Pike - Série de Notas de Versão


Novos Recursos

  • Update action for receiver is added. This action is added as row action for each receiver in Receivers table view. Although, this action is only for Angularized receivers panel.

  • Scale-in and Scale-out actions for cluster added. These actions are added as row action for each cluster in Clusters table view. Although, this action is only for Angularized clusters panel.

Notas de Atualização

  • Utilize apenas tox para teste e remova run_tests.sh que não é mais utilizado.

  • Suporta Python 3.5

  • To remove “project/ngdetails/” hard coded in the path of the details view, use “horizon.app.core.detailRoute”.

  • Switch theme for documentation from oslosphinx to openstackdocstheme.