in concert with the [DEFAULT]force_raw_images when set to True, which caused Ironic to download and convert the file.

    In a fully integrated context of Ironic’s use in a larger OpenStack deployment, where images are coming from the Glance image service, the previous pattern was not problematic. The overall issue was introduced as a result of the capability to supply, cache, and convert a disk image provided as a URL by an authenticated user.

    Ironic will now validate the user supplied checksum prior to image conversion on the conductor. This can be disabled using the [conductor]disable_file_checksum configuration option.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a security issue where Ironic would fail to checksum disk image files it downloads when Ironic had been requested to download and convert the image to a raw image format. This required the image_download_source to be explicitly set to local, which is not the default.

    This fix can be disabled by setting [conductor]disable_file_checksum to True, however this option will be removed in new major Ironic releases.

    As a result of this, parity has been introduced to align Ironic to Ironic-Python-Agent’s support for checksums used by standalone users of Ironic. This includes support for remote checksum files to be supplied by URL, in order to prevent breaking existing users which may have inadvertently been leveraging the prior code path. This support can be disabled by setting [conductor]disable_support_for_checksum_files to True.

  • Fixes aborting in-band inspection. Previously, it would fail with Can not transition from state 'inspect failed' on event 'abort'.

  • Adds a timeout to the service wait state. Previously, a node stuck in this state would remain in it forever. The timeout value can be adjusted via the new option [conductor]service_callback_timeout.

Other Notes

  • The AgentDeployMixin class has been removed from Third-party deploy interfaces that inherit it most probably want to inherit ironic.drivers.modules.agent.CustomAgentDeploy instead.

    If you rely on the prepare_instance_to_boot or configure_local_boot helper methods, inherit from AgentDeploy instead.