Queens Series Release Notes



Agent aliveness will be ignored during port binding.

Other Notes

  • During scale tests we saw that neutron agent aliveness mechanism is not working properly and was marking agents as down and thus failing on port binding. We assessed that aliveness in our context is not actually interesting, as we only use the agentdb mechanism to store the information we need for port binding.

    As a result of this assessment we decided to remove the aliveness awareness from the code and try to bind the port disregarding that. The consequence of this is that a « neutron agent-list » call might show the agent as dead or alive but that’s not information we should depend on to understand if we are binding to that node.



Add command line tool to analyze logs

Completed rows are deleted by default.

V1 drivers are marked depracated beginning with Queens cycle, to be removed in Rocky cycle.

The config parameter sync_timeout sometimes uses the fraction value and because it is set to Intopt, that use of fraction value may end up in error.

New Features

  • This tool can be used to analyze logs and determine the journal’s operation efficiency. The tool tracks a journal entry’s recording and processing to determine how much time it took since a journal entry was recorded until it was processed and sent to ODL.

  • The opendaylight mechanism driver now supports hardware offload via SR-IOV. It allows binding direct (SR-IOV) ports. Using openvswitch 2.8.0 and “Linux Kernel” 4.12 allows to control the SR-IOV VF via OpenFlow control plane and gain accelerated “Open vSwitch”.

Upgrade Notes

  • Completed rows will now be immediately deleted upon completion. To retain the completed rows, set the completed_rows_retention configuration value explicitly.

  • Making config paramter sync_timeout of FloatOpt type to allow use of fraction values for timeouts.

Deprecation Notes

  • The V1 drivers are not actively maintained by the networking-odl team for a few cycles already and aren’t guaranteed to even work. As such, the networking-odl team has decided that the drivers will be marked as deprecated beginning Queens cycle, and removed in the beginning of the Rocky cycle. If you’re still using the V1 drivers, please switch to using the V2 drivers by updating the appropriate configuration values.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes full sync errors with SFCv2 driver.

  • Fixes ODL Neutron NB URL path for SFC v2 Driver.

  • Fixes using TLS secured websocket when HTTPS is used in ML2 ODL URL.

  • Fixes an issue with SSL websocket connections where a read timeout was causing the client to close the connection. Read timeout is normal when no port status update is being sent by the server (ODL).