Note de release pour Mitaka



Methods in manager classes and resource classes return wrapper classes that wrap values returned originally. For example, a wrapper class for list, a wrapper class for dict, a wrapper class for str and so on. The wrapper classes have a “request_ids” property for request IDs returned from Nova (nova-api). So the caller can get the Nova’s request IDs, then output them to logs with its own request ID. The function to output them to the logs will be implemented in other projects (cinder, heat, etc.).

Nouvelles fonctionnalités

  • Methods in manager classes and resource classes return wrapper classes that wrap values returned originally. For example, a wrapper class for list, a wrapper class for dict, a wrapper class for str and so on. The wrapper classes have a “request_ids” property for request IDs returned from Nova (nova-api). So the caller can get the Nova’s request IDs, then output them to logs with its own request ID. The function to output them to the logs will be implemented in other projects (cinder, heat, etc.).

Notes de mises à jours

  • In case that methods return a response object and body originally and body is None, the methods return the wrapper class for tuple as “body” instead of the wrapper class for None. The wrapper class for None has not been added.


Nouvelles fonctionnalités

  • keystoneauth plugins are now supported.

Notes de mises à jours

  • novaclient now requires the keystoneauth library.

  • Python 2.6 support has been removed from python-novaclient.

Notes dépréciées

  • novaclient auth strategy plugins are deprecated. Please use keystoneauth auth plugins instead.

  • nova credentials is deprecated. Please use openstack token issue

  • nova endpoints is deprecated. Please use openstack catalog list instead.