Xena Series Release Notes


Upgrade Notes

  • [bug 1892852] [bug 1888394] [bug 1883659] Keystonemiddleware now using eventlet-safe implementation of MemcacheClientPool from oslo.cache’s library by default. The keystonemiddleware implementation is now deprecated. For backwards compatibility, the [keystone_authtoken] memcache_use_advanced_pool option can be set to False config files of the various services (e.g. nova, glance, …) when Memcached is used for token cache.

Deprecation Notes

  • We no longer recommend using the eventlet unsafe keystonemiddleware’s memcacheclientpool. This implementation may result in growing connections to Memcached.

    It is recommended that the memcache_use_advanced_pool option is set to True in the keystone_authtoken configuration section of the various services (e.g. nova, glance, …) when Memcached is used for token cache.