Current Series Release Notes


aodh Chart

  • 0.1.0 Initial Chart

  • 0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”

  • 0.2.0 Remove support for releases before T

  • 0.2.1 Use policies in yaml format

  • 0.2.2 Update htk requirements repo

  • 0.2.3 Enable taint toleration for OpenStack services

  • 0.2.4 Migrated CronJob resource to batch/v1 API version & PodDisruptionBudget to policy/v1

  • 0.2.5 Added OCI registry authentication

  • 0.2.6 Remove default policy rules

  • 0.2.7 Replace with control-plane

  • 0.2.8 Define service_type in keystone_authtoken to support application credentials with access rules

  • 0.2.9 Enable custom annotations for Openstack pods

  • 0.2.10 Enable custom annotations for Openstack secrets

  • 0.2.11 Update images used by default

  • 0.2.12 Use by default

barbican Chart

  • 0.1.0 Initial Chart

  • 0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”

  • 0.1.2 Added post-install and post-upgrade helm hook for Jobs

  • 0.2.0 Remove support for releases before T

  • 0.2.1 Use policies in yaml format

  • 0.2.2 Add helm hook conditional

  • 0.2.3 Add support for master kek rotation

  • 0.2.4 Add Ussuri release support

  • 0.2.5 Add Victoria and Wallaby release support

  • 0.2.6 Allow Barbican to talk to Mariadb over TLS

  • 0.2.7 Fix db connection key name

  • 0.2.8 Update htk requirements repo

  • 0.2.9 Removed default policy in favour in code policy

  • 0.2.10 Enable taint toleration for OpenStack services

  • 0.2.11 Fix job annotations for db init job

  • 0.2.12 Remove older values overrides

  • 0.2.13 Migrated PodDisruptionBudget resource to policy/v1 API version

  • 0.2.14 Add Xena and Yoga values overrides

  • 0.2.15 Added OCI registry authentication

  • 0.2.16 Distinguish between the port number of the internal endpoint and the binding port number

  • 0.2.17 Use HTTP probe instead of TCP probe

  • 0.2.18 Support TLS for ks jobs

  • 0.2.19 Support SSL offloading at reverse proxy for internal and admin endpoints

  • 0.3.0 Remove support for Train and Ussuri

  • 0.3.1 Replace with control-plane

  • 0.3.2 Define service_type in keystone_authtoken to support application credentials with access rules

  • 0.3.3 Add Zed overrides

  • 0.3.4 Add 2023.1 overrides

  • 0.3.5 Add Ubuntu Jammy overrides

  • 0.3.6 Add 2023.2 Ubuntu Jammy overrides

  • 0.3.7 Fix TLS connection to rabbitmq, and generate barbican certificate

  • 0.3.8 Make barbican TLS configuration granular

  • 0.3.9 Enable custom annotations for Openstack pods

  • 0.3.10 Add 2024.1 overrides

  • 0.3.11 Enable custom annotations for Openstack secrets

  • 0.3.12 Update images used by default

  • 0.3.13 Sync uWSGI config to other services

  • 0.3.14 Use by default

ceilometer Chart

  • 0.1.0 Initial Chart

  • 0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”

  • 0.2.0 Remove support for releases before T

  • 0.2.1 Use policies in yaml format

  • 0.2.2 Update htk requirements repo

  • 0.2.3 Enable taint toleration for OpenStack services

  • 0.2.4 Update default image values to Wallaby

  • 0.2.5 Migrated PodDisruptionBudget resource to policy/v1 API version

  • 0.2.6 Added OCI registry authentication

  • 0.2.7 Remove default policy rules

  • 0.2.8 Replace with control-plane

  • 0.2.9 Enable custom annotations for Openstack pods

  • 0.2.10 Enable custom annotations for Openstack secrets

  • 0.2.11 Update images used by default

  • 0.2.12 Use by default

cinder Chart

  • 0.1.0 Initial Chart

  • 0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”

  • 0.1.2 Support service tokens to prevent long-running job failures

  • 0.1.3 Support of external CEPH backend

  • 0.1.4 Enable iSCSI to work correctly in Cinder volume

  • 0.1.5 Resolves mount issue with termination-log

  • 0.1.6 Enable volume backup for iSCSI based volumes

  • 0.1.7 Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer

  • 0.1.8 Revert - Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer

  • 0.1.9 Use HostToContainer mount propagation

  • 0.1.10 Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer

  • 0.1.11 Update RBAC apiVersion from /v1beta1 to /v1

  • 0.1.12 Update volume type creation bootstrap logic

  • 0.1.13 Add NFS cinder backup override

  • 0.1.14 Add Multipathd support for ISCSI backed volumes

  • 0.1.15 Fix the problem in hostNetwork mode

  • 0.2.0 Remove support for releases before T

  • 0.2.1 Fix the Ceph pool creations for OpenStack services

  • 0.2.2 Adding RabbitMQ TLS logic

  • 0.2.3 Mount RabbitMQ TLS secret

  • 0.2.4 Add Ussuri release support

  • 0.2.5 Add volume QoS support

  • 0.2.6 Added with value of post-install and post-upgrade

  • 0.2.7 Add Victoria and Wallaby release support

  • 0.2.8 Add logic to bootstrap to handle upgrade timing issue

  • 0.2.9 Mount RabbitMQ TLS secret for audit usage cronjob

  • 0.2.10 Helm 3 - Fix Job Labels

  • 0.2.11 Update htk requirements repo

  • 0.2.12 Remove Cinder v1/v2 defaults

  • 0.2.13 Upgrade default images to Ussuri

  • 0.2.14 Fix notifications

  • 0.2.15 Remove glance registry

  • 0.2.16 Enable taint toleration for OpenStack services

  • 0.2.17 Remove unsupported values overrides

  • 0.2.18 Add Helm hook in bootstrap job

  • 0.2.19 Add volume types visibility (public/private)

  • 0.2.20 Allow Cinder v1/v2 endpoint creation if needed

  • 0.2.21 Migrated CronJob resource to batch/v1 API version & PodDisruptionBudget to policy/v1

  • 0.2.22 Add Xena and Yoga values overrides

  • 0.2.23 Added OCI registry authentication

  • 0.2.24 Fix conditional check for cinder.utils.has_ceph_backend template

  • 0.2.25 Remove volumes unrelated with Ceph backend from conditional volume list in cinder-volume deployment

  • 0.2.26 Distinguish between port number of internal endpoint and binding port number

  • 0.2.27 Support TLS endpoints

  • 0.2.28 Use HTTP probe instead of TCP probe

  • 0.2.29 Add SYS_ADMIN capability in cinder-volume

  • 0.2.30 Specify a existing configmap name for external Ceph configuration

  • 0.2.31 Remove fixed node name from default values and add service cleaner cronjob

  • 0.2.32 Revert “Remove fixed node name from default values and add service cleaner cronjob”

  • 0.3.0 Remove support for Train and Ussuri

  • 0.3.1 Change ceph-config-helper image tag

  • 0.3.2 Remove default policy rules

  • 0.3.3 Fix for creation endpoins and services when v1/v2 are disabled

  • 0.3.4 Fix Helm hooks for storage bootstrap jobs

  • 0.3.5 Add Nova endpoint details to support online volume resize

  • 0.3.6 Fix ceph keyring placement for uppercased backends

  • 0.3.7 Allow Ceph pools to use 1x replication

  • 0.3.8 Update all Ceph images to Focal

  • 0.3.9 Replace with control-plane

  • 0.3.10 Define service_type in keystone_authtoken to support application credentials with access rules

  • 0.3.11 Add Zed overrides

  • 0.3.12 Add 2023.1 overrides

  • 0.3.13 Use service tokens

  • 0.3.14 Add Ubuntu Jammy overrides

  • 0.3.15 Add 2023.2 Ubuntu Jammy overrides

  • 0.3.16 Update Ceph images to Jammy and Reef 18.2.1

  • 0.3.17 Use uWSGI for API service

  • 0.3.18 Enable custom annotations for Openstack pods

  • 0.3.19 Add 2024.1 overrides

  • 0.3.20 Add readiness probe initial delay

  • 0.3.21 Enable custom annotations for Openstack secrets

  • 0.3.22 Update images used by default

  • 0.3.23 Use by default

designate Chart

  • 0.1.0 Initial Chart

  • 0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”

  • 0.1.2 Added post-install and post-upgrade helm hooks on Jobs

  • 0.2.0 Remove support for releases before T

  • 0.2.1 Use policies in yaml format

  • 0.2.2 Update htk requirements repo

  • 0.2.3 Fix extra volume mounts

  • 0.2.4 Update default image values to Wallaby

  • 0.2.5 Migrated PodDisruptionBudget resource to policy/v1 API version

  • 0.2.6 Added OCI registry authentication

  • 0.2.7 Use HTTP probe instead of TCP probe

  • 0.2.8 Remove default policy rules

  • 0.2.9 Define service_type in keystone_authtoken to support application credentials with access rules

  • 0.2.10 Uses uWSGI for API service

  • 0.2.11 Enable custom annotations for Openstack pods

  • 0.2.12 Enable custom annotations for Openstack secrets

  • 0.2.13 Update images used by default

  • 0.2.14 Use by default

glance Chart

  • 0.1.0 Initial Chart

  • 0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency to >= 0.1.0

  • 0.1.2 Change issuer to clusterissuer

  • 0.1.3 Revert - Change issuer to clusterissuer

  • 0.1.4 Update RBAC apiVersion from /v1beta1 to /v1

  • 0.1.5 Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer

  • 0.1.6 Update glance default policy values

  • 0.1.7 Update storage init script with cacert

  • 0.1.8 Update glance default policy values

  • 0.2.0 Remove support for releases before T

  • 0.2.1 Fix the Ceph pool creations for OpenStack services

  • 0.2.2 Adding RabbitMQ TLS logic

  • 0.2.3 Use policies in yaml format

  • 0.2.4 Mount RabbitMQ TLS secret

  • 0.2.5 Add Ussuri release support

  • 0.2.6 Add Victoria and Wallaby release support

  • 0.2.7 Added for the jobs

  • 0.2.8 Helm 3 - Fix Job Labels

  • 0.2.9 Helm 3 - Fix More Job Labels

  • 0.2.10 Update htk requirements repo

  • 0.3.0 Remove Glance registry

  • 0.3.1 Enable taint toleration for OpenStack services

  • 0.3.2 Decrease terminationGracePeriodSeconds on Glance-api

  • 0.3.3 Update naming for subchart compatibility

  • 0.3.4 Change image default version to wallaby

  • 0.3.5 Migrated PodDisruptionBudget resource to policy/v1 API version

  • 0.3.6 Add Xena and Yoga values overrides

  • 0.3.7 Fix glance-etc template changing due to comment and whitespace between install and first upgrade

  • 0.3.8 Added OCI registry authentication

  • 0.3.9 Support TLS endpoints

  • 0.3.10 Distinguish between port number of internal endpoint and binding port number

  • 0.3.11 Use HTTP probe instead of TCP probe

  • 0.3.12 Add support for using Cinder as a backend

  • 0.4.0 Remove support for Train and Ussuri

  • 0.4.1 Remove default policy rules

  • 0.4.2 Allow Ceph pools to use 1x replication

  • 0.4.3 Update all Ceph images to Focal

  • 0.4.4 Replace with control-plane

  • 0.4.5 Fix wrong configFile path in glance bootstrap container.

  • 0.4.6 Define service_type in keystone_authtoken to support application credentials with access rules

  • 0.4.7 Add Zed overrides

  • 0.4.8 Add 2023.1 overrides

  • 0.4.9 Use service tokens

  • 0.4.10 Add exec probe timeouts

  • 0.4.11 Bring liveness/readiness params out to values.yaml

  • 0.4.12 Add flag keep_pvc to allows set helm resource-policy for glance-images PVC to keep.

  • 0.4.13 Add Ubuntu Jammy overrides

  • 0.4.14 Bump Cirros version to 0.6.2

  • 0.4.15 Add 2023.2 Ubuntu Jammy overrides

  • 0.4.16 Use –region option to prevent OS_SWIFT_ENDPOINT_PREFIX is broken in

  • 0.4.17 Update Ceph images to Jammy and Reef 18.2.1

  • 0.4.18 Enable custom annotations for Openstack pods

  • 0.4.19 Add 2024.1 overrides

  • 0.4.20 Add readiness probe initial delay

  • 0.4.21 Use uWSGI

  • 0.4.22 Enable custom annotations for Openstack secrets

  • 0.4.23 Update images used by default

  • 0.4.24 Do not attach backend pvc to storage init pod

  • 0.4.25 Allow customisation of pvc storage accessMode so we can run multiple api pods

  • 0.4.26 Use by default

heat Chart

  • 0.1.0 Initial Chart

  • 0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”

  • 0.1.2 Remove tls values override for clients_heat

  • 0.1.3 Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer

  • 0.1.4 Revert - Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer

  • 0.1.5 Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer

  • 0.2.0 Remove support for releases before T

  • 0.2.1 Adding RabbitMQ TLS logic

  • 0.2.2 Use policies in yaml format

  • 0.2.3 Mount RabbitMQ TLS secret

  • 0.2.4 Add Ussuri release support

  • 0.2.5 Add Victoria and Wallaby release support

  • 0.2.6 Added post-install and post-upgrade helm-hook for jobs

  • 0.2.7 Helm 3 - Fix Job Labels

  • 0.2.8 Update htk requirements repo

  • 0.2.9 Enable taint toleration for OpenStack services

  • 0.2.10 Updated naming for subchart compatibility

  • 0.2.11 Remove old releases values override in heat

  • 0.2.12 Migrated CronJob resource to batch/v1 API version & PodDisruptionBudget to policy/v1

  • 0.2.13 Add Xena and Yoga values overrides

  • 0.2.14 Added OCI registry authentication

  • 0.2.15 Distinguish between the port number of the internal endpoint and the binding port number

  • 0.2.16 Support TLS endpoints

  • 0.2.17 Use HTTP probe instead of TCP probe

  • 0.2.18 Change hook weight for bootstrap job

  • 0.3.0 Remove support for Train and Ussuri

  • 0.3.1 Remove default policy rules

  • 0.3.2 Replace with control-plane

  • 0.3.3 Define service_type in keystone_authtoken to support application credentials with access rules

  • 0.3.4 Add Zed overrides

  • 0.3.5 Add 2023.1 overrides

  • 0.3.6 Add Ubuntu Jammy overrides

  • 0.3.7 Add 2023.2 Ubuntu Jammy overrides

  • 0.3.8 Fixed annotation indentation for jobs

  • 0.3.9 Uses uWSGI for API services

  • 0.3.10 Enable custom annotations for Openstack pods

  • 0.3.11 Add 2024.1 overrides

  • 0.3.12 Add readiness probe initial delay

  • 0.3.13 Enable custom annotations for Openstack secrets

  • 0.3.14 Update images used by default

  • 0.3.15 Use by default

horizon Chart

  • 0.1.0 Initial Chart

  • 0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”

  • 0.1.2 To avoid wrong version check for mysqlclient

  • 0.1.3 Modify Password validator related settings in Horizon

  • 0.1.4 Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer

  • 0.1.5 Revert - Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer

  • 0.1.6 Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer

  • 0.1.7 Update glance default policy values

  • 0.1.8 Implement “CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY” option support in horizon

  • 0.2.0 Remove support for releases before T

  • 0.2.1 Make Python script PEP8 compliant

  • 0.2.2 Use policies in yaml format

  • 0.2.3 Add openstack_enable_password_retrieve variable in value


  • 0.2.5 Add Ussuri release support

  • 0.2.6 Add Victoria and Wallaby release support


  • 0.2.8 Add default policies

  • 0.2.9 Removed default policy in chart in favour of default policy in code

  • 0.2.10 Helm 3 - Fix Job Labels

  • 0.2.11 Update htk requirements repo

  • 0.2.12 Support both JSON and YAML RBAC Policy Format

  • 0.2.13 Add container infra API version in values

  • 0.2.14 Add OPENSTACK_ENDPOINT_TYPE value

  • 0.2.15 Add local_settings.d

  • 0.2.16 Fix container-infra value

  • 0.2.17 Add custom logo

  • 0.2.18 Enable taint toleration for OpenStack services

  • 0.2.19 Remove unsupported value overrides

  • 0.2.20 Add SHOW_OPENRC_FILE value

  • 0.2.21 Add Helm hook annotations in db-sync and db-init jobs

  • 0.2.22 Migrated PodDisruptionBudget resource to policy/v1 API version

  • 0.2.23 Add Xena and Yoga value overrides

  • 0.2.24 Remove blank lines in logo configmap

  • 0.2.25 Added OCI registry authentication

  • 0.2.26 Support SSL identity endpoint

  • 0.3.0 Remove support for Train and Ussuri

  • 0.3.1 Fix container infra api version in values

  • 0.3.2 Update MySQL client version to 1.4.0

  • 0.3.3 Update mysql client version in django.wsgi also

  • 0.3.4 Add readiness probe timeout

  • 0.3.5 Replace with control-plane

  • 0.3.6 Fix container infra api version parsing

  • 0.3.7 Update the script to add extra panels

  • 0.3.8 Fix horizon tolerations

  • 0.3.9 Add Zed overrides

  • 0.3.10 Add 2023.1 overrides

  • 0.3.11 Rollout when logo configmap is changed

  • 0.3.12 Add Ubuntu Jammy overrides

  • 0.3.13 Make selenium v4 syntax optional

  • 0.3.14 Add 2023.2 Ubuntu Jammy overrides

  • 0.3.15 Update osh-selenium image used by default

  • 0.3.16 Add support for custom panels

  • 0.3.17 Set ingress annotation proxy-body-size=300m by default

  • 0.3.18 Enable custom annotations for Openstack pods

  • 0.3.19 Add 2024.1 overrides

  • 0.3.20 Enable custom annotations for Openstack secrets

  • 0.3.21 Update images used by default

  • 0.3.22 Align with 2024.1 requirements

  • 0.3.23 Use global wsgi subinterpreter

  • 0.3.24 Use base64 values for custom logo

  • 0.3.25 Implement “CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS” option support in horizon

  • 0.3.26 Fix templating of CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS

  • 0.3.27 Use by default

ironic Chart

  • 0.1.0 Initial Chart

  • 0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”

  • 0.1.2 Added post-install and post-upgrade for jobs

  • 0.2.0 Remove support for releases before T

  • 0.2.1 Use policies in yaml format

  • 0.2.2 Update htk requirements repo

  • 0.2.3 Enable taint toleration for OpenStack services

  • 0.2.4 Update defaults to W release

  • 0.2.5 Migrated PodDisruptionBudget resource to policy/v1 API version

  • 0.2.6 Added OCI registry authentication

  • 0.2.7 Use HTTP probe instead of TCP probe

  • 0.2.8 Add helm3 hook supports to allow things like Terraform deploys

  • 0.2.9 Replace with control-plane

  • 0.2.10 Add standalone overrides

  • 0.2.11 Enable custom annotations for Openstack pods

  • 0.2.12 allow custom annotations on jobs

  • 0.2.13 Enable custom annotations for Openstack secrets

  • 0.2.14 Update images used by default

  • 0.2.15 Allow enabling/disabling of conductor http and pxe containers and overriding their init and runtime scripts

  • 0.2.16 Use by default

  • 0.2.17 Allow overriding of hostNetwork and hostIPC for Ironic conductor

keystone Chart

  • 0.1.0 Initial Chart

  • 0.1.1 UPDATE

  • 0.1.2 UPDATE

  • 0.1.3 UPDATE

  • 0.1.4 UPDATE

  • 0.1.5 Revert clusterissuer change

  • 0.1.6 Fix typo in subPath entry

  • 0.1.7 Move rabbit-init to dynamic dependency

  • 0.1.8 Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer

  • 0.1.9 Add related annotations

  • 0.1.10 Update RBAC apiVersion from /v1beta1 to /v1

  • 0.1.11 Remove congress residue

  • 0.1.12 Add helm hook conditional

  • 0.1.13 Fix Error - wrong number of args for set

  • 0.1.14 Remove setup Helm hooks

  • 0.2.0 Remove support for releases before T

  • 0.2.1 Remove paste ini config settings

  • 0.2.2 Make Python script PEP8 compliant

  • 0.2.3 Adding RabbitMQ TLS logic

  • 0.2.4 Use policies in yaml format

  • 0.2.5 Mount RabbitMQ TLS secret

  • 0.2.6 Modify default probe timings

  • 0.2.7 Add Ussuri release support

  • 0.2.8 Remove member bootstrap logic

  • 0.2.9 Add Victoria and Wallaby releases support

  • 0.2.10 Make internal TLS more robust

  • 0.2.11 Add missing slash

  • 0.2.12 Helm 3 - Fix Job Labels

  • 0.2.13 Helm 3 - Fix more Job Labels

  • 0.2.14 Update htk requirements repo

  • 0.2.15 Reduce log chattiness

  • 0.2.16 Remove extra fsGroup

  • 0.2.17 Update default image references

  • 0.2.18 Remove default policy

  • 0.2.19 Revert Reduce log chattiness

  • 0.2.20 Enable taint toleration for OpenStack services

  • 0.2.21 Updated naming for subchart compatibility

  • 0.2.22 Remove older values overrides

  • 0.2.23 Remove usage of six

  • 0.2.24 Remove unused admin port in Keystone

  • 0.2.25 Migrated CronJob resource to batch/v1 API version & PodDisruptionBudget to policy/v1

  • 0.2.26 Add Xena and Yoga values overrides

  • 0.2.27 Use LOG.warning instead of deprecated LOG.warn

  • 0.2.28 Added OCI registry authentication

  • 0.2.29 Support TLS endpoints

  • 0.2.30 Distinguish between port number of internal endpoint and binding port number

  • 0.3.0 Remove support for Train and Ussuri

  • 0.3.1 Replace with control-plane

  • 0.3.2 Add Zed overrides

  • 0.3.3 Add 2023.1 overrides

  • 0.3.4 Add Ubuntu Jammy overrides

  • 0.3.5 Add 2023.2 Ubuntu Jammy overrides

  • 0.3.6 Use region option in keystone

  • 0.3.7 Make keystone TLS configuration granular

  • 0.3.8 Enable custom annotations for Openstack pods

  • 0.3.9 Add 2024.1 overrides

  • 0.3.10 Allow custom annotations on jobs

  • 0.3.11 Fix custom annotations when helm3_hook is disabled

  • 0.3.12 Enable custom annotations for Openstack secrets

  • 0.3.13 Update images used by default

  • 0.3.14 Align db scripts with sqlalchemy 2.0

  • 0.3.15 Use by default

magnum Chart

  • 0.1.0 Initial Chart

  • 0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”

  • 0.1.2 Added post-install and post-upgrade helm hook for jobs

  • 0.2.0 Remove support for releases before T

  • 0.2.1 Use policies in yaml format

  • 0.2.2 Fix restarting of magnum-conductor pods

  • 0.2.3 Update htk requirements repo

  • 0.2.4 Mount empty temp_cache_dir for performance

  • 0.2.5 Update default image values to Wallaby

  • 0.2.6 Migrated PodDisruptionBudget resource to policy/v1 API version

  • 0.2.7 Added OCI registry authentication

  • 0.2.8 Remove default policy rules

  • 0.2.9 Define service_type in keystone_authtoken to support application credentials with access rules

  • 0.2.10 Uses uWSGI for API service

  • 0.2.11 Enable custom annotations for Openstack pods

  • 0.2.12 Enable custom annotations for Openstack secrets

  • 0.2.13 Update images used by default

  • 0.2.14 Use by default

mistral Chart

  • 0.1.0 Initial Chart

  • 0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”

  • 0.1.2 Added post-install and post-upgrade hook for Jobs

  • 0.2.0 Remove support for releases before T

  • 0.2.1 Use policies in yaml format

  • 0.2.2 Update htk requirements repo

  • 0.2.3 Update default image values to Wallaby

  • 0.2.4 Migrated PodDisruptionBudget resource to policy/v1 API version

  • 0.2.5 Added OCI registry authentication

  • 0.2.6 Use HTTP probe instead of TCP probe

  • 0.2.7 Remove default policy rules

  • 0.2.8 Enable custom annotations for Openstack pods

  • 0.2.9 Enable custom annotations for Openstack secrets

  • 0.2.10 Update images used by default

  • 0.2.11 Use by default

neutron Chart

  • 0.1.0 Initial Chart

  • 0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”

  • 0.1.2 fixes tls issue

  • 0.1.3 Update neutron to use Nginx apparmor profile

  • 0.1.4 Pass ovs agent config to DHCP agent

  • 0.1.5 Add missing flags to Nginx container in Neutron chart

  • 0.1.6 Use HostToContainer mountPropagation

  • 0.1.7 Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer

  • 0.1.8 Revert Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer

  • 0.1.9 Update ovs agent to support host/label overrides

  • 0.1.10 Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer

  • 0.1.11 Added the, annotations

  • 0.1.12 Removed “name” parameter from Rally tests

  • 0.2.0 Remove support for releases before T

  • 0.2.1 Adding RabbitMQ TLS logic

  • 0.2.2 Use policies in yaml format

  • 0.2.3 Mount RabbitMQ TLS secret

  • 0.2.4 Add Ussuri release support

  • 0.2.5 Use rootwrap daemon

  • 0.2.6 Fix Neutron agent-init script

  • 0.2.7 Made dnsmasq.conf overridable in configmap-bin

  • 0.2.8 Add Victoria and Wallaby release support

  • 0.2.9 Add option to disable annotations

  • 0.2.10 Update htk requirements repo

  • 0.2.11 Improve health probe logging

  • 0.2.12 Fix infinite recursion deadlock on netns cleanup cron

  • 0.2.13 Enable taint toleration for OpenStack services

  • 0.2.14 Migrate IP from bridge for auto_bridge_add

  • 0.2.15 Remove unsupported values overrides

  • 0.2.16 Remove usage of six

  • 0.2.17 Migrated PodDisruptionBudget resource to policy/v1 API version

  • 0.2.18 Updated naming for subchart compatibility

  • 0.2.19 Added qdhcp NS host validation for deleting wrong namespaces.

  • 0.2.20 Add Xena and Yoga values overrides

  • 0.2.21 Fix for qdhcp NS host validation for deleting wrong namespaces.

  • 0.2.22 Fix /run/xtables.lock may be a directory

  • 0.2.23 Add neutron_netns_cleanup_cron release image override, so that the respective release image is used

  • 0.2.24 Added OCI registry authentication

  • 0.2.25 Support TLS endpoints

  • 0.2.26 Use HTTP probe instead of TCP probe

  • 0.2.27 Distinguish between port number of internal endpoint and binding port number

  • 0.3.0 Remove support for Train and Ussuri

  • 0.3.1 Remove default policy rules

  • 0.3.2 Use correct labels for ovs which uses one daemonset for ovs-db and ovs-vswitchd

  • 0.3.3 Add OVN Support

  • 0.3.4 Replace with control-plane

  • 0.3.5 Fix health probe for OVN metadata agent

  • 0.3.6 Fix the issue that ovn metadata not work in muti-node enviroment

  • 0.3.7 Sync neutron db to ovn nb db when neutron-server start

  • 0.3.8 Define service_type in keystone_authtoken to support application credentials with access rules

  • 0.3.9 Extend neutron liveness probe with readiness probe

  • 0.3.10 Configure keystone authentication credentials for placement

  • 0.3.11 Add Zed overrides

  • 0.3.12 Update oslo_messaging_RPCClient and get_rpc_transport

  • 0.3.13 Remove duplicated argument when running a liveness check

  • 0.3.14 Add 2023.1 overrides

  • 0.3.15 Add asap2 support

  • 0.3.16 Use service tokens

  • 0.3.17 Add exec probe timeouts

  • 0.3.18 Improve OVN support

  • 0.3.19 Fix getting IP for interface when there are multiple IPs assigned

  • 0.3.20 Add Ubuntu Jammy overrides

  • 0.3.21 Run native netns cleanup

  • 0.3.22 Add BGP Dragent support for running dragent agents as daemonsets

  • 0.3.23 Fix start function template

  • 0.3.24 Add 2023.2 Ubuntu Jammy overrides

  • 0.3.25 Fix ovs member support for readiness

  • 0.3.26 Fix ovs options to allow multiple options

  • 0.3.27 Move old overrides from the tools directory

  • 0.3.28 Fix ovn for slow enviroment

  • 0.3.29 Disable DVR for OVN floating ip

  • 0.3.30 Fix designate auth url

  • 0.3.31 FIX ovn-metadata-agent mountPropagation overrides by parent directory

  • 0.3.32 Update dpdk override

  • 0.3.33 Make sure trust on command is applied to avoid race-condition with ovs-dpdk

  • 0.3.34 Update metadata endpoint

  • 0.3.35 Do not attach non-existing interfaces to br-ex bridge for OVS agent

  • 0.3.36 Enable custom annotations for Openstack pods

  • 0.3.37 Proper chown /run/openvswitch/db.sock under OVN

  • 0.3.38 Add 2024.1 overrides

  • 0.3.39 Ensure that the script handles cases where the PID file exists but is empty or does not contain the expected data structure.

  • 0.3.40 Fix ovs bridge creation in mappings for DPDK

  • 0.3.41 Enable custom annotations for Openstack secrets

  • 0.3.42 Update images used by default

  • 0.3.43 Switch neutron to uWSGI

  • 0.3.44 Add OVN VPNaas support

  • 0.3.45 Fix ironic/baremetal authentication

  • 0.3.46 Use by default

nova Chart

  • 0.1.0 Initial Chart

  • 0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”

  • 0.1.2 Add ssh to Nova compute

  • 0.1.3 Establish Nova and Placement dependencies

  • 0.1.4 Remove deprecated os_region_name for placement

  • 0.1.5 Enable hostIPC

  • 0.1.6 Swap SSH key names to reflect the correct key

  • 0.1.7 Use HostToContainer mountPropagation

  • 0.1.8 Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer

  • 0.1.9 Revert “Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer”

  • 0.1.10 Use HostToContainer mount propagation

  • 0.1.11 Secure libvirt connection from using to use Unix socket

  • 0.1.12 Update RBAC apiVersion from /v1beta1 to /v1

  • 0.1.13 Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer

  • 0.1.14 BUG for deploying multiple compute nodes

  • 0.1.15 Mount /dev/pts in Nova compute container

  • 0.1.16 Use first IP address for migration

  • 0.1.17 Add multipathd support for ISCSI backed volume VMs

  • 0.1.18 Fix the nova-compute-ironic label issue

  • 0.1.19 Host resource scale adjustment about Ironic

  • 0.2.0 Remove support for releases before T

  • 0.2.1 Remove unnecessary +x permission on gotpl files

  • 0.2.2 Adding RabbitMQ TLS logic

  • 0.2.3 Replace deprecated configuration [vnc]/vncserver_proxyclient_address

  • 0.2.4 Mount RabbitMQ TLS secret

  • 0.2.5 Set reasonable default probe timeouts

  • 0.2.6 Added cronJob with script for archive deleted rows which cleanup databases

  • 0.2.7 Add Ussuri release support

  • 0.2.8 Fix the cron archive_deleted_rows bash script for before and max-rows values

  • 0.2.9 Add image clean-up to rally test

  • 0.2.10 Add tls cert mounting to nova-novnc

  • 0.2.11 Add Victoria and Wallaby releases support

  • 0.2.12 Bootstrap flavour creation efficiencies

  • 0.2.13 Add missing ‘runlock’ hostMount when enable_scsi

  • 0.2.14 Use annotations for jobs

  • 0.2.15 Fix archive-deleted-rows for enabling date command as value for before option

  • 0.2.16 Remove the policy document in values file

  • 0.2.17 Fix disablement of for Helm v2

  • 0.2.18 Give service time to restore

  • 0.2.19 Define service cleaner sleep time

  • 0.2.20 Update script to true of grep does get anything.

  • 0.2.21 Helm 3 - Fix Job Labels

  • 0.2.22 Update htk requirements repo

  • 0.2.23 Add option to enable extra wait for cell-setup-init

  • 0.2.24 Fix nova-bootstrap job labels

  • 0.2.25 Add check for compute nodes

  • 0.2.26 Fix to copy the ssh keys to the user on the security context

  • 0.2.27 Add tls1.2 minimum version to TLS overrides

  • 0.2.28 Move ssl_minimum_version to console section

  • 0.2.29 Remove ssh-config

  • 0.2.30 Improve health probe logging

  • 0.2.31 Update Oslo messaging get_transport

  • 0.2.32 Host of Ironic compute service equals pod name

  • 0.2.33 Cleanup old releases

  • 0.2.34 Remove consoleauth in Nova

  • 0.2.35 Enable taint toleration for OpenStack services

  • 0.2.36 Support TLS endpoints

  • 0.2.37 Remove nova-placement

  • 0.2.38 Update Nova image defaults

  • 0.2.39 Migrated CronJob resource to batch/v1 API version & PodDisruptionBudget to policy/v1

  • 0.2.40 Updated naming for subchart compatibility

  • 0.2.41 Add Xena and Yoga values overrides

  • 0.2.42 Add missing configuration [vnc]/novncproxy_host

  • 0.2.43 Added OCI registry authentication

  • 0.2.44 Distinguish between port number of internal endpoint and binding port number

  • 0.2.45 Support TLS endpoints for metadata-api

  • 0.2.46 Use HTTP probe instead of TCP probe

  • 0.2.47 Remove list agents rally test

  • 0.3.0 Remove support for Train and Ussuri

  • 0.3.1 Added backoffLimit for bootstrap job

  • 0.3.2 Remove un-used configs for Nova

  • 0.3.3 Update all Ceph images to Focal

  • 0.3.4 Add OVN values_override, disable dependency to ovn-agent and vif configs for ovn

  • 0.3.5 Replace with control-plane

  • 0.3.6 Fix VNC access issues

  • 0.3.7 Fix live migration without DNS resolution

  • 0.3.8 Fix missing privilege separation directory for nova compute ssh

  • 0.3.9 Fix typo in spice proxy deployment

  • 0.3.10 Define service_type in keystone_authtoken to support application credentials with access rules

  • 0.3.11 Update get_notification_transport

  • 0.3.12 Update oslo_messaging_RPCClient

  • 0.3.13 Add Zed overrides

  • 0.3.14 Add 2023.1 overrides

  • 0.3.15 Ensure that the health check script handles cases where the PID file exists but is empty or does not contain the expected data structure.

  • 0.3.16 Use service tokens

  • 0.3.17 Set targeted dependency of nova-compute with ovn networking backend

  • 0.3.18 Fix nova ssh keys permission

  • 0.3.19 Add support for enabling vencrypt

  • 0.3.20 Add cinder auth config

  • 0.3.21 Update health probe script considering ovsdb_connection config

  • 0.3.22 Replace deprecated configuration vncserver_proxyclient_address to server_proxyclient_address

  • 0.3.23 Add Ubuntu Jammy overrides

  • 0.3.24 Create a certificate for novnc vencrypt separately

  • 0.3.25 Add IP addresses search control flag

  • 0.3.26 Improve cinder authentication support

  • 0.3.27 Add 2023.2 Ubuntu Jammy overrides

  • 0.3.28 Add ability to define extra command(s) for the nova cell setup job

  • 0.3.29 Add ability to define extra command(s) for the nova service cleaner job

  • 0.3.30 Add the conditional statement for log_config_append

  • 0.3.31 Add getting LISTEN IP for CIDR

  • 0.3.32 Set the startupProbe for nova-compute

  • 0.3.33 Add job to create ‘vms’ pool

  • 0.3.34 Add public endpoints for the spiceproxy

  • 0.3.35 Use directory mount for vencrypt certificates

  • 0.3.36 Update Ceph images to Jammy and Reef 18.2.1

  • 0.3.37 Use metadata_listen_port instead of metadata_port

  • 0.3.38 Using uWSGI

  • 0.3.39 Enable custom annotations for Openstack pods

  • 0.3.40 Add 2024.1 overrides

  • 0.3.41 Enable custom annotations for Openstack secrets

  • 0.3.42 Update images used by default

  • 0.3.43 Use by default

octavia Chart

  • 0.1.0 Initial Chart

  • 0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”

  • 0.1.2 Added post-install and post-upgrade hook for Jobs

  • 0.2.0 Remove support for releases before T

  • 0.2.1 Fix dnsPolicy for housekeeping service

  • 0.2.2 Update htk requirements repo

  • 0.2.3 Allow using log_config_append=null

  • 0.2.4 Fix transport_url

  • 0.2.5 Migrated PodDisruptionBudget resource to policy/v1 API version

  • 0.2.6 Added OCI registry authentication

  • 0.2.7 Use HTTP probe instead of TCP probe

  • 0.2.8 Define service_type in keystone_authtoken to support application credentials with access rules

  • 0.2.9 Use default timeout and retry configs for haproxy_amphora

  • 0.2.10 Fix generating health_manager Role and RoleBinding

  • 0.2.11 Uses uWSGI for API service

  • 0.2.12 Enable custom annotations for Openstack pods

  • 0.2.13 Enable custom annotations for Openstack secrets

  • 0.2.14 Update images used by default

  • 0.2.15 Use by default

placement Chart

  • 0.1.0 Initial Chart

  • 0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”

  • 0.1.2 Establish Nova/Placement dependencies

  • 0.1.3 Use proper default placement image

  • 0.1.4 Add null check condition in placement deployment manifest

  • 0.1.5 Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer

  • 0.1.6 Revert - Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer

  • 0.1.7 Change Issuer to ClusterIssuer

  • 0.2.0 Remove support for releases before T

  • 0.2.1 Add Ussuri release support

  • 0.2.2 Add Victoria and Wallaby release support

  • 0.2.3 Added annotations for Jobs

  • 0.2.4 Helm 3 - Fix Job Labels

  • 0.2.5 Update htk requirements repo

  • 0.2.6 Enable taint toleration for OpenStack services

  • 0.2.7 Add Helm hook annotations for db-sync job

  • 0.2.8 Migrated PodDisruptionBudget resource to policy/v1 API version

  • 0.2.9 Add Xena and Yoga values overrides

  • 0.2.10 Added OCI registry authentication

  • 0.2.11 Distinguish between the port number of internal endpoint and binding port number

  • 0.2.12 Use HTTP probe instead of TCP probe

  • 0.2.13 Support TLS endpoints

  • 0.3.0 Remove placement-migrate

  • 0.3.1 Remove support for Train and Ussuri

  • 0.3.2 Remove default policy rules

  • 0.3.3 Replace with control-plane

  • 0.3.4 Define service_type in keystone_authtoken to support application credentials with access rules

  • 0.3.5 Add Zed overrides

  • 0.3.6 Add 2023.1 overrides

  • 0.3.7 Use service tokens

  • 0.3.8 Add Ubuntu Jammy overrides

  • 0.3.9 Add 2023.2 Ubuntu Jammy overrides

  • 0.3.10 Add log_dir option for placement

  • 0.3.11 Enable custom annotations for Openstack pods

  • 0.3.12 Add 2024.1 overrides

  • 0.3.13 Enable custom annotations for Openstack secrets

  • 0.3.14 Update images used by default

  • 0.3.15 Uses uWSGI for API service

  • 0.3.16 Use by default

rally Chart

  • 0.1.0 Initial Chart

  • 0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”

  • 0.2.0 Remove support for releases before T

  • 0.2.1 Update htk requirements repo

  • 0.2.2 Add values for backoffLimit and restartPolicy

  • 0.2.3 Update default image values to Wallaby

  • 0.2.4 Migrated PodDisruptionBudget resource to policy/v1 API version

  • 0.2.5 Add Helm hook for jobs

  • 0.2.6 Added OCI registry authentication

  • 0.2.7 Support TLS for identity endpoint

  • 0.2.8 Bump Cirros version to 0.6.2

  • 0.2.9 Enable custom annotations for Openstack secrets

  • 0.2.10 Update images used by default

  • 0.2.11 Use by default

senlin Chart

  • 0.1.0 Initial Chart

  • 0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”

  • 0.2.0 Remove support for releases before T

  • 0.2.1 Use policies in yaml format

  • 0.2.2 Update htk requirements repo

  • 0.2.3 Add conductor & health manager

  • 0.2.4 Update default image release

  • 0.2.5 Migrated CronJob resource to batch/v1 API version & PodDisruptionBudget to policy/v1

  • 0.2.6 Add annotations for Jobs

  • 0.2.7 Added OCI registry authentication

  • 0.2.8 Remove default policy rules

  • 0.2.9 Define service_type in keystone_authtoken to support application credentials with access rules

  • 0.2.10 Uses uWSGI for API

  • 0.2.11 Enable custom annotations for Openstack pods

  • 0.2.12 Enable custom annotations for Openstack secrets

  • 0.2.13 Update images used by default

  • 0.2.14 Use by default

tempest Chart

  • 0.1.0 Initial Chart

  • 0.1.1 Change helm-toolkit dependency version to “>= 0.1.0”

  • 0.2.0 Remove support for releases before T

  • 0.2.1 Update htk requirements repo

  • 0.2.2 Add Helm hook for ks job

  • 0.2.3 Fix logging config

  • 0.2.4 Update default image values to Wallaby

  • 0.2.5 Added OCI registry authentication

  • 0.2.6 Support SSL OpenStack endpoints

  • 0.2.7 Add configuration for heat-tempest-plugin

  • 0.2.8 Bump Cirros version to 0.6.2

  • 0.2.9 Enable custom annotations for Openstack secrets

  • 0.2.10 Update images used by default

  • 0.2.11 Use by default