Pike Series Release Notes


New Features

  • When using Glance and NFS the NFS mount point will now be managed using a systemd mount unit file. This change ensures the deployment of glance is not making potentially system impacting changes to the /etc/fstab and modernizes how we deploy glance when using shared storage.

  • New variables have been added to the glance role allowing a deployer to set the UID and GID of the glance user. The new options are, glance_system_user_uid and glance_system_group_uid. These options are useful when deploying glance with shared storage as the back-end for images and will only set the UID and GID of the glance user when defined.


Upgrade Notes

  • The glance registry service for the v2 API is now disabled by default as it is not required and is scheduled to be removed in the future. The service can be enabled by setting glance_enable_v2_registry to True. As the glance v1 API is still enabled by default, and it requires the registry service, the glance-registry service will still remain running and operational as before. If the variable glance_enable_v1_api is set to False then both the v1 API and the registry service will be disabled and removed.

Deprecation Notes

  • The glance_enable_v1_registry variable has been removed. When using the glance v1 API the registry service is required, so having a variable to disable it makes little sense. The service is now enabled/disabled for the v1 API using the glance_enable_v1_api variable.

Bug Fixes

  • When the glance_enable_v2_registry variable is set to True the corresponding data_api setting is now correctly set. Previously it was not set and therefore the API service was not correctly informed that the registry was operating.


New Features

  • Capping the default value for the variables glance_api_workers and glance_registry_workers to 16 when the user doesn’t configure these variables. Default value is half the number of vCPUs available on the machine with a capping value of 16.

  • New variables have been added to allow a deployer to customize a glance systemd unit file to their liking.

  • The task dropping the glance systemd unit files now uses the config_template action plugin allowing deployers access to customize the unit files as they see fit without having to load extra options into the defaults and polute the generic systemd unit file with jinja2 variables and conditionals.

  • For the os_glance role, the systemd unit RestartSec value which controls the time between the service stop and start when restarting has been reduced from 150 seconds to 2 seconds to make the restart happen faster. This value can be adjusted by using the glance_*_init_config_overrides variables which use the config_template task to change template defaults.

  • The glance-api service has moved to run as a uWSGI application. You can set the max number of WSGI processes, the number of processes, threads, and buffer size utilizing the glance_wsgi_processes_max, glance_wsgi_processes, glance_wsgi_threads, and glance_wsgi_buffer_size. Additionally, you can override any settings in the uWSGI ini configuration file using the glance_api_uwsgi_ini_overrides setting.

Upgrade Notes

  • For the os_glance role, the systemd unit RestartSec value which controls the time between the service stop and start when restarting has been reduced from 150 seconds to 2 seconds to make the restart happen faster. This value can be adjusted by using the glance_*_init_config_overrides variables which use the config_template task to change template defaults.

Deprecation Notes

  • Remove glance_rpc_backend option due to deprecation of rpc_backend option in oslo.messaging.