
Source code for watcher.decision_engine.strategy.strategies.workload_stabilization

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2016 Servionica LLC
# Authors: Alexander Chadin <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import copy
import itertools
import math
import random
import re

import oslo_cache
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
import oslo_utils

from watcher._i18n import _
from watcher.common import exception
from watcher.decision_engine.model import element
from watcher.decision_engine.strategy.strategies import base

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

def _set_memoize(conf):
    region = oslo_cache.create_region()
    configured_region = oslo_cache.configure_cache_region(conf, region)
    return oslo_cache.core.get_memoization_decorator(conf,

[docs]class WorkloadStabilization(base.WorkloadStabilizationBaseStrategy): """Workload Stabilization control using live migration This is workload stabilization strategy based on standard deviation algorithm. The goal is to determine if there is an overload in a cluster and respond to it by migrating VMs to stabilize the cluster. This strategy has been tested in a small (32 nodes) cluster. It assumes that live migrations are possible in your cluster. """ MIGRATION = "migrate" MEMOIZE = _set_memoize(CONF) DATASOURCE_METRICS = ['host_cpu_usage', 'instance_cpu_usage', 'instance_ram_usage', 'host_memory_usage'] def __init__(self, config, osc=None): """Workload Stabilization control using live migration :param config: A mapping containing the configuration of this strategy :type config: :py:class:`~.Struct` instance :param osc: :py:class:`~.OpenStackClients` instance """ super(WorkloadStabilization, self).__init__(config, osc) self.weights = None self.metrics = None self.thresholds = None self.host_choice = None self.instance_metrics = None self.retry_count = None self.periods = None self.aggregation_method = None
[docs] @classmethod def get_name(cls): return "workload_stabilization"
[docs] @classmethod def get_display_name(cls): return _("Workload stabilization")
[docs] @classmethod def get_translatable_display_name(cls): return "Workload stabilization"
@property def granularity(self): return self.input_parameters.get('granularity', 300)
[docs] @classmethod def get_schema(cls): return { "properties": { "metrics": { "description": "Metrics used as rates of cluster loads.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string", "enum": ["cpu_util", "memory.resident"] }, "default": ["cpu_util"] }, "thresholds": { "description": "Dict where key is a metric and value " "is a trigger value.", "type": "object", "properties": { "cpu_util": { "type": "number", "minimum": 0, "maximum": 1 }, "memory.resident": { "type": "number", "minimum": 0, "maximum": 1 } }, "default": {"cpu_util": 0.1, "memory.resident": 0.1} }, "weights": { "description": "These weights used to calculate " "common standard deviation. Name of weight" " contains meter name and _weight suffix.", "type": "object", "properties": { "cpu_util_weight": { "type": "number", "minimum": 0, "maximum": 1 }, "memory.resident_weight": { "type": "number", "minimum": 0, "maximum": 1 } }, "default": {"cpu_util_weight": 1.0, "memory.resident_weight": 1.0} }, "instance_metrics": { "description": "Mapping to get hardware statistics using" " instance metrics", "type": "object", "default": {"cpu_util": "compute.node.cpu.percent", "memory.resident": "hardware.memory.used"} }, "host_choice": { "description": "Method of host's choice. There are cycle," " retry and fullsearch methods. " "Cycle will iterate hosts in cycle. " "Retry will get some hosts random " "(count defined in retry_count option). " "Fullsearch will return each host " "from list.", "type": "string", "default": "retry" }, "retry_count": { "description": "Count of random returned hosts", "type": "number", "minimum": 1, "default": 1 }, "periods": { "description": "These periods are used to get statistic " "aggregation for instance and host " "metrics. The period is simply a repeating" " interval of time into which the samples" " are grouped for aggregation. Watcher " "uses only the last period of all received" " ones.", "type": "object", "properties": { "instance": { "type": "integer", "minimum": 0 }, "node": { "type": "integer", "minimum": 0 }, }, "default": {"instance": 720, "node": 600} }, "aggregation_method": { "description": "Function used to aggregate multiple " "measures into an aggregate. For example, " "the min aggregation method will aggregate " "the values of different measures to the " "minimum value of all the measures in the " "time range.", "type": "object", "properties": { "instance": { "type": "string", "default": 'mean' }, "node": { "type": "string", "default": 'mean' }, }, "default": {"instance": 'mean', "node": 'mean'} }, "granularity": { "description": "The time between two measures in an " "aggregated timeseries of a metric.", "type": "number", "minimum": 0, "default": 300 }, } }
[docs] @classmethod def get_config_opts(cls): return [ cfg.ListOpt( "datasources", help="Datasources to use in order to query the needed metrics." " If one of strategy metric isn't available in the first" " datasource, the next datasource will be chosen.", item_type=cfg.types.String(choices=['gnocchi', 'ceilometer', 'monasca']), default=['gnocchi', 'ceilometer', 'monasca']) ]
[docs] def transform_instance_cpu(self, instance_load, host_vcpus): """Transform instance cpu utilization to overall host cpu utilization. :param instance_load: dict that contains instance uuid and utilization info. :param host_vcpus: int :return: float value """ return (instance_load['cpu_util'] * (instance_load['vcpus'] / float(host_vcpus)))
[docs] @MEMOIZE def get_instance_load(self, instance): """Gathering instance load through ceilometer/gnocchi statistic. :param instance: instance for which statistic is gathered. :return: dict """ LOG.debug('Getting load for %s', instance.uuid) instance_load = {'uuid': instance.uuid, 'vcpus': instance.vcpus} for meter in self.metrics: avg_meter = self.datasource_backend.statistic_aggregation( instance.uuid, meter, self.periods['instance'], self.granularity, aggregation=self.aggregation_method['instance']) if avg_meter is None: LOG.warning( "No values returned by %(resource_id)s " "for %(metric_name)s", dict( resource_id=instance.uuid, metric_name=meter)) return if meter == 'cpu_util': avg_meter /= float(100) LOG.debug('Load of %(metric)s for %(instance)s is %(value)s', {'metric': meter, 'instance': instance.uuid, 'value': avg_meter}) instance_load[meter] = avg_meter return instance_load
[docs] def normalize_hosts_load(self, hosts): normalized_hosts = copy.deepcopy(hosts) for host in normalized_hosts: if 'memory.resident' in normalized_hosts[host]: node = self.compute_model.get_node_by_uuid(host) normalized_hosts[host]['memory.resident'] /= float(node.memory) return normalized_hosts
[docs] def get_available_nodes(self): return {node_uuid: node for node_uuid, node in self.compute_model.get_all_compute_nodes().items() if node.state == element.ServiceState.ONLINE.value and node.status == element.ServiceState.ENABLED.value}
[docs] def get_hosts_load(self): """Get load of every available host by gathering instances load""" hosts_load = {} for node_id, node in self.get_available_nodes().items(): hosts_load[node_id] = {} hosts_load[node_id]['vcpus'] = node.vcpus LOG.debug('Getting load for %s', node_id) for metric in self.metrics: resource_id = '' avg_meter = None meter_name = self.instance_metrics[metric] if re.match('^compute.node', meter_name) is not None: resource_id = "%s_%s" % (node.uuid, node.hostname) else: resource_id = node_id avg_meter = self.datasource_backend.statistic_aggregation( resource_id, self.instance_metrics[metric], self.periods['node'], self.granularity, aggregation=self.aggregation_method['node']) if avg_meter is None: LOG.warning('No values returned by node %s for %s', node_id, meter_name) del hosts_load[node_id] break else: if meter_name == 'hardware.memory.used': avg_meter /= oslo_utils.units.Ki if meter_name == 'compute.node.cpu.percent': avg_meter /= 100 LOG.debug('Load of %(metric)s for %(node)s is %(value)s', {'metric': metric, 'node': node_id, 'value': avg_meter}) hosts_load[node_id][metric] = avg_meter return hosts_load
[docs] def get_sd(self, hosts, meter_name): """Get standard deviation among hosts by specified meter""" mean = 0 variaton = 0 for host_id in hosts: mean += hosts[host_id][meter_name] mean /= len(hosts) for host_id in hosts: variaton += (hosts[host_id][meter_name] - mean) ** 2 variaton /= len(hosts) sd = math.sqrt(variaton) return sd
[docs] def calculate_weighted_sd(self, sd_case): """Calculate common standard deviation among meters on host""" weighted_sd = 0 for metric, value in zip(self.metrics, sd_case): try: weighted_sd += value * float(self.weights[metric + '_weight']) except KeyError as exc: LOG.exception(exc) raise exception.WatcherException( _("Incorrect mapping: could not find associated weight" " for %s in weight dict.") % metric) return weighted_sd
[docs] def calculate_migration_case(self, hosts, instance, src_node, dst_node): """Calculate migration case Return list of standard deviation values, that appearing in case of migration of instance from source host to destination host :param hosts: hosts with their workload :param instance: the virtual machine :param src_node: the source node :param dst_node: the destination node :return: list of standard deviation values """ migration_case = [] new_hosts = copy.deepcopy(hosts) instance_load = self.get_instance_load(instance) if not instance_load: return s_host_vcpus = new_hosts[src_node.uuid]['vcpus'] d_host_vcpus = new_hosts[dst_node.uuid]['vcpus'] for metric in self.metrics: if metric == 'cpu_util': new_hosts[src_node.uuid][metric] -= ( self.transform_instance_cpu(instance_load, s_host_vcpus)) new_hosts[dst_node.uuid][metric] += ( self.transform_instance_cpu(instance_load, d_host_vcpus)) else: new_hosts[src_node.uuid][metric] -= instance_load[metric] new_hosts[dst_node.uuid][metric] += instance_load[metric] normalized_hosts = self.normalize_hosts_load(new_hosts) for metric in self.metrics: migration_case.append(self.get_sd(normalized_hosts, metric)) migration_case.append(new_hosts) return migration_case
[docs] def get_current_weighted_sd(self, hosts_load): """Calculate current weighted sd""" current_sd = [] normalized_load = self.normalize_hosts_load(hosts_load) for metric in self.metrics: metric_sd = self.get_sd(normalized_load, metric) current_sd.append(metric_sd) current_sd.append(hosts_load) return self.calculate_weighted_sd(current_sd[:-1])
[docs] def simulate_migrations(self, hosts): """Make sorted list of pairs instance:dst_host""" def yield_nodes(nodes): if self.host_choice == 'cycle': for i in itertools.cycle(nodes): yield [i] if self.host_choice == 'retry': while True: yield random.sample(nodes, self.retry_count) if self.host_choice == 'fullsearch': while True: yield nodes instance_host_map = [] nodes = sorted(list(self.get_available_nodes())) current_weighted_sd = self.get_current_weighted_sd(hosts) for src_host in nodes: src_node = self.compute_model.get_node_by_uuid(src_host) c_nodes = copy.copy(nodes) c_nodes.remove(src_host) node_list = yield_nodes(c_nodes) for instance in self.compute_model.get_node_instances(src_node): # NOTE: skip exclude instance when migrating if instance.watcher_exclude: LOG.debug("Instance is excluded by scope, " "skipped: %s", instance.uuid) continue if instance.state not in [element.InstanceState.ACTIVE.value, element.InstanceState.PAUSED.value]: continue min_sd_case = {'value': current_weighted_sd} for dst_host in next(node_list): dst_node = self.compute_model.get_node_by_uuid(dst_host) sd_case = self.calculate_migration_case( hosts, instance, src_node, dst_node) if sd_case is None: break weighted_sd = self.calculate_weighted_sd(sd_case[:-1]) if weighted_sd < min_sd_case['value']: min_sd_case = { 'host': dst_node.uuid, 'value': weighted_sd, 's_host': src_node.uuid, 'instance': instance.uuid} instance_host_map.append(min_sd_case) if sd_case is None: continue return sorted(instance_host_map, key=lambda x: x['value'])
[docs] def check_threshold(self): """Check if cluster is needed in balancing""" hosts_load = self.get_hosts_load() normalized_load = self.normalize_hosts_load(hosts_load) for metric in self.metrics: metric_sd = self.get_sd(normalized_load, metric)"Standard deviation for %(metric)s is %(sd)s.", {'metric': metric, 'sd': metric_sd}) if metric_sd > float(self.thresholds[metric]):"Standard deviation of %(metric)s exceeds" " appropriate threshold %(threshold)s by %(sd)s.", {'metric': metric, 'threshold': float(self.thresholds[metric]), 'sd': metric_sd})"Launching workload optimization...") return self.simulate_migrations(hosts_load)
[docs] def add_migration(self, resource_id, migration_type, source_node, destination_node): parameters = {'migration_type': migration_type, 'source_node': source_node, 'destination_node': destination_node} self.solution.add_action(action_type=self.MIGRATION, resource_id=resource_id, input_parameters=parameters)
[docs] def create_migration_instance(self, mig_instance, mig_source_node, mig_destination_node): """Create migration VM""" if self.compute_model.migrate_instance( mig_instance, mig_source_node, mig_destination_node): self.add_migration(mig_instance.uuid, 'live', mig_source_node.uuid, mig_destination_node.uuid)
[docs] def migrate(self, instance_uuid, src_host, dst_host): mig_instance = self.compute_model.get_instance_by_uuid(instance_uuid) mig_source_node = self.compute_model.get_node_by_uuid( src_host) mig_destination_node = self.compute_model.get_node_by_uuid( dst_host) self.create_migration_instance(mig_instance, mig_source_node, mig_destination_node)
[docs] def fill_solution(self): self.solution.model = self.compute_model return self.solution
[docs] def pre_execute(self):"Initializing Workload Stabilization") if not self.compute_model: raise exception.ClusterStateNotDefined() if self.compute_model.stale: raise exception.ClusterStateStale() self.weights = self.input_parameters.weights self.metrics = self.input_parameters.metrics self.thresholds = self.input_parameters.thresholds self.host_choice = self.input_parameters.host_choice self.instance_metrics = self.input_parameters.instance_metrics self.retry_count = self.input_parameters.retry_count self.periods = self.input_parameters.periods self.aggregation_method = self.input_parameters.aggregation_method
[docs] def do_execute(self): migration = self.check_threshold() if migration: hosts_load = self.get_hosts_load() min_sd = 1 balanced = False for instance_host in migration: instance = self.compute_model.get_instance_by_uuid( instance_host['instance']) src_node = self.compute_model.get_node_by_uuid( instance_host['s_host']) dst_node = self.compute_model.get_node_by_uuid( instance_host['host']) if instance.disk > dst_node.disk: continue instance_load = self.calculate_migration_case( hosts_load, instance, src_node, dst_node) weighted_sd = self.calculate_weighted_sd(instance_load[:-1]) if weighted_sd < min_sd: min_sd = weighted_sd hosts_load = instance_load[-1]"Migration of %(instance_uuid)s from %(s_host)s " "to %(host)s reduces standard deviation to " "%(min_sd)s.", {'instance_uuid': instance_host['instance'], 's_host': instance_host['s_host'], 'host': instance_host['host'], 'min_sd': min_sd}) self.migrate(instance_host['instance'], instance_host['s_host'], instance_host['host']) for metric, value in zip(self.metrics, instance_load[:-1]): if value < float(self.thresholds[metric]):"At least one of metrics' values fell " "below the threshold values. " "Workload Stabilization has successfully " "completed optimization process.") balanced = True break if balanced: break
[docs] def post_execute(self): """Post-execution phase This can be used to compute the global efficacy """ self.fill_solution() LOG.debug(self.compute_model.to_string())
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