Queens Series Release Notes


New Features

  • Add –cpu-shares=xxx option for the action run a container. Allows to define upper cpu.shares limits in the cpu cgroup.

  • Add –memory=x option for the action run a container. This allows setting constraints on max memory usage, which is memory.limit_in_bytes in memory cgroup. Also added –memory-swap and –memory-swappiness options to control swap settings.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed --labels can takes multiple values.

Other Notes

  • Logging verbosity and destination file can be controled with --debug --verbose and --log-file.


New Features

  • Add –security-opt=xxx option for the action run a container. Allows to define security options, such as turning labels (SELinux) on/off.


New Features

  • Add –ulimit=xxx option for paunch run action. Using this option, multiple ulimits can be set for the container. For example, –ulimit=nproc=1024 –ulimit=nofile=1024 will set proc and nofile limit to 1024 for the container.


New Features

  • All referenced images are now pulled as the first step of applying a config. Any pull failures will result in failing with an error before any of the config is applied. This is especially helpful for detached containers, where pull failures will not be captured during the apply.


New Features

  • the log_tag option was added to the container definition. This will make paunch add the –log-opt tag=<value> option to the run command.

  • Add option to configure container’s UTS namespace.