2024.1 Series Release Notes


New Features

  • Add options to configure pymemcache’s HashClient retrying mechanisms (dogpile.cache) backend.

  • Add cache client retry options for the pymemcache (dogpile.cache) backend.

  • The zaqar::cache class now supports options to allow memcached with SASL enabled.

  • The zaqar::cache class now supports the following new options for Redis backend and Redis Sentinel backend.

    • redis_server

    • redis_username

    • redis_password

    • redis_sentinels

    • redis_socket_timeout

    • redis_sentinel_service_name

  • The new zaqar::cache::memcache_pool_flush_on_reconnect parameter has been added.

  • The new zaqar::reports class has been added.

  • The zaqar::messaging::redis class and the zaqar::management::redis class now ensures that the python3-redis package is installed. The new package_ensure parameter can be used to customize state of the package. To disable the package management, use the manage_package parameter.

  • The zaqar::management::sqlalchemy class now ensures the dependent library packages such as PyMySQL is installed. The package’s state can be customized using the new package_ensure parameter.

  • The following parameters have been added to the zaqar::messaging::swift class.

    • project_domain_name

    • user_domain_name

    • region_name

    • interface