Trove integration script - trovestack

trovestack in integration/scripts folder is a shell script that contains lots of useful functionalities via sub-commands including install (trove development environment installation), unit-tests, gate-tests (functional test), build-image, etc. This guide introduces some of them.

Before running trovestack command, go to the scripts folder:

git clone
cd trove/integration/scripts

Build guest agent image


For testing purpose, the Trove guest images of some specific databases are periodically built and published in

The trove guest agent image could be created by running the following command:

$ ./trovestack build-image \
    ${datastore_type} \
    ${guest_os} \
    ${guest_os_release} \
    ${dev_mode} \
    ${guest_username} \
  • Currently, only guest_os=ubuntu and guest_os_release=xenial are fully tested and supported.

  • Default input values:

  • dev_mode=true is mainly for testing purpose for trove developers and it’s necessary to build the image on the trove controller host, because the host and the guest VM need to ssh into each other without password. In this mode, when the trove guest agent code is changed, the image doesn’t need to be rebuilt which is convenient for debugging. Trove guest agent will ssh into the host and download trove code during the service initialization.

  • if dev_mode=false, the trove code for guest agent is injected into the image at the building time. Now dev_mode=false is still in experimental and not considered production ready yet.

  • Some other global variables:

    • HOST_SCP_USERNAME: only used in dev mode, this is the user name used by guest agent to connect to the controller host, e.g. in devstack environment, it should be the stack user.

    • GUEST_WORKING_DIR: The place to save the guest image, default value is $HOME/images.

    • TROVE_BRANCH: only used in dev mode. The branch name of Trove code repository, by default it’s master, use other branches as needed such as stable/train.

For example, in order to build a MySQL image for Ubuntu Xenial operating system in development mode:

$ ./trovestack build-image mysql ubuntu xenial true

Once the image build is finished, the cloud administrator needs to register the image in Glance and register a new datastore or version in Trove using trove-manage command, e.g. you’ve built an image for MySQL 5.7.1:

$ openstack image create ubuntu-mysql-5.7.1-dev \
  --public \
  --disk-format qcow2 \
  --container-format bare \
  --file ~/images/ubuntu-mysql.qcow2
$ trove-manage datastore_version_update mysql 5.7.1 mysql $image_id "" 1