Ocata Series Release Notes


New Features

  • HAProxy services that use backend nodes that are not in the Ansible inventory can now be specified manually by setting haproxy_backend_nodes to a list of name and ip_addr settings.


Upgrade Notes

  • The following variables have been removed from the haproxy_server role as they are no longer necessary or used. - haproxy_repo - haproxy_gpg_keys - haproxy_required_distro_packages


New Features

  • The new option haproxy_backend_arguments can be utilized to add arbitrary options to a HAProxy backend like tcp-check or http-check.


New Features

  • Haproxy-server role allows to set up tunable parameters. For doing that it is necessary to set up a dictionary of options in the config files, mentioning those which have to be changed (defaults for the remaining ones are programmed in the template). Also “maxconn” global option made to be tunable.


Bug Fixes

  • SSLv3 is now disabled in the haproxy daemon configuration by default.

  • Setting the haproxy_bind list on a service is now used as an override to the other VIPs defined in the environment. Previously it was being treated as an append to the other VIPs so there was no path to override the VIP binds for a service. For example, haproxy_bind could be used to bind a service to the internal VIP only.

  • The haproxy daemon is now able to bind to any port on CentOS 7. The haproxy_connect_any SELinux boolean is now set to on.