Xena Series Release Notes



  • Adds ‘is_default’ field to share group types list. the Is_default Column will show 'Yes' if the share group type is default share group type.

  • Added ‘is_default’ field to share types list. the Is_default Column will show 'Yes' if the share type is default share type.

  • Added access metadata for share access and also introduced the GET /share-access-rules API.

Upgrade Notes

  • The default configuration file has been updated and now includes the required parameters to use the new policy-in-code feature in Horizon. Please refer to the release note and documentation of Horizon to find details about this feature.

  • Support for nova networking has been removed. Manila and the manilaclient sdk dropped support for nova network in the Ocata release (Feb 2017). So this should not have an impact on deployers running later releases, and this note is only informational.

Bug Fixes

  • Visibility of "switchable" fields in the share creation form involving share types that had hyphens in their names is now fixed. See Launchpad bug #1931641 for more details.