Source code for taskflow.engines.action_engine.scopes
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from taskflow.engines.action_engine import compiler as co
from taskflow.engines.action_engine import traversal as tr
from taskflow import logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ScopeWalker(object):
"""Walks through the scopes of a atom using a engines compilation.
NOTE(harlowja): for internal usage only.
This will walk the visible scopes that are accessible for the given
atom, which can be used by some external entity in some meaningful way,
for example to find dependent values...
def __init__(self, compilation, atom, names_only=False):
self._node = compilation.hierarchy.find(atom)
if self._node is None:
raise ValueError("Unable to find atom '%s' in compilation"
" hierarchy" % atom)
self._level_cache = {}
self._atom = atom
self._execution_graph = compilation.execution_graph
self._names_only = names_only
self._predecessors = None
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterates over the visible scopes.
How this works is the following:
We first grab all the predecessors of the given atom (lets call it
``Y``) by using the :py:class:`~.compiler.Compilation` execution
graph (and doing a reverse breadth-first expansion to gather its
predecessors), this is useful since we know they *always* will
exist (and execute) before this atom but it does not tell us the
corresponding scope *level* (flow, nested flow...) that each
predecessor was created in, so we need to find this information.
For that information we consult the location of the atom ``Y`` in the
:py:class:`~.compiler.Compilation` hierarchy/tree. We lookup in a
reverse order the parent ``X`` of ``Y`` and traverse backwards from
the index in the parent where ``Y`` exists to all siblings (and
children of those siblings) in ``X`` that we encounter in this
backwards search (if a sibling is a flow itself, its atom(s)
will be recursively expanded and included). This collection will
then be assumed to be at the same scope. This is what is called
a *potential* single scope, to make an *actual* scope we remove the
items from the *potential* scope that are **not** predecessors
of ``Y`` to form the *actual* scope which we then yield back.
Then for additional scopes we continue up the tree, by finding the
parent of ``X`` (lets call it ``Z``) and perform the same operation,
going through the children in a reverse manner from the index in
parent ``Z`` where ``X`` was located. This forms another *potential*
scope which we provide back as an *actual* scope after reducing the
potential set to only include predecessors previously gathered. We
then repeat this process until we no longer have any parent
nodes (aka we have reached the top of the tree) or we run out of
graph = self._execution_graph
if self._predecessors is None:
predecessors = set(
node for node in graph.bfs_predecessors_iter(self._atom)
if graph.nodes[node]['kind'] in co.ATOMS)
self._predecessors = predecessors.copy()
predecessors = self._predecessors.copy()
last = self._node
for lvl, parent in enumerate(self._node.path_iter(include_self=False)):
if not predecessors:
last_idx = parent.index(last.item)
visible, removals = self._level_cache[lvl]
predecessors = predecessors - removals
except KeyError:
visible = []
removals = set()
atom_it = tr.depth_first_reverse_iterate(
parent, start_from_idx=last_idx)
for atom in atom_it:
if atom in predecessors:
if not predecessors:
self._level_cache[lvl] = (visible, removals)
if LOG.isEnabledFor(logging.TRACE):
visible_names = [ for a in visible]
LOG.trace("Scope visible to '%s' (limited by parent '%s'"
" index < %s) is: %s", self._atom,, last_idx, visible_names)
if self._names_only:
yield [ for a in visible]
yield visible
last = parent