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Neutron-fwaas-dashboard project is now deprecated in the Neutron stadium.


  • Python 2.7 Unterstützung wurde beendet. Der letzte Release von neutron-fwaas-dashboard welcher Python 2.7 unterstützt ist OpenStack Train. Die minimal Python Version welche von neutron-fwaas-dashboard unterstützt wird, ist Python 3.6.


  • Due to lack of maintainers neutron-fwaas-dashboard project is now deprecated in the Neutron stadium. There is no planned releases of this project in the Victoria cycle. In W cycle project will be moved out from the stadium to the unofficial OpenStack projects. If You want to step in and be maintainer of this project to keep it in the Neutron stadium, please contact the neutron team via or IRC channel #openstack-neutron @freenode.