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A :ref:`Strategy <strategy_definition>` is an algorithm implementation which is
able to find a :ref:`Solution <solution_definition>` for a given
:ref:`Goal <goal_definition>`.
There may be several potential strategies which are able to achieve the same
:ref:`Goal <goal_definition>`. This is why it is possible to configure which
specific :ref:`Strategy <strategy_definition>` should be used for each goal.
Some strategies may provide better optimization results but may take more time
to find an optimal :ref:`Solution <solution_definition>`.
import pecan
from pecan import rest
import wsme
from wsme import types as wtypes
import wsmeext.pecan as wsme_pecan
from watcher.api.controllers import base
from watcher.api.controllers import link
from watcher.api.controllers.v1 import collection
from watcher.api.controllers.v1 import types
from watcher.api.controllers.v1 import utils as api_utils
from watcher.common import exception
from watcher.common import policy
from watcher.common import utils as common_utils
from watcher.decision_engine import rpcapi
from watcher import objects
[docs]class Strategy(base.APIBase):
"""API representation of a strategy.
This class enforces type checking and value constraints, and converts
between the internal object model and the API representation of a strategy.
_goal_uuid = None
_goal_name = None
def _get_goal(self, value):
if value == wtypes.Unset:
return None
goal = None
if (common_utils.is_uuid_like(value) or
goal = objects.Goal.get(pecan.request.context, value)
goal = objects.Goal.get_by_name(pecan.request.context, value)
except exception.GoalNotFound:
if goal:
self.goal_id = goal.id
return goal
def _get_goal_uuid(self):
return self._goal_uuid
def _set_goal_uuid(self, value):
if value and self._goal_uuid != value:
self._goal_uuid = None
goal = self._get_goal(value)
if goal:
self._goal_uuid = goal.uuid
def _get_goal_name(self):
return self._goal_name
def _set_goal_name(self, value):
if value and self._goal_name != value:
self._goal_name = None
goal = self._get_goal(value)
if goal:
self._goal_name = goal.name
uuid = types.uuid
"""Unique UUID for this strategy"""
name = wtypes.text
"""Name of the strategy"""
display_name = wtypes.text
"""Localized name of the strategy"""
links = wsme.wsattr([link.Link], readonly=True)
"""A list containing a self link and associated goal links"""
goal_uuid = wsme.wsproperty(wtypes.text, _get_goal_uuid, _set_goal_uuid,
"""The UUID of the goal this audit refers to"""
goal_name = wsme.wsproperty(wtypes.text, _get_goal_name, _set_goal_name,
"""The name of the goal this audit refers to"""
parameters_spec = {wtypes.text: types.jsontype}
"""Parameters spec dict"""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(Strategy, self).__init__()
self.fields = []
setattr(self, 'uuid', kwargs.get('uuid', wtypes.Unset))
setattr(self, 'name', kwargs.get('name', wtypes.Unset))
setattr(self, 'display_name', kwargs.get('display_name', wtypes.Unset))
setattr(self, 'goal_uuid', kwargs.get('goal_id', wtypes.Unset))
setattr(self, 'goal_name', kwargs.get('goal_id', wtypes.Unset))
setattr(self, 'parameters_spec', kwargs.get('parameters_spec',
def _convert_with_links(strategy, url, expand=True):
if not expand:
['uuid', 'name', 'display_name', 'goal_uuid', 'goal_name'])
strategy.links = [
link.Link.make_link('self', url, 'strategies', strategy.uuid),
link.Link.make_link('bookmark', url, 'strategies', strategy.uuid,
return strategy
[docs] @classmethod
def convert_with_links(cls, strategy, expand=True):
strategy = Strategy(**strategy.as_dict())
return cls._convert_with_links(
strategy, pecan.request.host_url, expand)
[docs] @classmethod
def sample(cls, expand=True):
sample = cls(uuid='27e3153e-d5bf-4b7e-b517-fb518e17f34c',
display_name='Dummy strategy')
return cls._convert_with_links(sample, 'http://localhost:9322', expand)
[docs]class StrategyCollection(collection.Collection):
"""API representation of a collection of strategies."""
strategies = [Strategy]
"""A list containing strategies objects"""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(StrategyCollection, self).__init__()
self._type = 'strategies'
[docs] @staticmethod
def convert_with_links(strategies, limit, url=None, expand=False,
strategy_collection = StrategyCollection()
strategy_collection.strategies = [
Strategy.convert_with_links(g, expand) for g in strategies]
if 'sort_key' in kwargs:
reverse = False
if kwargs['sort_key'] == 'strategy':
if 'sort_dir' in kwargs:
reverse = True if kwargs['sort_dir'] == 'desc' else False
strategy_collection.strategies = sorted(
key=lambda strategy: strategy.uuid,
strategy_collection.next = strategy_collection.get_next(
limit, url=url, **kwargs)
return strategy_collection
[docs] @classmethod
def sample(cls):
sample = cls()
sample.strategies = [Strategy.sample(expand=False)]
return sample
[docs]class StrategiesController(rest.RestController):
"""REST controller for Strategies."""
def __init__(self):
super(StrategiesController, self).__init__()
from_strategies = False
"""A flag to indicate if the requests to this controller are coming
from the top-level resource Strategies."""
_custom_actions = {
'detail': ['GET'],
'state': ['GET'],
def _get_strategies_collection(self, filters, marker, limit, sort_key,
sort_dir, expand=False, resource_url=None):
filters, list(objects.strategy.Strategy.fields) +
["goal_uuid", "goal_name"])
limit = api_utils.validate_limit(limit)
sort_db_key = (sort_key if sort_key in objects.Strategy.fields
else None)
marker_obj = None
if marker:
marker_obj = objects.Strategy.get_by_uuid(
pecan.request.context, marker)
strategies = objects.Strategy.list(
pecan.request.context, limit, marker_obj, filters=filters,
sort_key=sort_db_key, sort_dir=sort_dir)
return StrategyCollection.convert_with_links(
strategies, limit, url=resource_url, expand=expand,
sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir)
[docs] @wsme_pecan.wsexpose(StrategyCollection, wtypes.text, wtypes.text,
int, wtypes.text, wtypes.text)
def get_all(self, goal=None, marker=None, limit=None,
sort_key='id', sort_dir='asc'):
"""Retrieve a list of strategies.
:param goal: goal UUID or name to filter by.
:param marker: pagination marker for large data sets.
:param limit: maximum number of resources to return in a single result.
:param sort_key: column to sort results by. Default: id.
:param sort_dir: direction to sort. "asc" or "desc". Default: asc.
context = pecan.request.context
policy.enforce(context, 'strategy:get_all',
filters = {}
if goal:
if common_utils.is_uuid_like(goal):
filters['goal_uuid'] = goal
filters['goal_name'] = goal
return self._get_strategies_collection(
filters, marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir)
[docs] @wsme_pecan.wsexpose(StrategyCollection, wtypes.text, wtypes.text, int,
wtypes.text, wtypes.text)
def detail(self, goal=None, marker=None, limit=None,
sort_key='id', sort_dir='asc'):
"""Retrieve a list of strategies with detail.
:param goal: goal UUID or name to filter by.
:param marker: pagination marker for large data sets.
:param limit: maximum number of resources to return in a single result.
:param sort_key: column to sort results by. Default: id.
:param sort_dir: direction to sort. "asc" or "desc". Default: asc.
context = pecan.request.context
policy.enforce(context, 'strategy:detail',
# NOTE(lucasagomes): /detail should only work agaist collections
parent = pecan.request.path.split('/')[:-1][-1]
if parent != "strategies":
raise exception.HTTPNotFound
expand = True
resource_url = '/'.join(['strategies', 'detail'])
filters = {}
if goal:
if common_utils.is_uuid_like(goal):
filters['goal_uuid'] = goal
filters['goal_name'] = goal
return self._get_strategies_collection(
filters, marker, limit, sort_key, sort_dir, expand, resource_url)
[docs] @wsme_pecan.wsexpose(wtypes.text, wtypes.text)
def state(self, strategy):
"""Retrieve a inforamation about strategy requirements.
:param strategy: name of the strategy.
context = pecan.request.context
policy.enforce(context, 'strategy:state', action='strategy:state')
parents = pecan.request.path.split('/')[:-1]
if parents[-2] != "strategies":
raise exception.HTTPNotFound
rpc_strategy = api_utils.get_resource('Strategy', strategy)
de_client = rpcapi.DecisionEngineAPI()
strategy_state = de_client.get_strategy_info(context,
'type': 'Name', 'state': rpc_strategy.name,
'mandatory': '', 'comment': ''}])
return strategy_state
[docs] @wsme_pecan.wsexpose(Strategy, wtypes.text)
def get_one(self, strategy):
"""Retrieve information about the given strategy.
:param strategy: UUID or name of the strategy.
if self.from_strategies:
raise exception.OperationNotPermitted
context = pecan.request.context
rpc_strategy = api_utils.get_resource('Strategy', strategy)
policy.enforce(context, 'strategy:get', rpc_strategy,
return Strategy.convert_with_links(rpc_strategy)
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