Source code for identity.admin.v2.test_users

# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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import time

from testtools import matchers

from tempest.api.identity import base
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
from tempest.lib import decorators

CONF = config.CONF

[docs] class UsersTestJSON(base.BaseIdentityV2AdminTest): """Test keystone users via v2 API""" @classmethod def resource_setup(cls): super(UsersTestJSON, cls).resource_setup() cls.alt_user = data_utils.rand_name( name='test_user', prefix=CONF.resource_name_prefix) cls.alt_email = cls.alt_user + ''
[docs] @decorators.attr(type='smoke') @decorators.idempotent_id('2d55a71e-da1d-4b43-9c03-d269fd93d905') def test_create_user(self): """Test creating a user via v2 API""" tenant = self.setup_test_tenant() user = self.create_test_user(name=self.alt_user, tenantId=tenant['id']) self.assertEqual(self.alt_user, user['name'])
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('89d9fdb8-15c2-4304-a429-48715d0af33d') def test_create_user_with_enabled(self): """Test creating a user with enabled : False via v2 API""" tenant = self.setup_test_tenant() name = data_utils.rand_name( name='test_user', prefix=CONF.resource_name_prefix) user = self.create_test_user(name=name, tenantId=tenant['id'], email=self.alt_email, enabled=False) self.assertEqual(name, user['name']) self.assertEqual(False, user['enabled']) self.assertEqual(self.alt_email, user['email'])
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('39d05857-e8a5-4ed4-ba83-0b52d3ab97ee') def test_update_user(self): """Test updating user attributes via v2 API""" tenant = self.setup_test_tenant() user = self.create_test_user(tenantId=tenant['id']) # Updating user details with new values u_name2 = data_utils.rand_name( name='user2', prefix=CONF.resource_name_prefix) u_email2 = u_name2 + '' update_user = self.users_client.update_user(user['id'], name=u_name2, email=u_email2, enabled=False)['user'] self.assertEqual(u_name2, update_user['name']) self.assertEqual(u_email2, update_user['email']) self.assertEqual(False, update_user['enabled']) # GET by id after updating updated_user = self.users_client.show_user(user['id'])['user'] # Assert response body of GET after updating self.assertEqual(u_name2, updated_user['name']) self.assertEqual(u_email2, updated_user['email']) self.assertEqual(False, update_user['enabled'])
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('29ed26f4-a74e-4425-9a85-fdb49fa269d2') def test_delete_user(self): """Test deleting a user via v2 API""" tenant = self.setup_test_tenant() user = self.create_test_user(tenantId=tenant['id']) self.users_client.delete_user(user['id'])
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('aca696c3-d645-4f45-b728-63646045beb1') def test_user_authentication(self): """Test that valid user's token is authenticated via v2 API""" password = data_utils.rand_password() user = self.setup_test_user(password) tenant = self.tenants_client.show_tenant(user['tenantId'])['tenant'] # Get a token self.token_client.auth(user['name'], password, tenant['name']) # Re-auth self.token_client.auth(user['name'], password, tenant['name'])
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('5d1fa498-4c2d-4732-a8fe-2b054598cfdd') def test_authentication_request_without_token(self): """Test authentication request without token via v2 API""" # Request for token authentication with a valid token in header password = data_utils.rand_password() user = self.setup_test_user(password) tenant = self.tenants_client.show_tenant(user['tenantId'])['tenant'] self.token_client.auth(user['name'], password, tenant['name']) # Get the token of the current client token = self.client.auth_provider.get_token() # Delete the token from database self.client.delete_token(token) # Re-auth self.token_client.auth(user['name'], password, tenant['name']) self.client.auth_provider.clear_auth()
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('a149c02e-e5e0-4b89-809e-7e8faf33ccda') def test_get_users(self): """Test getting users via v2 API Get a list of users and find the test user """ user = self.setup_test_user() users = self.users_client.list_users()['users'] self.assertThat([u['name'] for u in users], matchers.Contains(user['name']), "Could not find %s" % user['name'])
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('6e317209-383a-4bed-9f10-075b7c82c79a') def test_list_users_for_tenant(self): """Test returning a list of all users for a tenant via v2 API""" tenant = self.setup_test_tenant() user_ids = list() fetched_user_ids = list() user1 = self.create_test_user(tenantId=tenant['id']) user_ids.append(user1['id']) user2 = self.create_test_user(tenantId=tenant['id']) user_ids.append(user2['id']) # List of users for the respective tenant ID body = (self.tenants_client.list_tenant_users(tenant['id']) ['users']) for i in body: fetched_user_ids.append(i['id']) # verifying the user Id in the list missing_users =\ [user for user in user_ids if user not in fetched_user_ids] self.assertEmpty(missing_users, "Failed to find user %s in fetched list" % ', '.join(m_user for m_user in missing_users))
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('a8b54974-40e1-41c0-b812-50fc90827971') def test_list_users_with_roles_for_tenant(self): """Test listing users on tenant with roles assigned via v2 API""" user = self.setup_test_user() tenant = self.tenants_client.show_tenant(user['tenantId'])['tenant'] role = self.setup_test_role() # Assigning roles to two users user_ids = list() fetched_user_ids = list() user_ids.append(user['id']) role = self.roles_client.create_user_role_on_project( tenant['id'], user['id'], role['id'])['role'] second_user = self.create_test_user(tenantId=tenant['id']) user_ids.append(second_user['id']) role = self.roles_client.create_user_role_on_project( tenant['id'], second_user['id'], role['id'])['role'] # List of users with roles for the respective tenant ID body = (self.tenants_client.list_tenant_users(tenant['id'])['users']) for i in body: fetched_user_ids.append(i['id']) # verifying the user Id in the list missing_users = [missing_user for missing_user in user_ids if missing_user not in fetched_user_ids] self.assertEmpty(missing_users, "Failed to find user %s in fetched list" % ', '.join(m_user for m_user in missing_users))
[docs] @decorators.idempotent_id('1aeb25ac-6ec5-4d8b-97cb-7ac3567a989f') def test_update_user_password(self): """Test updating of user password via v2 API""" user = self.setup_test_user() tenant = self.tenants_client.show_tenant(user['tenantId'])['tenant'] # Updating the user with new password new_pass = data_utils.rand_password() update_user = self.users_client.update_user_password( user['id'], password=new_pass)['user'] self.assertEqual(update_user['id'], user['id']) # NOTE(morganfainberg): Fernet tokens are not subsecond aware and # Keystone should only be precise to the second. Sleep to ensure # we are passing the second boundary. time.sleep(1) # Validate the updated password through getting a token. body = self.token_client.auth(user['name'], new_pass, tenant['name']) self.assertIn('id', body['token'])